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I don't think this game works very well with a laptop. I was not able to move and attack at the same time. I know there are games like this. I'm impressed at the high number of songs that were used in this. Looks like your second one did a lot better. The graphics were okay, I guess.

I didn't like how it was pretty difficult from how I played it. This aerial shot is fine, though. Killing again and again is a nice idea too. It seems a bit too complicated for its rather simple premise. I would not recommend this.

Not to sound whiney, but I really did find this a bit too difficult. I guess it is a fairly original idea when you think about it. What I didn't like was how the blocks could only go from down to up. It seemed less than "Tetris". I know I want originality, but that made it less enjoyable. It still isn't hard to figure out, at least.

There could also be some more detail. It was interesting to have different levels of difficulty. I really need to start from the easiest. I'm glad the Enter key can speed everything up. While hard for me, it did go a bit slowly.

I found this to be a pretty standard game. With that being said, I still enjoyed it. There's nothing too bad about it. It just seems like something I've looked at many times before. It's nice to see all these bright colors. I couldn't help but wonder how it would turn out.

As I lost on the first level, it was hard to determine. I was wondering if some parts of the game were meant to be easier than others. I imagine it is probably random. The music was fairly good. I like how the balls just move around when you launch them at a certain angle.

I thought this game was a bit too cutesy. I wasn't all that impressed with it. I thought that I would be at least playing against the computer. There must be some mode where you can do that. I suppose the drawings weren't bad. I guess it is kind of original.

It's kind of creepy how they're just heads. I guess there are other things like that. There wasn't anything too interesting about this. It's hard to recommend. I guess with something mediocre, it could be worse.

I am sorry, but I could really not get into this. I think the hardest part was how it had airborne enemies. It's very hard to get a good shot. I think the second click activates it, but it didn't do me much good. I guess it challenged me in that sense. The sound effects weren't too good either.

I guess more patient people would enjoy this. I suppose it is a fairly original idea. I'm reminded of a game by Dan Paladin with a similar name that was more enjoyable. It just wasn't for me. It's become at least a little popular here.

I had this confused with another - Rebound - game on this website. I didn't know you were allowed to have two different games with the same title? I thought this was pretty good, though. You really do have to just let it go out and see how it works out. Aww, not that "Frozen" song. The music was pretty good.

I appreciate how it's all set up. It really is different than most stuff. Unfortunately, it's still a little hard to understand. This still ranks above average. I don't even know what this little hairy guy even is.

I found this to just be a mediocre game. I would think I'd like something that won Daily 2nd place more. The graphics did not seem too good in this. At least I was able to pause and build more towers. You should have had sound effects. There was in fact music here.

I guess defense games are something I am in fact a fan of. This didn't come off as too special. The name is a bit too generic as well. The music isn't bad. I guess it's pretty easy to understand.

YES!!! NEVER in my entire life have I worked harder on a game than this one. It took me two and a half hours to beat this stupid thing and I've finally done it! I was just amazed at how hard the first boss was. You really did have to predict every single move he could make. I couldn't even touch the final one, not that I really even care. The graphics were fantastic and I loved the wide variety of enemies.

I just HAD to get a medal in this. I've written more game reviews than anyone online! I just have to say I love this because of how hooked I got to it. I imagine beating the final boss unlocks the other modes. I had no idea what kind of crazy thing would show up next! I had a hell of a time playing this and I got my medal!

Morbidware responds:

Hi, thank you so much and congratulations on killing Yog!

I think something went wrong with this, but I still found this to be a really cool game! My favorite part is how everything just shrieks out in pain when you destroy it. I know that sounds kind of morbid, but who cares? I guess the graphics could have been better, but it was still good. I guess giant squid were in medieval times.

Wait, they're real. This really was a pretty creative game. While not a masterpiece, it seemed like you tried something different. I always like that. The music is good too.

I could not get into this much. The drawings just seemed so bad. I could not understand why it was so simplistic. I think the best thing is how it's at least easy to understand. It's still nothing to really remember. I guess the sounds are okay.

It's not too difficult either. I think you should be allowed to move around more. You just always move around in the same areas. I admit it was cool to see an older TV like that. I used to have one of those.

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