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I did in fact like this game. I really do like these kinds of time travel games. I can understand why people like that in fiction. You were really able to create your own gameplay with this. Needless to say, it eventually reached a part where I could not continue. Then again, I think most games are like that.

I thought the sounds were quite good. I had no idea there was a finite number of times I could time travel. I guess most of those guys are going to lose anyway. The name is pretty cool too. I guess the other versions will be better.

At first, I thought it might be too easy. It was truly anything but. It was fun to be able to shoot the actual ammo that was coming towards you. Without that, the game would have been unbeatable. It is a bit unique for a defense game. I still would most likely not recommend it. It could have more detail.

I guess it isn't that bad when it's easy to understand. That's kind of a double edged sword. While I like things that are easier to understand, that also shows that there's not too much effort put into it. The sounds weren't bad. Yes, I was reminded of 911.

This was yet another game hurt by the fact that there was no music or sounds. I knew it wasn't something with my laptop. The best part about it was probably how it was so simple. Of course, it was also a lot more complicated than you would imagine. I liked how it was spelled differently. It wasn't too much fun not knowing the exact shape I needed.

I still appreciate how it was a bit different. I guess there could have been more detail. I noticed this was one letter away from a swear word. I kind of doubt that was intentional. I guess it just comes off as bland in too many areas.

I guess there was nothing that bad about this game. That also means there was nothing too good about it. I think it seemed way too short at first. I mean, the intervals when the lasers stopped was too short of a time. It was kind of like it was rigged. It was kind of interesting when it was fairly difficult.

It's still not something I would recommend. There were not sounds in this. That's something you should always have in a game. I don't think I would give a 5 star rating to any game that had no sounds at all. I guess it's overall harmless.

I think there could have been some more sounds in this. There was just music and not much else. I was never really a fan of these pet games. Geez, I didn't know you had to whip your horse so many times. I still DON'T want to become like PETA. The music wasn't bad.

I couldn't understand the point of a lot of it. It just seemed like it was the same racetrack over and over. I never got to see my horse eat or anything. I guess the graphics weren't bad. Again, there was nothing that good about it.

Well, I have reached a point where I can not advance. It was pretty fun while it lasted. I didn't understand what it was all about. I do like the notion of cats dreaming. This is his dream, right? I found the graphics to be pretty good.

While I couldn't get that far, it was good from what I was able to do. I like how you can save the game like that. Of course, that's an indicator it's going to take awhile before you can get that medal. The music was really soothing. In case you're wondering, I'm typing this review in a hotel in front of ocean waves.

Raiyumi responds:

Thanks. And lucky you! I'd like to go out traveling sometime. :)

I didn't find this game to be that fun. It reminded me of games where you put pizzas together for people. They were more fun. While it was a bit unique, it wasn't anything that good. I couldn't understand how people were exploding. I guess the exploding was cool.

The sounds and drawings were fairly good. It just doesn't add up to much. At least it was clear to understand the instructions. Kebab is just a funny word. I only know of the shish kind.

My computer for some reason could not process this game. I tried putting it in lower resolution, but that did not work either. It just seemed too difficult to really care about. I refreshed the page and that did not do anything either. I'm thinking it's just an old game? I admit that the design is pretty good.

It is fairly unique, but then again, I'm not that good at puzzle games. The music was fairly decent. It was weird to really understand it. I didn't know a game this far back had medals! I think this is the oldest one (next to Domo-Kun's Angry Smashfest!) that I've come across.

This game was actually pretty well put out, but what I didn't like about it was that I'm no good at it. After awhile, I simply gave up and only attacked with bombs that landed on my side. I mean, I was literally not able to get a single hit in before that. I'm glad I found something that worked. I was still beaten easily.

I really do like the music in this. I think the drawings are fairly good. I guess the gameplay could be better. I still don't know the difference between the differently colored bombs. I didn't notice any difference.

I did in fact enjoy this. What I did not like was that it got a bit repetitive. It was basically just me shooting the same enemies over and over. I prefer the "Thing-Thing" series. It's good to know you came back with that stuff. I did, however, like when I could just go across and shoot them all at once.

That was true fun. It helps that the graphics are quite nice. You really do get a good use of space with how little everything is. I think the music was nice too. It was fun hearing all those guys get hit over and over.

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