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Mostly enjoyable

This was a fairly interesting game to play because the gameplay was quite abstract. While the artwork wasn't that good, it was still entertaining to see this guy just fly around everywhere. The music and graphics remind you of classic old games. Granted, I don't think I've ever even played old games like that, just ones similar to it here on this website. The best thing is how the lasers go from one side of the screen to another.

I am glad you do not have to collect the ship parts for every level. I was a bit confused when I had done that and still hadn't completed the first level. It's great how you have good mobility and control over yourself. It could probably use some better coloring effects, because it looks a tad sloppy. It's still worth checking out.

LilDwarf responds:

Thanks for the review!

Not bad at all

This was interesting because it had a very simple premise you just did over and over. Probably the thing I didn't like was how it was so freaking hard to get any of the medals! There's only four of them and all of them are at least 50 points! Well, I guess it will make it a lot more rewarding when I finally get them. This was interesting because the graphics were simple. Then again, they might have also been too simple as they could have used some better design.

I especially like the mobility you have in this game. I like how the little coins just seem to sparkle and twirl around before you collect them. Everything is rather tiny so it gives you a rather good amount of room. The sound effects seem quite retro of arcade games. It's a pretty cool name too, as it reminds me of Galactus.

Quite different

This is one of the more non-sequitor games you have ever made. It's weird how you don't have any place to go except the same place. The artwork reminds me of the stuff by the makers of DestructoBox. I guess everyone just looks really blocky in this. It's still a fun game because you get to do the same joyous thing over and over. I don't even know if you can ever win this game, or if there's anything I'm missing.

The sound and music effects are nice and authentic as well. I would just love to see a bigger version of this, with you know, detail like a Mario game. I love how this guy just flops and plops around everywhere. A lot of animators seem to be doing that and it's an effect that's really funny. I wish that I could shoot some of the humans around.

It never ends!

I can't believe it's the end of September and people are already making Halloween flashes! Well, games I mean. What's interesting about this is that you get a better sense of being out in the open than any other game. The worst part is that it's probably the most confusing in the series. It tells me that I can switch between weapons but I tried doing that and nothing seems to happen! I like how the zombie parts just flop around when you hit them.

Heck, the body parts of the main character flop around a lot. I sometimes think that I can go into houses, but I'm actually just jumping high. I thought the red bar in the beginning was how far you were in terms of distance. It's actually a rage meter that tells you how long you have until the next level. It's certainly a unique entry in the series.

This is WILD!

This is easily the best game I have played all day! The weird thing is that I really have no idea how to defeat that giant guy at the end! I swear that I hit him over SEVEN HUNDRED TIMES and he wouldn't die!! I'm just glad that I was at least able to get so many hits in. Everything is incredibly well detailed in this, with every victim being so colorful. It's just great to see these guys smashing each other to pieces and I kill more civilians than I do enemies!

You can just go on forever with this game pressing the "X" button over and over to kill everything in sight. In fact, that's basically all that I did while playing this! It's also great to see those funny kung-fu sounds you make whenever you attack! The music is flawless and gives off a great sense of adventure and destruction! I have little idea how long this goes on, but it's awesome! You have made one of the best games ever!

Very cool game!

What makes this game interesting is this good the graphics are. There might not be that much detail, but there are definitley a lot of crazy obstacles in your way. I think the craziest would have to be those floating spike things. There aren't many enemies that you can technically kill. The main rule in this game is pretty much to not touch anything at all that's dangerous. The music was great and it gave off a really good punk rock feeling.

It might be a little too loud, but still enjoyable to listen to. It could have been a bit more detailed, but it's still a very nicely done game. The best power is easily the super jump, because you get to cover so much air with it. It's interesting how every single block with a different design has a specific way of screwing you over. It's a great adventure from start to finish.

Usually good

This was a good game, but its main problem was that it was rather incomprehensible. You have to touch the branch on the other half to get over the man (or should I say bunny) eating plant. It's amazing how I didn't figure that out at first. The music is great and it's interesting to see this world you created for yourself. It is weird how this game just seems to go on forever. The darkness makes it a little hard to see, too.

Of course, its dark appeal is what the game is supposed to be like. The graphics are certainly decent and it gives you a good sense of adventure. There are interesting things to see even though they make no sense to me. I somehow got a medal with 0 points. If you're a fan of surreal games, then check this out!

NightDead responds:

Thank you very much for the comments and suggestions.

Sorry about the medal, "The past always come back" ... is a medal test and was supposed to be secret, not even a real medal so it is not supposed to be discovered, HOWEVER I congratulate you find it.


*sorry for my bad english

555 before me!

This was a good game, but it could use work in some areas. The music was fantastic, especially the "Sonic Boom" stuff which simply never gets old. It also seemed to be pretty authentic to the Sonic games. I do wish that there could have been more control over your character. The menu is a bit difficult to understand, but still good. The obstacles seemed to be just like stuff you would encounter in "Sonic The Hedgehog" games.

The sprite work is well detailed, particularly with how the backgrounds are all unique. It can get confusing when using the arrow keys to control the cannon. When I saw the title, I seriously didn't think it was going to be taken literally! Well, I guess it depends on how you define "literally" in that sense. I also like how everything is presented in a fairly clearcut manner.

The good and the bad

The good - The graphics aren't that bad and it does seem like you're putting a lot of space. The designs of the enemies are pretty creative. It's often a good idea to have a mute button for things. You can learn through training the right way to aim those blasters because they're not straight (more on that later). Congradulations on getting such a high score with something with few views.

The bad - You do need to work with shading because some of the colors look a tad off. It looks a bit dated given modern Flash standards. The controls seemed to not work that well because I couldn't tell half the time where my blasts were going to go. There could be more detail in the background too.

She's a ninja!

This didn't seem that interesting at first because it was just you getting rejected over and over. It got a lot more interesting when we got to the parts where you beat people up. At least it's more ethical than a lot of other games where you beat people up. The sound effects are good too. There's nothing more satisfying than getting medals than getting medals without even trying. You could have maybe done a bit better with the pixellation.

Another problem is that it does get pretty repetitive after awhile. It's still funny to see your character in the funny ninja costume. It's also fun to literally knock some sense into morons for not being safe! It's rare that a vigilante works like this. I like how you have a lot of mobility and your opponents don't die or at least I hope they don't.

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