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One of yoru best!

This is a great game, but the weirdest thing is that I get medals even though they don't show up on the author's comments. The music is great and it creates a wonderful atmosphere. I especially like the notion that this little kid is so pathetic. I didn't know the Biblical story of Isaac took place in modern times. Of course, I'm looking too deep into something that should just be pure fun. I got used to the controls pretty easily. I just love how this character has so much mobility to go everywhere.

Everytime you die, you seem to get a different set of levels to go to. It's great how everything is truly unpredictable. I have played a lot of your games before, but none that I was willing to give a 10/10 to! Call me a fan of yours from now on. The enemies are designed wonderfully as well, especially the boss that keeps turning into tinier versions of itself. Even the way the medals flash on screen is cool!

Holds up fine

I guess my main beef with this game is that it is in fact pretty hard to use the controls. I just wish they were customizable. I still had fun with this because it gives you a good sense of going out and exploring your world. Everything is rather straightfoward in this game, just kill everything in sight. My favorite weapon is easily the laser and not just because it's the most effective I've had so far. It's because it's also the coolest looking.

There could have been some background music but it was still pretty good with the sounds. I also like how the grenades plop around before killing an opponent. The guys who shoot with their miniguns are easily the most obnoxious. It's nice how a game keeps its style like this. There could have been more detail, but still a nice play.

Quite a unique game!

What's the most interesting is that I can really beat some levels just by sheer luck. It's still fun to go around and just spray everywhere you can. Either I have more paint than I think I do, or I'm just good at saving it. I also love the music, which gives you the sense of being in a strange land. It's always interesting to find unique ways of exploring your environment. While there wasn't much in terms of graphics, what was there was well animated.

It's amazing never knowing what you're getting yourself into. I don't even know what is supposed to mark the point that I would finish a level! My mom paints for fun, and I think this really was made for someone who paints. It's about how we tell our own story by taking note of our environment. It should please any art fan.

Not bad again

There have been too many games of this kind to remember, but they are still not old. It's interesting to see such good graphics and designs. It's hard to find that many games that are that original given the sheer number of times they have done. It seems like you are off to a good start in becoming popular. The sound effects are nice and I especially like the sound it makes when you switch everything around. It could have been more detailed, but still good.

This has a bit of a weird name, like it is trying to sound like "Starcraft". The atmosphere was obviously more medievial. Whatever the intention was, it's a pretty good game to just spend some time with. There's a good sense you were trying to create just a fun little game with this. I have high hopes it will pass judgement.

It looks familiar

Yep, "Mon" is certainly something that deserves its own trope. I can't call this a ripoff of Digimon (much less Pokemon) because it's a generic idea too many people have thought of before. It's interesting to see how you create your own world. I always admire a wide variety of songs to. The training was pretty fun and the graphics are awesome! It seems like you might be working for Nitrome because the style is similar.

The pacing is nicely done with how you get the first trainings for free. It's also sweet how this just has a pretty fun-loving atmosphere to it. It's just great to be able to explore the aspects of this world you have created for the players. I bet this will get medal points. In fact, I also bet it will win Daily Feature given its current score!

Nice and basic

This game was enjoyable because it didn't attempt to be anything more than it should have been. The funny thing is that I kept clicking because I thought I had to when I went into battle. It is quite a time saver when you don't have to engage in turns when fighting your enemies. The graphics in this were really good. I also think it's very convienient how you have that map that shows you where you've been and where you're going. It's a little hard to understand, but still great overall.

It's nice to know that when you select an enemy, all the fighting is done for you. It's interesting to hear those well done sounds when you are fighting. The music is rather appropriate for an RPG like this. It's confusing when you select your character at the beginning, because everything is just flying around so much! It did not win any awards, but still got the views it deserved.


This didn't seem at all to be the birth of anyone. I guess the one saving grace was that it was kind of interesting to see that bed all laid out like that. Still, that doesn't take away from the fact that there is so little of anything in this. I don't think this was a game, so I don't know why it was assigned to be that. Hey, you stole your initials from the Star Syndicate! Well, I guess the Star Syndicate don't even use the "SS" initials much.

I don't even know what a socom is, but it looked like just an ordinary block of cheese. I also have no idea what the gun means or where it comes from. It looks like there was some red thing on the mattress too. You should work on having some action in this, because I don't even think there was any action at all. I wouldn't want to be born with a gun.

Has a nice atmosphere

I thought this was a kind of mediocre game. The good parts about it was that it was a bit hard to focus on the gun correctly. I could not even understand the exact place where I should be hitting those zombies. I think it's around the head for one shot kills. I recommend you putting some better design up for the zombies, because they don't seem to move that fluidly. The colors for the most part are good, but some of them seem a bit too flashy.

I find it funny how my partner keeps getting hurt all the time while I'm just fine. The atmosphere created is pretty good, especially with the music. The designs for the main characters aren't bad. I think another weakness was that you should have put in more room for the characters to go around. I guess I'm just not used to zombie shooting games where you don't go and explore.

One of the best out there!

This was one sweet game because the graphics were so fantastic! The main character reminded me a lot of Cloud Strife. I don't know what Cloud would be doing out here in the mines killing blob monsters. Now that I think about it, those blob monsters remind me of the ones from "Epic Battle Fantasy". It's amazing how much creativity was put into this. I know I got like seven medals but only two of them show up now.

It's simply great to hear all these little sound effects. I especially like how there are these cute little sounds that appear whenever you jump. Well, I guess sounds don't "appear" per se. I especially love the weapon where you continually fire. Those bosses can be difficult, especially when they have a total of three stages with increasing difficulty. It's still tons of fun and extremely addictive.

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