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How colorful

MiniClip is great for giving us some truly unique games. This was great because of how well it was paced. Everything went pretty fast so you had to really be on your toes to understand how to successfully beat everything. The graphics are playful, but still very nicely done. I like how this rabbit has so much power with how he almost flies when he jumps. The title made me think it was about a land of chocolate.

While it wasn't one, it was great. What's really noteworthy is how original everything is. It's the first time that bombs were used as something to collect, that's usually something that blows you up! I underestimate my own power because I often jump higher than I intend to. The music is great and gives off a good sense of flashiness.

A really fun game!

Hey, this was actually made before "Finding Nemo" was released! Anyway, this is a great game because it has such a great use of bright colors. I think my favorite level is the second where you have to run away from the green piranha. I enjoy it so much because he is pretty fast, but I am just that faster! I like the effects used, particularly with how Nemo is absorbed into the next level. The colors are so shiny and everything is presented in a clear manner.

It's one of those games that gets the difficulty right. I'm surprised it was hard for me to get that ahead on the first level because I overlooked some stuff. If you want to start it all over, just have one of the blue balls (!) kill you. Even the way that stuff blows you up is cool! The music is also stylistic and gives off a nice technological sense.

How interesting

It's always great to see games from older times that hold up to today! This is tons of fun simply because of how fast paced it is. There are all these things going on and all these balloons and everything else. The only thing I did not like was how it was weird how it kept saying I only had 2 or 3, when I'm sure I had more. This is a great game to get yourself all pumped up for, because you have to keep on playing it! Just clicking the mouse button works well too.

The artwork is great with how it depicts the arms and legs just flying everywhere. It's coolest on the menu when you change clothing for some reason. The colors are nice and clear and it's funny to see those little powerups show up. I was never good at hackey sack in real life. This reminds me of how my brother is a fan of it.

Odd for a zombie game

I love zombie stuff and I guess I have simply just played too many games where you just shot up everything, because this seemed awkward. It was like SimCity. I could not even find any zombies that were lurking around for anyone to kill. I still of course have to give you credit for creating a nice environment. By that of course, I mean that the detail is very well done and everything has a lot of depth to it. The characters/players are rendered very well too.

The music is decent and it does give off a sense of being in a desolate place. Of course, it's not that desolate as most of the buildings are well intact. It's the kind of game that you can relax with. I never thought I would say that about a zombie game, but it is fairly unique. The winners today had some of the highest scores all around that I've ever seen!

That was random

This was a rather odd game because I didn't understand what was going on. I thought the instructions said to press the space button for a long time, but it didn't seem to work. I then had to just press the space button numerous times. From there, I was still lost, because this games just moves so fast. Of course, I still have to give you credit for creating an extremely fast paced game! The graphics are fantastic, particularly with how the guy jumps around while dying from being burnt alive.

The guy's scream is also hilarious because he's so helpless. I would recommend this to people who have a lot more time to sit down and play with this. I thought the game's object was going to be to start a fire, given the title. The music is arranged pretty well too. This is one hectic game and recommended to those who like hectic games!

Quite an original idea!

I like this game because it seems to really create a world for itself. I was on the fourth level I think and am not able to advance to the next screen for some reason. It's a lot more complicated than you make it out to be at first. I like how you have a lot of control over what you can do with your guy making him freeze everywhere. The music is also nice and gives off a good sense of tension. You really know how to pace yourself with this.

It's great to see how well the stick figure just moves along. You have to give credit for something good that fits into three different game genres! It's probably more of a puzzle game than anything else. You have to be pretty fancy with the right order you put the screens in and how. It's one of the few games I've played that even had multiple screens.

Good as most other games like it

It's interesting to see the different designs of levels you put in. It's not something to be taken that lightly, as it can overtake you. I don't quite understand the title, because most of the time it's not about kicking. I have played many games like this, but this is still enjoyable because you put personality in the shapes. They seem to be giggling and chuckling so much all the time. This makes it more satisfying when you throw them off the screen.

There could have been some better graphics used. The shapes all seemed to be a solid color and there didn't seem to be a lot of shadings. It was still nice how you put in a pretty good background. You'd have no idea how many different ways you can slice up a block of wood, or whatever those things are. It's a fairly fun game.

Not bad

Well, here's the only non Happy Tree Friends submission released to this website under the MondoMiniShows name. It's interesting to see how different it is in style. Of course, I know that these are not all made by the same guy. It's funny just to see a screaming bag of poo run around. I don't understand how poo is so flammable when I heard it's mostly water. Well, maybe it's a kind that's just really dried out.

It has no point, as you can just keep on stomping until you smash the bag of poo. I am glad to have reviewed this in October. I like how there's candied corn in the bag of poo when it explodes. It would just be gauche to show actual regular corn in the poo. That makes me wonder, does candy corn show up in poo too?

Nicely detailed game!

I was really impressed with this because the graphics/effects really hold up to today. It really helps that you can just so easily beat people up. The designs are somewhat strange, with how the characters don't even seem to have faces. It's still good because when you press the space button you can basically win any random way you press it! Of course, that also makes it hard when your opponent seems to have the same strengths. I like how the background has a different design.

It seems like you really went out of your way to create a unique world of your own. I can understand how some people might not even understand this. If you get used to the gameplay, you should have fun with it. It's weird to see my name show up in the story's dialogue. Gee, it must have been awhile since I've seen that.

Very interesting!

I'm not a fan of card games, and even now I still don't fully know how to play even this game. What I have to give you credit for is creating such an interesting game to work with. There are so many aspects of this game, you find a new one every time you play! I really like the character designs. It reminds me of "Yu-Gi-Oh!", simply because it's the most popular game in this genre I have heard of. It's great how the effects just seem to jump at you on the screen.

It's also nice to see how the designs are quite different. It's amazing how each card manages to have a specific design, as well as function. While I'm not a fan of card games like this, I have admired all the effort put into their designs. It's cool how it takes place on some strange astral plane. I'm not even sure what "astral" means, but have heard it used before.

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