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One of the best!

I have NO idea why this managed to get through without winning a single award! This is great because the action and thrills are completely nonstop! I don't even know where I'm going but all I know is that this is fantastic! There are just so many ramps to go over and get all these points and spin around over and over. It's amazing you managed to make a game that goes with so many songs! The graphics are absolutely flawless.

At least you managed to get in a really good number of views. I was having so much fun with this it was like it took me into another world. I was transported to this wild "Tron" like place with all these bright colors going on. It helps that it's a very straightforward game but you don't care about it being too easy or short or anything. I hope you get the recognition you deserve for this.

How different

With all the zombie stuff going around, it's great that people still work on original stuff. Granted, I would probably want more of the traditional zombie shooting games. Hey, you guys catch the new season of "The Walking Dead"? As usual, it's great to see so many talented people collaborating on this. The artwork is probably the most admirable part. I really like it how there seem to be so many body movements going on.

The sounds and voices are really well done and authentic too. It's the kind of game you can spend all day as you can really experiment with it. While not the biggest fan, it's interesting to see a zombie pet/buddy game. I think that might be the first time I ever even saw that written (or typed) under Genre. It's great to see so many good details.

Evil-Dog responds:

thanks for the detailed review dude, I'm sure gonna get those Walking Dead episodes :D

Mostly very enjoyable

What I find to be the coolest about this is how straightforward everything is. Dude, I think I rose the score from a 3.82 to a 3.94! That's got to be some record for me! This is a good game because the graphics are good and the medals make you want to continue playing. I thought that the third form was going to be the final, but there was even a fourth! The first and fourth are really the only ones where he seems to be actively attacking you.

All the other times, it's like there's just obstacles in your way. It's also great to have so many difficulty modes to interact with. At least I'm weak enough to get through the Easy mode, but held my own until Medium's third form. The music is nice and gives the player a good sense of being in a sci-fi world. I'm glad this got front paged.

Gama11 responds:

Thx for the in-depth review and pushing the rating. :)

The classic!

This was awesome because it was simply exactly what it was supposed to be. I think the coolest feature would have to be being able to slice down the trees. At first I thought it was just something you could do for fun. I then realized you were supposed to do that in order to get the kids when they were on the tops of trees. The sounds and everything are nice and authentic. It's great to see Dad in his most noted role, doing what he does best.

I thought that when the skull hit red, he would go on an enrage mode or something. It's too bad that meant it ran out of gas. At least it will teach me a lesson about using the thing better. I especially like how the children just fly around all covered in blood. It's great to see how vibrant and active everything is in this. Even the "Start" button is bursting out with emotion!

Fairly nice game

It's weird how this was made before the Iraq War started. Then again, I remember that time period and it was pretty inevitable we were going to invade Iraq. At least we don't have to worry about Bush being the President or Saddam being alive for that matter. It was interesting how there were so many aspects to this game. I am surprised Ben was not more known for this as it seems to have gotten more views than his Stick Slayer series. Of course, the Stick Slayer series is better.

It was hard to tell what to do, but I still had fun with this. It's nice going back and reviewing the important stuff Ben made. You were probably the biggest person on Newgrounds to ever die. It could have been more clear to understand, but definitley worth a play. It's also funny how there were a lot of unexpected things going on.

Great game!

Warnockworld will never cease to amaze me with how good its games are. It's just so awesome to see all of these bright colors so well. Everything about this is just adorable, particularly the noises you make when you break the crystals. I also like it how you can get three crystals into that one white thing to beat the level. I thought maybe it was a clicking game at first. It's great to look around and see the large world you have created.

It makes me wonder where all these crystals are coming from. It's weird how there's an infinite supply of these going around from all parts. It's also sweet how I get a ton of combos and flashy stuff without even trying to! I know you guys will never stop making great games like this. Not sure why an owl was the protagonist, though.

Quite a unique game

I liked this a lot because of how creative it was. It really helps that the music was good and helped you want to progress more in the game just to heart it. Then again, you can just listen to it without progressing. This was unusual and it took me awhile to figure some things out. I seemed to be lost on the level that was just the single white block. I thought maybe the other block was out of the picture. I then realized I just had to connect it to itself!

The sixth level of course, is practically unbeatable. There has to be something I missing on that level, but I just can not figure it out. I appreciate all the work put into making a unique design for every level. It's great to see how much they vary in terms of difficulty. It's nice how you managed to have such a great design without being too flashy.

Nice game!

What I liked about this was again, how the graphics were so fantastic. You guys know how to pick out the best of the best in terms of graphics out there. The music was also riveting and made the game go along better. I like the sounds accompanying the crystals being blown up or even moving to the next spot. It starts off way too easy, but certainly gets harder as it goes along. At least I'm good enough at this to get three medals on my first try!

I like how it's designed like a board game. I imagine that if you did turn it into a board game, that would actually become popular. Everything about this game seems ambitious. The hardest level for me was Level 9. It's great how there are so many bright colors in this. Be sure not to get yourself cornered as you can't go over the same one twice.

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