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I am sorry to say that I did not particularly care for this game that much. It was actually kind of boring. I'm not really bothered to learn more about the gameplay. I guess it is pretty unique. The music isn't bad, either. I was just unsure of how to advance.

Some people like it at least. I couldn't tell whether the mountains were easier to burn. At least it told me the number of turns I had. It just wasn't that rewarding. I'm glad you yourself mention how the first level is too difficult.

I have to give this game credit for being innovative. It does suck that I don't really understand it. At least I'm able to get some levels done. I appreciate how complicated it is. Your work seems familiar, but not quite. The sound effects are good.

I really don't know what's going to happen in these situations. It's always something new, which I admire. I like the stormy atmosphere. I guess it is kind of like Halloween. It sets a good mood.

Well, this really is the hardest in the entire series. I know you're always making them harder. I can at least appreciate how good the art itself is. I just now noticed you can compare it to the original with that button on the side. You deserve half a star for that! The music is quite nice.

I especially loved seeing Gumball and Darwin in this. You showed good variety. It's a game that's at least easy to play. It doesn't take too long either. Congrats on your Daily Feature and Weekly 2nd Place!

Well, I thought this game has a good layout, but I'm pretty bad at it. It's mostly because I'm getting to the fight with Argas and losing badly. It's still a good RPG. I was really impressed at how huge it was. Even out of the forest, I couldn't get a medal! The artwork could have been a bit better, though.

For the most part, the game is pretty fair to you. It's just so massive. I'm glad I managed to get as far as I did at least. I would recommend this, even though I'm not usually into RPG's. I think they're a bit too complicated.

RockLou responds:

Okay, thanks! How are you losing against Argas though? He's not even supposed to be able to kill you or anything.
Unfortunately, I keep having problems with the medals. Hopefully they willl get fixed soon.

Well, I guess there was nothing that wrong with this game. It's just that, well, it was so bland. It was just me making bubbles. I couldn't get much of a sense of adventure. The design wasn't too bad. It just came off as boring.

I can kind of get into how it works. I had some trouble understanding at first. At least it got more fun when I understood it. I didn't see what was the point of me touching bubbles. I guess that got my own some room.

Wow, this is seriously a really insane game! I wasn't able to get far in it at all. You know what? I didn't care! I just love the little things those morons said. I have no idea what's even going on in this.

Everything is so weird and random. The design is actually quite good. If I was better at it, I would have liked it more. I love the way they explode. Don't make dying so cool!

I thought this game wasn't bad. I wouldn't quite recommend it, though. It didn't really have anything out of the usual. It's still pretty good. I think the graphics and gameplay are just okay. The best part is probably how the enemies are designed.

They really are done well! The music is pretty nice too. I do think it's a bit too big. It seems like a game that large would have better design. It still isn't bad.

TheEnkian responds:

Yeah, that's fair enough. The art style of it is quite simple in places and the game isn't too difficult to get through.

I'm surprised this isn't a lot more popular. It seems like most people would assume this was a porn type of some kind. Well, I guess it is. It just doesn't have nudity. Really, it's not a bad game at all. I could get the idea of concentration.

The music is a bit repetitive, though. I think it's a bit unique, though. It still doesn't really mean anything that great. They are pretty hot, though. Label this as porn and everyone will play it!

I thought this game was decent. I think its only flaw was that it was a little too simple. It's not that much out of the ordinary. I still like it, though! I can see why it won Daily...5th Place? It's still something I would recommend.

It's certainly harder than you think. It seems like all games can be hard no matter what they look like, really. I have played some of this in real life. I actually got a bit better at it, though. I don't understand the title, though.

Not a fan of point and click adventure games, but this was quite good. I especially love the graphics. There really is a lot of style in this. I'm glad you keep that style up. I love how it's cartoonish, but still realistic. You rarely see that.

The atmosphere is quite good as well. I really do get the feeling that I'm in some dark, dank place. The sound effects here and there are nice too. It's just one room you have to get out of. It IS quite foggy.

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