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I'm sorry to say that I did not understand this. I tried to get into it, but I couldn't figure it out. I just clicked around stuff, but nothing really happened. It didn't seem like there was much action. I got to the first level at least! Was this supposed to be a defense game?

I love how you mention both God and evolution. It at least has an elaborate design. It seems too complicated. Well, other people seem to enjoy it. Daily 5th Place ain't that bad.

NewProject responds:

What is an idle game? I know the 1st time it's hard to understand the concept. You don't have to kill or solve anything, only produce and increase to produce more.


I admit that the design is quite good, but there wasn't much else. It was pretty much just you showing these cogs off over and over. It wasn't something I could get into. Maybe you could have made the game simpler. I'm guessing maybe two of these things would have been enough. It was a tad too difficult.

The cogs themselves look nice. Everything seems to flow pretty well. It's good that more people have played it. Then again, not that many have liked it. It's at least paced pretty well.

That was a really weird game. I couldn't really understand how to play it that much. I thought you were supposed to jump up over the giant lollipop. You couldn't advance past it. I guess that was just part of the background. I do appreciate how the sounds are well done.

I don't understand why cake would be bad for you. You're already in a land of sugar! Please don't tell me it's something about carbs...or gluten. You do have good mobility here. It's not really for me.

I found this game to just be okay. I would have preferred a more standard defense game. I do have to give this game credit for being kind of different. What I didn't like was that the graphics weren't that good. Really, they came off as quite shoddy. The music isn't bad.

It's a pretty fast moving game. I guess it didn't peak my interest that well. I will admit that it has some good stuff going for it. I like the clawed designs. It's just something I've always been into.

I though this wouldn't be anything too impressive at first. It was much better than I thought! I especially like how it can be so fast paced. I'm glad you could kill the sheep at such a range. Dang, I'm messed up. The music was quite good too.

I love how dumb these sheep look. They kind of remind me of the stuff by Weasel. He made the Thing-Thing games. It's weird how they reproduce so quickly. I thought that was rabbits?

Well, this was certainly frustrating. I still would probably recommend it. When I finally did nail it, it was SO REWARDING!! I am just amazed at how hard this is. It simply looks way too simple. I know I say that a lot, but here I really mean it!

I can't really tell you to make the design better or anything. It's just hard the way it is. You don't need to have much going for it. You definitely made something different. This was good.

I did not really find this all that good. I think its main flaw was that it wasn't well detailed enough. I can still appreciate how it's pretty unique. I recognize the music. It really is good. I'm glad I don't just explode immediately when hitting the side of the cave.

I'm also glad both ways will lead you to where need to be. It still isn't anything particularly special. The gameplay was fairly easy. Maybe it could have been more of a challenge? You guys sure made a lot of games.

I didn't think this game was that bad. I think it's biggest strength was probably how well paced it was. Of course, it also wasn't that detailed. I didn't understand why the ham slowed me down. Does that mean the dog spent too much time eating it? The graphics weren't bad.

Well, it looks like this didn't become too popular. I really don't find it that bad. The music is fairly decent. You could have had a better title, though. It was weird to only have one lap.

I though this game wasn't bad. I think its biggest strength was how it was a pretty original concept. It seemed to just go on forever. Well, I guess a lot of games are like that. The sound effects and music were nice. It was a game that gave you good flexibility.

It certainly lived up to its name. I like the eye design. It just didn't come off as too rewarding. I guess I wouldn't quite recommend it. There's nothing too bad about it, though.

This is really a good game! I think it might even be the best game you guys ever made! I probably like it so much because it's so simple. Level 9 kind of caught me off guard, though. It was too easy! Many times, the game just plays itself.

That's always fun. The sounds were really cool too. I liked how different bubbles had different effects. That put in some good variety. I'm surprised this didn't get more popular.

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