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Cute little game

This didn't rank as one of my favorite or least favorite games here. The best part about it is how you allow yourself to go at such a lesiurely pace. It could have had more going on, but I guess a game about groceries wasn't supposed to have that. The music is fairly good. What I also liked was that it was easy to advance. All you had to do was just keep pressing all the arrow buttons at once. It didn't penalize you for that, so you would get something like that.

There could have been better designing, but still decent. It's the first time in awhile I've heard a title that had "2000" in it. Even then, it didn't have the exact wording (or lettering?) but the 2K abbreviation. It just takes a bit too long to get things started. There's so many groceries that I wouldn't want for that part to speed up.

That's an odd game

It's hard to tell what to make of this game, because it was hard to even get ahead. What struck me as the weirdest was how I opened up a present and then didn't know how to advance. I at least managed to get another one by clicking on the envelope. I clicked everywhere but there was nothing that advanced me to the next day. I guess I can at least give you credit for having a fairly well designed game. I like how it's mostly black and white.

Judging from the title, I would think this would be a remake of "It's A Wonderful Life". It apparently didn't really have anything to do with that. The music is pretty good and sets me in the Christmas spirit. I am glad to announce that my father already has all the ornaments and decorations put up. I hope you have a great Christmas season.

Needs more detail

I guess this perhaps wasn't intended to be that good looking, but this game should have more detail. It just seemed like everything was presented in far too much of an ordinary manner. The text and everything else seems so bland. I will give this credit for at least having an original concept. I was surprised at how easy it was to die when all I did was move around. I suggest you simply keep pressing the arrows to get a pattern.

The music was alright. It seemed like it didn't fit the tone very well with how it was peaceful and this was a game about the Devil. The lines are straight, but it doesn't leave much to go on. I keep winning that same medal when I lose on the first level. It always pays to have a game where you can get a medal that easily.

FlyingColours responds:

Thanks for the review! Now that you mention it, the song does seem to be a bad fit for the theme. Next time, I'll be sure to pick a more suitable piece! I'll try to make the graphics better next time, with pictures from the Internet which are not copyrighted. The game I'm working on will be much easier to win.

Too slow

What I didn't like about this game was that it simply took a long time to move along. I would rather you have it be sped up a lot more. I know you have a speed up button, but it doesn't really do that much. Of course, I still have to give you credit for having some really good graphics in this. Everything just looks so organized in this. It might have been a bit more detailed, but nicely done. It's just hard to enjoy a game that takes so long to play.

The sounds are especially nicely done in this. I like the images that the graphics show when the enemies die. I guess the good probably does outweight the bad here. I guess I can be thankful that you get plenty of time to prepare for the next part. The music is also good and sets off a nice adventurous tone.

Hi, it's me

I can't really recommend this because I didn't find anything that noteworthy about it. Don't get me wrong, it did have some good ideas and the effects were pretty elaborate. The models used were pretty original too. What I didn't like was how it was basically just the same game over and over. The music was at least decent. I also appreciate this background that shows off all these wondering stars across the galaxy.

What I found weird was that I would have liked it if the enemies fought back. That's why the classic Asteroids game was so good. It provided more of a challenge but also support with the things that blocked the enemies. This probably needed better gameplay. I will admit that you got the designs down pretty well.

Kwing responds:

Thanks for the review. I'll admit the enemies probably should have fought back, but they were also big enough and started low enough down that the player would have gotten very little warning if they had.

Moby Dick!

This was a really good game because it just went on a long time. It's the kind of game where you have to take time to develop your strategy. I think the coolest part of this was probably how you had to manuever to dodge all the spears and nets and stuff. Hey, these people are trying to kill me! I have a right to defend myself as a whale! The part where it got really frustrating was when the really big ships showed up.

I think the best way to topple them is to wave your tail around. I had a nice time going around and exploring all these environments. It certainly gives you a lot of space to recover. I believe I heard the Wilhelm scream some time during this. It's so satisfying to watch those stupid sailors float around like morons, but she sure to eat them before they hit too low!

This is how it's done!

I'm not the biggest fan of RPGs, but this was a very nicely made game. It really helped that you were able to advance so quickly with the enemies. I was pretty confused by how this game started out. It was a battle which I had no chance of winning and one that I lost pitifully, but for some reason I advanced. I then went to a much better place where I could get experience. I don't just mean in terms of points here, but also experience with the game.

There may be a glitch or two, because I wasn't able to upgrade myself that quickly. It seemed like I couldn't go any further. It was still interesting to be paired with someone else. By now, I have at least gotten used to the style of RPGs. The graphics were really lush in this, particularly with how you were able to move around so freely.

How elaborate!

I thought this was a great game if only because it was just so fantastically drawn. I notice how you seem to adopt a different artwork style in your games than in your regular submissions. It's great to see so much effort put into that. I love how Cthluthu has such a funny looking big head in this. You really didn't know what to expect in the next level. The only time that I lost ground was when the anti-magic shield came on.

I guess scientists are allowed to do that. Most of the people who came in looked like they were from Michael Jackson's "Thriller". Keep in mind, this is even BEFORE I turn them into zombies. Controlling zombies is great and this is one of the few games where I can do that. The music also really sets the atmosphere up well.

Great place

I got a little stuck on some parts, because it was hard to tell where I was supposed to go. I assumed it was just clicking, but I didn't read the instructions well. Some of the arrows pointing offscreen were a bit hard to find. I do like the music in this because it knows how to set up tension. It's interesting to see this really cool environment. There's a sort of easter egg on the window. If you click on it, you see a shark.

I guess it must be the land shark from "Saturday Night Live". What was also good was that there were so many colors in this. It was hard for me to get far here, as most point 'n click adventure games are for me. You just needed something more unique to make this better. Everything is still nicely detailed and good to look at.

DoomedChi responds:

Thank you for taking the time to reviewing in detail my game.

Well drawn

I appreciate the fact that this game has a nice appearance to it. What I do find weird is how it was hard to tell if it even was a game or not at first. The way it was set up made you appreciate the animation and therefore think it was something else. Still, this is something I would recommend to fans of point 'n click adventures. I'm not really one myself. What I did like was how the atmosphere was really well set up in this.

You still know how to create a really nice looking place. It's the kind of game where you really have to fool around with everything as are most games in this genre. The sound was also nicely done and it gave me a good sense of being in that area. I like how it doesn't try to be too elaborate or anything. We could use more of that.

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