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It's Nyan Cat!

I thought this was a fairly good game probably because it featured the Nyan Cat so much. I love it how we have a user named NyanLock! Anyway, this was great to watch because of all the Waffletacs flying around. I will say that I didn't like how it seemed to just be the same thing over and over. At least we got to keep up the appearance of those tasty doughnuts! My family had a Christmas party this morning so I'm going to have some treats myself today.

I would suggest you make it so that you can just press the space button and keep on firing. It's always a good idea in a shooting game to have that. This seems like it would have made a good entry for NG Game Jam 6. There's some error, as none of the record times in this seem to be showing up at all. It's good for what it is.

This was alright

I was thinking this was going to be a game created for the NG Game Jam, but I was wrong. It was interesting to see a game that was fairly unique. I guess I'm not that good at it, because I had trouble with it. I wasn't sure if the black box on Level 2 was hurting me, because there were times when I died when I touched it. The music was alright. I guess my biggest disappointment was that there wasn't any background in this. It just looks too bland.

What I did like was how it had that happy smiling face the whole time. It's fun just to see that guy in action. Is "Pilo" supposed to be the name of the main character or something? It's a fairly nonsensical game and not one of the best or worst that I've played here. There just could have been more detail overall in it.

norfor22 responds:

Very well, i will pay more attention to it next time, i totally agree with you :)
Thanks :P

Well done!

It's nice to see the best new entries in this NG Game Jam. What really made this was how good the animation was. There was really a great amount of detail in this game, so great I could hardly get through it! I really like this awesome atmosphere that you've created with all these crazy things going on. While I'm not that good at it, I can at least give you credit for having such easy medals. I used to look at these difference puzzles all the time when I was a kid.

It's funny how that sort of thing never does away. People will always appreciate the work and effort put into good drawings and detail. It does seem like a rather Nietzschian setting. While it's definitley not easy, it's something you have to take a look at. I may not be the biggest fan of finding the difference games, but I can appreciate them.

I'm tripping!

This game was mostly good, but it had its flaws. I think the best thing about it is how well the graphics are done. What I didn't like was how it did just seem to be the same thing over and over. I would have liked it more if you had put some sound effects when you hit the burgers and toasters. It was pretty confusing, because I was repeating the first wave for some reason. I didn't even notice the old woman's sagging boobs that much, which was good.

It is kind of addictive because it's great fun to just hit things over and over. This was somewhat of a defense game with how you were guarding something. I especially like how the burgers and toasters die after you get rid of their health. It's interesting to see what this new NG game jam holds. I didn't realize there was one until now.

Good game

I guess the winter games are really going to show their true colors (or perhaps lack of) this time of year. I liked this game because it had a really fun attitude to it. What I didn't like was how you could basically got press the same button over and over to win. It's still a good game, because the graphics are as good as ever. There has simply never been a game you guys made that didn't have good graphics. This style was always unique.

The music is nice and sets the wintery tone well. I guess people are just using Christmas and winter times together as I was thinking this could be a Christmas game. Penguins are always cute. I especially liked when you got to the rockets because the penguin looked really silly as he flew around everywhere and stuff.

Quite a fun game

I had no idea this game was going to be that much fun. It turned out to be really enjoyable because it had such a light spirit to it. I had fun bobbing all those reindeer around. It also really helped that I'm just pretty good at this game. There is not a single level I have played so far where I didn't get over the number that I needed. I hope this game gets some recognition. The music is nice and pretty suiting.

What I found weird was how it was hard for me to tell when they would turn into fireworks. Isn't that more of the fourth of July? It took me awhile to realize that the number was written on the reindeer themselves. It could have been more elaborate, but it's still a decent game. It's probably the first Christmas game I have played this year.

There's room for improvement

What I didn't like here was that I had to wait awhile for some of the players to show up. I even died simply by hitting the side of whatever it is these boundaries are. I probably would have liked this game more if I was in any way good at it. The lowest medal is for 100 players killed and I couldn't even get one! I guess I can contribute to it by letting myself be killed by other players. It seems strange a game this big has gotten fairly few views.

The sounds were decent, but I felt everything could have been detailed. I especially think the ships looked a bit bland. If anyone has achieved most of the medals here, I will say they hacked the system somehow. I guess the problem is that there can be too few or too many players so easy. It's just hard what to make of it.

It was unique

The best thing about this game is that it really does use an original idea. What I didn't like was that it's the kind of style that's going to take awhile to get used to. After awhile, you don't know where to put the trampolines. Then again, that's largely the point of how it gets harder as it goes along. What I also found weird was that it wasn't much of a platformer game because you had little control over the squirrel. At least the graphics were nicely done.

It's the kind of game that's going to take awhile to get used to. I don't even know the way to get the best A grade by using everything that you have. Everything actually was presented in a bit of a clear manner. I guess this game really isn't my kind, but at least I tried something new. I have to give you props for having a truly bizarre game.

It had its good points

What I thought was cool about this was that it was a pretty steady going game. What I didn't like was that it could have used music. I tried turning on the on and off thing for music, but I guess that was referring to the sound effects as nothing happened when I used them. At least I was able to get the first medal. The weird thing is that I don't even know what it is that I did to get that medal! I guess it's just too confusing for me.

At least the graphics aren't too bad. The outlines of the clothes are especially well done. What little sound effects there were weren't bad. It seems like it's been awhile since dress up games were submitted here. I guess people are just not that interested in porn anymore, which is what most of these games results in. The colors could have been brighter, though.

I love this thing

I sooo wish that you would submit "Castle Cat 4" to Newgrounds. It is easily the best in the series! What makes this so awesome is the music. You choose only the best and most appropriate soundtracks for your work. I especially love how cartoonish everything looks. There are all kinds of crazy enemies going around. It's the kind of game where you really have no idea what's going to come up next in it.

I love how steadily Castle Cat moves. He seems like a real Daffy Duck like character, especially given that Daffy Duck has been alluded to in previous games. I don't know if the leopard coat does anything, but it's cool! It is to a ceratin extent a bit too easy. I think my favorite part is when you turn into a bee and get flowers.

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