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I like how colorful it is, but it wasn't that good. It's mostly because there isn't a lot of detail put into it. It didn't move that smoothly either. I still have to give you credit because I could win this game! I'm generally not into racing games. Well, I usually don't win at them is what I mean.

I appreciate how it is pretty creative. Every car has a unique design. Are these things even cars? I don't even think they're spaceships! Not that good, but not bad.

I'm having mixed emotions about this game. I think it was kind of weird how it was designed. The CGI looked really cheap in this. I guess there were some parts that were good. You actually did have good mobility with this game. I do wish the people were designed better.

It was easy to see the arrows. It did entertain me, but not quite enough to really like. Hey, this was submitted on my birthday! A pity I don't think it's that good. Still more fun than many point and click games I've played.

Well, unfortunately, I have no idea how to play this. Fortunately, it's still an awesome game! Seriously, the detail in this is fantastic. I love every bit of this. I at least got the first easy medal. It's great with the sounds too.

Even the author's comments are wonderfully done. It truly is creative. You just have to look around everywhere. It's one of the nicest point and click adventure games I've ever played! You put a lot of effort into this.

Well, I thought the overall thing was pretty good, but it seemed to be lacking. I thought the music was really good. I think the CGI looked a tad off. It looks dated. Then again, it was modern by the standards of some CGI I've seen. I think there's a glitch or something, because I keep jumping.

Well, I wasn't that interested. There are some cool ideas. I think you could be more accurate with the gun. Maybe I was doing something wrong. Seems pretty topical.

I admit that this was quite fun. It helps that I could actually get far with this game. It was great to be able to eat people. The medals didn't show up on screen, though. Maybe that's why they're secret... I appreciate all the drawings.

While not too memorable, it was fun. The voices you had were fun. Bears are just cool. I guess it was unpredictable. Even the name is cool.

I really did enjoy this game! What I don't understand is how you get the medals. Dang it, I've been complaining about those things too much! Well, this was still quite fun. It was another one of those games that just went on forever. You really had no idea what was going on.

I was rarely sure of when a level ended. I doubt all that work to meet up with my girlfriend was one level. I really appreciated the music. It was interesting to look at the design. I appreciated that.

This is really a cool game! I was a bit skeptical at first. The funny thing is that I was actually just looking up the webcomic Sinfest. It just seemed appropriate with the whole afterlife thing. I love the tone of this game. It's great to get the upgrades too.

It certainly gets better as you go along. I like the creepy music. While a bit late for Halloween, this is the kind of thing you can always appreciate. I didn't like it how the enemies reformed. Then again, they ARE already dead.

This was better than the first one. I'm probably only saying that because I got further. I had no idea that thing was a bunny. I thought it was kind of jackalope. No idea why this thing is blue, though. The music was alright.

I appreciate how it's actually pretty creative. It got pretty hard with that crate. I still think you should have made the design better. It still looks shoddy. Are YOU even one person?

Wasn't there another game here that was the exact same thing? It was called DCK: Klunk or something. Is this maybe a genre I'm unaware of? Well, I do appreciate the good graphics. I managed to get through five drinks, I believe. My first try was 8700.

I didn't find this to be great, but it's good. I was surprised at how far I got. The games actually pretty fair to you. The song's pretty nice too. Congrats on your reviews and Daily Feature!

I thought this game was just okay. A pity you guys never won any awards or anything. I think the best part about this was that the designs of the levels are actually pretty good. I was disappointed to find out there was no sound. That really is a must for games. You guys should submit some cartoons.

I know there are times where I touch the edges and I'm fine. Not that I'm complaining! I grew tired of it after awhile. There's some variety, though. It isn't something I would remember.

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