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I guess this was pretty original. I didn't care for this game that much because it didn't seem like anything too special. It was just doors opening with you shooting people. I really did like how well paced it was. It was more challenging than I thought! I don't know what happens to most of the people you ignore.

There could have been more going on. I guess I was just looking for a standard shooting game. Those seem appropriate for the Old West. In real life, they didn't happen much, though. You don't have much time to react.

Dang, I should have enjoyed this more. It seems like an interesting idea. The problem is that I'm not too good at this. I don't see what the word "Out" had to do with this. It does seem like you were looking for something new and I appreciated that. The graphics weren't good at all.

I guess they don't need to be great, but I was expecting something better. Of course, if it wasn't this simple, it would be even harder. I guess you just go on forever. At least pong is like that. I'm more into the javanoid games.

I am sorry, but I could not get into this game that much. I think the worst part was how slow it was. I didn't have much mobility. I still appreciate how this is popular, or I guess featured or whatever. The graphics are probably the best things about it. The sounds were pretty good too.

I just kind of wish you could jump more easily. I wasn't sure how to get past the tutorial. I did everything and I just stayed there. Yeah, I really just care about getting medals. This wasn't too bad for me, though.

This was another game where there was nothing really good or bad about it. In terms of arkanoid knockoffs, I felt it was kind of weak. It seemed fun at first, but then it was just the same stuff over and over. It got too redundant. I'm used to having more colors with these games.

I guess the old fashioned design is kind of nice. It just doesn't do much for me. You need to have a more rewarding game. The music was okay. It was just much too bland.

I didn't like this much. I guess the overall premise was a bit unique. I thought the animation was just kind of cheap. At least I could get past the first level. The music wasn't bad. I died, but then the level wouldn't restart.

That's really weird. There just wasn't a lot going on. It was pretty boring. Yes, I can't get past the second level. It would have been easier if you could just jump.

I found this game to just be okay. I couldn't really understand how it was unique. Well, it was kind of interesting. I think it was a bit too easy. I shouldn't really be saying that, because with the enemies, it was really hard. I got the first medal at least!

The music is pretty good. I don't like it how you just have to touch the flies to take them out. The graphics didn't seem like anything too special either. There wasn't anything wrong with it. I just found it kind of dull.

I can understand why the rating isn't that high. I think it's because you don't have much area to go around. These zombies just keep coming after you over and over. I will at least give this credit for being well animated. I do get a good sense of shooting these guys up. When I die, I think I have twelve livers!

Or kidneys, not sure what those flying organs are. The music is pretty good too. I seem to have forgotten about this series. Zombies are always pretty cool to kill. The little details are quite nice.

At first, it didn't seem like this game was anything that interesting. It really was a great game! It was weird when I finally got to a level I couldn't get past. I feel like their could have been more upgrades. It was still wonderful to play. The enemies had great variety.

It's especially fun to set stuff on fire and find new ways to kill enemies. The mages were the hardest to kill. The level designs were really quite good. The sounds synched up well. It's simply a very fun game.

I could not understand this game for the life of me. It was just me clicking on stuff over and over. There wasn't a lot of detail put into it. The music wasn't bad. I think I was able to get ahead in some areas? It was just really hard to get started.

It seemed like it was just the same enemy over and over. You should have made this more detailed. I don't seem to be losing health or gaining anything. It's just a bizarre game. At least people liked it enough to get it to front page.

I didn't think this game was that good. I think its main flaw was that the CGI was pretty poor. It was just some really bad images showing up. I don't think this has the style of the Rambo movies. Then again, I haven't seen them. It was hard to keep up with the enemies.

Even the title was weird. It didn't have much variety. It didn't seem like it was that much about Rambo in the first place. At least it was kind of different. You rarely see CGI games here.

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