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Fairly basic

It was a bit hard to even tell who I was playing against in this game. Its weakest point was probably how the controls were difficult to get used to. Other than that, it's a decent boxing game. The graphics are pretty nicely done in this and it's funny to see these people being represented in such a cartoonish way. We all know by now what eventually came out of this. I have to give you guys credit for managing to be topical in your submissions.

There could have been more detail. Another thing I liked was how fast paced the action was and the sound effects really synched up well. I guess I couldn't ask you to have more people to choose from, because these were the best people. Hey, there's always Ralph Nader! The music is decent and its pleasentness contrasts well with its aggressive nature.

Not much

I think the weakest part about this was that it had no sound. I just wish there could have been some more effects to go along with the action. I did think you used a pretty interesting premise as there has been controversy over Shakespeare's authority. Then again, I have heard that's just conspiracy theories. I wish I could have recognized more of the icons he was fighting. I've always prided myself on knowing a lot about history.

Won't ruin the secret medal for everyone else, because I really shouldn't. It was basically just you clicking the same button over and over. When it got to Marlowe, it did get more complicated. I just wish there could have been some more detail into the background and again, music would make it more playable. At least I got both medals!

Quite fun!

It's hard to play something you made that wasn't in the "Drop Dead" series. It's great that you have such cool transition effects when everything drops down. The best part is probably how they disappear so wonderfully whenever they hit the ground. It's nice to see how there are so many different ways of using these blocks. I have yet to come across a level I find to be particularly hard. I think the best strategy is to use the heaviest ones at first.

The ones with different shapes are a bit hard to work with. The music is also great and sets off a really nice notion of being in a bizarre world. The background plays that up well too. It's nice how everything is just so good looking even if the game is a bit mundane. The sound the music makes makes it seem like a laser is being pointed or something.

ttursas responds:

Thanks! Yeah, it seems that Drop Deads are our most popular games on the Flash platform, but on the iOS side Perfect Balance takes the lead. Anyway Drop Dead 4 might be our next Flash game or then we might do another one before DD4.

Those zombies

It's nice to see how people will always keep making zombie games. I think the strongest part here is how it's so big. You really have the ability to go and explore a nice environment. My only problem is that it is a bit too hard to get all the medals. It can even be a bit slow moving at times, with how big everything is. For the most part, it's a nicely done game and I am glad that I had an oppurtunity to play it.

I guess you could have made it a bit easier going. It was a little hard at times to understand what I was supposed to hit. The aerial view used all around is particularly nice. The sound effects and everything else seem to really set the tone well. If you're a fan of zombie games at all, then I would recommend this to you.

Quite innovative

What really strikes me as enjoyable about this game is how well paced it is. You just seem to really create a world where you slowly learn what you can do. It can get pretty complicated, but that is pretty much the point. I guess I just like the fact that the main character is this cute little robot guy. I was a bit confused about the splitting up at first. In case anyone else has this problem, here's the thing. You have to make it so that your original robot self goes through the door and not the split one.

I like how you have a nice big environment to roam around. I was expecting the computer to get angrier the more you progressed. I guess it wouldn't make sense that way, like the HAL-9000. I appreciate all the variety and different kinds of obstacles you came up with here. A game that tries to combine three different genres is always cool.

It's a decent game

The strongest point in this game is probably how elaborate the colors and artwork are. At times, it did look a little cheesy. It just kind of reminds me of the early 90's when CGi shows weren't of the best quality. Oddly enough, looking back, it seems like the animated movies that used that were just as good. What was cool was how there a lot of different kinds of enemies to kill. There was a good amount of effort put into their designs.

The music was good. My only problem was that it was fairly hard, especially when you were using a laptop, like I was. Oh well, I guess that's something I'll just have to get used to. I liked it how you could basically just fire randomly and hit targets as there were so many of them. It may not be the most technologically advanced game, but it's worth a play.

How innovative!

I didn't know that this game was going to be this interesting. I was actually disappointed at first, because I didn't even have any idea how it was that I was getting so far ahead! It is basically one of those games that just plays itself. Of course, this was better because you got in a lot of fun killing while you were at it. I really have no idea where the bullets are going to fly to next. I think the only annoying thing was the part with all those hostages.

Those were the levels where you really had to plan strategy. Then again, this game is more based on luck than anything else. This aerial view is nice, particularly with how you get to see the people roll around and die. It's a cool effect I've seen in some movies. While I'm no killer, I certainly had a killer good time with this unique action game!

Very fun game

The best thing about this was probably just how freaking fun it was to kill those zombies over and over! I have always been a fan of the zombie genre and love this sort of thing. Hey, even Fred Rogers was a fan (I'm dead serious, look it up!). My only complaint was when you got the bazooka it took too long to reload. I was hoping it would just be easier to shoot enemies. I was a bit confused as to why it wasn't getting easier, but then I realized I had to put the gun in the chamber to use it.

The music is good and sets off a really cool tone. I appreciated all the different designs that were used in this. Who thought that bees could be fairly difficult to kill? It was cool how it just got crazier as it went along like how ridiculous it was with the giant spiders and stuff. This wasn't submitted at Halloween time, but makes a great game nonetheless.

Fairly interesting game

It's always nice when a game tries to be educational. I guess it wasn't the most creative of games, but it was still a pretty nicely done game. It was hard for me to understand at first, but then I realized you could move the other atoms as well. It had a pretty interesting title. I suggest that in order to make it more appealing, you add in some better use of colors as well as better gameplay. It just doesn't seem that out of the ordinary.

Of course, there's nothing really that bad about the game either. At least you have a pretty good environment to move around and express yourself. It seems like the kind of game you can experiment with. Of course it's a puzzle game, it wouldn't fit as anything else. You could make it a bit more educational with more facts.

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