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This is very strange

Well, this is the first time I've played where I played a Santa who pooped in the chimneys. I have no idea why he's doing this. I guess he's just in a crappy mood, huh? I suppose for the most part this was decent, seeing as how the graphics were quite well done. I was afraid it would be too easy at first, but then the reindeer really starting flying. I have no idea what's going on, so I'm not even going to ask any more questions.

I liked how you had great mobility. You could really go anywhere you wanted and crap. I guess this and "South Park" have shown me that the farting noise can pretty much be the same as the crapping noise. It was hard to enjoy that much, because of how bizarre it was. Still, it was a fairly decent game to play for Christmas.

Not really my cup of tea

I guess it doesn't help that I'm not a fan of point and click adventures. This was longer than I thought it would be because it was just dailogue over and over. Now, I will give you guys props on having good graphics. What I didn't like was that it was simply too talky. I've played some other games you guys have made, and I have found them to be a lot better. Of course, if you're a fan of these kinds of games, then by all means check it out.

I especially think the voice work is nicely done in this. It's nice to hear you all putting some real effort into what you are talking about. It's just a quaint little world for you to interact with. I like how you always try to send an educational message in your stuff, but still make room for fun. Big fans of yours should like this.

Good and hard

I truly had no idea that something that seemed so simple was going to be that difficult. I have to give you credit for creating a really good puzzle game. I guess I would have liked it more if it wasn't so difficult for me. If you enjoy doing stuff with your brain, then by all means check this out! The music is pretty good and sets off a nice little random tone to it. I wish I could have seen the chameleon on the menu in this.

You just have to be so careful and plan the best strategies for overcoming this. The all around detail is pretty nice. I like how the little signs on the blocks dance up and down when they are being moved. It's the kind of game that's going to take a pretty long sitting to get entirely used to. Vibrant colors are always good too.

How weird

Well, I always praise something for being well designed and this fit the bill pretty well. The thing I probably found the weirdest was the use of colors. The main zombie character especially seemed to have body parts that were just all over the place. Some were purple, some had bones in them, and others were just random. I still have to say I enjoyed this because it was so cool to look at. You really have created a unique world for your characters to live.

I guess I'm having some trouble with the controls as I can't seem to progress well. Who knew a pink bunny could help aid a scary ghost? The music was also nice and set up a pretty good tone. It could have been more clear, but it's hard to criticize something that is just so wonderfully unique. I just love the artwork in this.

That's crazy!

Wow, this is one of the hardest but also most creative games I've played in a long time. It makes me realize just how many kinds of games we have here. I don't see a lot under the "Sliding" category. The strongest point here was probably how you had so many things going on with these hearts. Each level was a complex machine built to create something amazing. It kinds of reminds me of that awesome "Hugo" movie.

While not as good as that, it's always nice to play an art game. The sounds are extremely good with how they sync so well. I guess it could have been more detailed, but it certainly didn't need to be. It's stuff like this that makes you realize video games can be done with heart and art. Okay, that was a pretty lame pun.

My stars

I think it's interesting to make a game based on that Pinocchio song. Then again, it wasn't really all that much related to it. The coolest thing about this was probably how it just went on a long time and you could have fun with how simple it was. Then again, that was also a downside because it was basically the same thing over and over. I don't care for the powerups because they require stars. I guess you should have just made this more detailed.

It would have been cooler if you had the stars look different. That would be a nice way of adding flashiness to the game. It was just a bit too bland for me. Not one of the worst, but it could be more detailed and have more interesting things going on. It makes kind of a cool sound when you collect the stars you want.

This is weird

Woah, this is one bizarre game. I think its strongest point is how you just have no freaking idea what to expect in this. I know I certainly didn't. It's the kind of game where you pretty much just experiment with whatever you have and I wasn't even sure how I was moving the guy at first or if it was a glitch or something. Probably its weakest point is that it is strange and therefore hard to understand. You still deserve props for being creative.

It's such a bizarre game that it can be pretty enjoyable. I have no idea why you censored the word "Speed" in the title. With how bizarre the game is, this is of course easily the least strange thing about it. I guess I would add in some music. If you want to play a game that I personally found to be experimental, check this out.

No medals?

This was a fairly strange game, because not much seemed to come of it. It was actually one of the longest I've played in awhile, but the medals didn't seem to show up. Oh well, it was still enjoyable. I'm surprised this doesn't have more views especially considering it's a game that has a ton of medals. Well, at least prolific reviewers like me discovered it. The graphics were pretty simple and it worked for what it was.

I imagine that when you're drunk you're not in that colorful of an environment. Still, there's really nothing bad about this, it's a well made game. I like how it just seems to go on forever. I have yet to even get past the first night and doubt someone that drunk could go that fast. For whatever zany purpose you made this, it's good.

Pretty original

What I found good about this was that it was a fairly unique game. I liked how you even mentioned you didn't want to make it a copy of something else in the description. It was a bit hard to understand how to play it at first. When I first saw the menu screen, I tried to press the "Play!" button, but nothing seemed to happen. I then went over and realized you had to click on the player modes below that. The only downside is that it isn't well detailed.

Of course, a game like this doesn't have to be in order to be enjoyable. I was glad to try to be a part of this. The music was alright, I guess it set the tone for the game as good as any other music would have. It's a bit too easy when you get to understand it really. Then again, I didn't play that long but it's still a game worth checking out.

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