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Ah yes, I can see why this game is so popular. At first, it seemed too boring to really be that good. It certainly got more interesting as it went on! I especially appreciate how it goes on like that. I thought that it would just be one enemy. The name reminds me of Arcanine.

You know, the pokemon? It was quite well paced. You really could run around all you wanted. It looks like a lot of the stuff is just for show. It's still a great game.

I can't quite understand what it is the voice is saying. Is it "lay low"? I'm glad I figured out how to use the dynamite. It is a pretty stylistic game. Of course, it reaches a point I can not advance. It does work quite well as a puzzle game.

I like how the protagonist looks. He kind of reminds me of some other games about the AOL search engine or something. It's pretty well animated. I like how you have to use strategy. Not that great, but good.

Well, I did in fact like this, even though it didn't make much sense to me. It seems like I was just going around everywhere and looking at this weird stuff over and over. I admit the game is quite unique. I don't know how to beat the tutorial. There must be something I'm doing wrong with it. Everything was on fire and then a year later, it was normal.

I really do like the graphics in this. They show some really fine detail. I just wish I knew how to make money or something. I'm glad I played this game, because it really is very interesting. Yep, I would recommend this.

I wouldn't recommend this, but it wasn't bad. It was hard to understand. I admit that's my problem for not reading the instructions properly. I guess the music was fairly good. I appreciate how it was a pretty original idea. I enjoyed hearing the little sounds.

The spelling with the title was kind of funny. That was intentional, right? The design worked out pretty well. It's always weird how stuff that looks simple can be so hard. I'm at least glad I played it.

This really was a lot of fun! I can understand why it has so many views. I really like how you have such a wide open space. I didn't have much trouble not falling off. I like his little screams when he dies. Boy, is that sick.

You shouldn't have reused the cutscene between levels. It was hard telling the difference between the good and rotten muffins. They weren't entirely green. Someone call Derpy! The music was wonderful too.

I did enjoy this game, but it had problems. I think it some places, it was just too difficult. On Level 2, it seemed pretty difficult to go above. I will praise this game for its originality. It was kind of like a skewed version of golf. The sound effects and music are pretty nicely done.

The title makes it sound like it's about goldfish! There had to be some intention of gold in this. Well, I do get it more now as I get into it. It's not too memorable, but good. Changing gravity is pretty cool.

Now, I actually think this premise could have worked. What I did not like was how it wasn't very interesting in itself. There really needed to be music. That's always a big plus. The graphics were actually pretty good. I like using the space button.

There could have been good sound effects. It was also a bit too simple. I guess it's a harmless game. Then again, how many games are really harmful? Sumos are pretty cool.

I found this to be a good game. The graphics were quite good. It did seem like the game moved a little too slow. I wish you could speed up the action. It's still pretty easy to understand. I like the details.

There really are a lot of things going on. I do like how you can plant those trees. I know I've seen this artwork before. I just don't remember your name. The music is quite nice too.

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