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This surprised me with how much fun it was! It was just great soaring to new heights all the time. Dang, it's taking me a long time to beat my record. I just love the design. You can go so many places with this change. It just looks very nice

The music is great too. I don't know why Santa would need a jetpack. Well, it looks cool anyway. Santa hasn't been this awesome in awhile. I feel bad when he falls down.

"Jingle Balls" sounds like the name of a porn movie. In fact, there was an episode of "The Venture Bros" with that name. I liked how the game played itself. Then again, it was kind of boring that way. It was still pretty ambitious. I just thought it was cute.

It seems like you couldn't really use. Christmas baubles? Is that a word? It's October right here. I liked the cute little sounds.

I liked how colorful this movie was. Then again, it was a bit too repetitive. You just fought the same enemies. You still end up creating a pretty cool world. I can't hit that guy in the crotch. I don't know how to hit while jumping.

This was just a really good setup. The title's pretty weird though. Only his head is a cube. I guess that still works. This was pretty enjoyable.

The atmosphere was great, but this game really moved slow for me. I tried adjusting the quality. I couldn't do that! I still enjoyed some of it. The animation is really nice. It's a pretty surreal game. You have no idea what's going to happen.

The sounds are very good. It was weird when I right clicked it. It talked about how it was made for the dare. I didn't know you could even do that in a game. This guy seemed slightly thicker than a stick figure.

That was one surreal game. It made just as much sense when you were tripping. I still enjoyed it. I guess it's because I found it challenging. I really was motivated to continue. Well, not that much.

I admit the controls aren't that good. The main character just seems to flop around a lot. Maybe it would have been too easy if he didn't. The animation is still nice. I didn't know Xionico made this!

I thought this was a pretty good game. What I didn't understand was how I got stuck. When I first heard the name "Cadence" I thought it was referring to the pony. I've been reviewing MLP related stuff, so it's been on my mind. Then again, I am a brony. The graphics were great.

I didn't understand how to use the mouse. I'm glad I figured it out. The music is nice and suiting. This just seems like a quaint little game. I appreciate that.

I admit this game was pretty good. What I didn't like was how it reused so many Sonic sprites. I just wanted something more authentic. Well, those fanbases are quite similar. The music was great! It's good that I'm reviewing this stuff right as the MLP movie came out.

This is harder than you'd expect. I did want more of a standard platformer. You know, with enemies and stuff. This was still pretty nice. I like how you can customize your pony.

This game came across as really simple, but I still enjoyed it. I think it's probably because it works well with its simplicity. Well, I guess that description's kind of self explanatory. I really did love the music in this. It was nice and mysterious. It was indeed about adaptation.

It did seem too easy sometimes. I guess if I made my square larger I'd get more points. I guess I just wasn't motivated to do that. At least I could get pretty far. I got few points though.

You shouldn't make a game you think is bad. Well, maybe that's what you were aiming for. Everything was off here. I was especially annoyed by the loud music. Even the text was bland. I thought this would be a pokemon game.

You know, Red? I didn't even know this would be a game. You need to have much better details. Uh, Happy Halloween? At least it's October as I review this.

Well, I got 392 kills and I got a 108 combo. Is that good? This game just seemed too easy. Well, maybe everybody gets that number. I love zombie games. It's just great to kill over and over again.

I admit it did get a little repetitive. I kept forgetting that I could run out of ammo. It just seems to be an endless game but I'm not complaining. Dang, you're getting me in the Halloween mood! A pity you were a month early.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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