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I honestly don't know if I have ever worked so hard to get medals before. It was just the same thing over and over, but you could just never beat it! I even had no idea how I lasted as long as I did. I managed to get seven of the eight non secret medals on my first try. I guess I am just known for being a really good typist. It was just such an intense experience for me.

I doubt I will ever play this game again, because I would just go insane. At least it's kind of unique for itself. If you are good with button pressing as I am, you will love this. This felt like a real workout for my whole body! My finger is still tired!

B1KMusic responds:

Thanks for the feedback :)

I'm glad you liked it

Okay, that was really strange. I thought it would be more like a standard RPG, but it was anything but. I didn't even really understand where I was supposed to be going where this. It didn't show any land, just the enemies randomly appearing. Then again, I guess most RPGs are like that anyway. I appreciate you at least trying to put in original gameplay. If only I could understand it.

As always, thank you for so much for some easy medals. Seeing as how I'm so prolific, I usually don't get leave a game until getting at least one medal. I guess the graphics could be improved on. The sound was actually pretty decent. I was never able to get any gold at all.

squidly responds:


No gold at all?

This is funny, because at first, I didn't know this WAS a game. I just immediately died and I didn't even know who I was. That being said, once I got the hang of this, it was a lot more enjoyable. I think its biggest strength is how good the animation is. You are really good at drawing brains. I also like how you get so many oppurtunities in this.

If you fail once, you can just try again. It may not have that much action, but it's all you need in a point and click adventure game. Incidentally, I'm not really a fan of those games. It's still very cool to go through the game like that. I didn't even know you could pick up more weapons.

mexipino responds:

Hahaha, yeah, I purposely just threw the player into the game... I figure, most casual players skip navigating through menus and automatically hit "Play," so, that's my reasoning regarding that. lol.

Thanks a lot man. Yeah, I've been animating for a GOOD while now lol.

Thanks for playing man!

I wasn't that interested in this game at first, but it actually turned out to be pretty cool! I think the best thing about it is how you can casually play the game. Two minutes are more than you think in a game like this. While there wasn't that much in terms of graphics, it was still nice to look at. I mostly just ignored those question marks after awhile. I didn't even care about the upgrades.

I appreciate you making something new and unique for this website. It kind of reminded me of the old Battleship games. Speaking of which, I have yet to see that movie. I had no idea you had to earn so many stars to advance. I guess I'm not as good at this as I thought.

eidern responds:

For the upgrades, I should strongly suggest to upgrade the Light module, it gets the light area around your sub bigger.

And for the stars, I guess I've make it a little to hard for casual players ;p

Thanks for the comments anyway :)

Wow, this one of the most insane games I've ever played! At first, I thought it was going to end with just sixty levels, but it didn't. That was when things REALLY started to get weird. I suddenly started bouncing around random levels whenever I died. All I can say is that this is wonderfully well done with wonderful bright colors. The enemies are all very nice and unique.

It's so weird, because at first, I thought it was going to be rather mundane, but it was anything but. I have no idea how to even beat this game. The funny thing is that the one medal I was able to get was the secret medal. I guess I've played enough of these games to know how they work. The music is also fantastic. I love how you have so much freedom of movement here too.

This was a very strange game. It was hard for me to even make an opinion about it. I guess for the most part, it wasn't something I enjoyed, probably because I didn't understand it. I tried looking through the instructions again, but they disappeared when I tried to play the game again. Anyway, I know next to nothing about chess, which is probably why I did so poorly on this.

Then again, I couldn't even really tell if I was even failing. I wasn't expecting spartans to be paired with goblins. No, I don't mean THAT kind of pairing. The graphics are at least decent. People who are a lot better at chess should like this a heck of a lot more.

It's nice to know that you finally took my advice. Granted, I don't know if it was me specifically who encouraged you to do this, but it's a wonderful layout. I especially like how there's such a wide variety of things everywhere. I was particularly surprised to see that there was a dog in this. Most of these were very well done. Even if there wasn't a lot of interactivity, I didn't care.

It was fun to see some other well known dragons like Jake Long. Apparently there's a hidden Charizard here. It's amazing how you've managed to do so much after all this time. Then again, for most people to make lengthy flash cartoons, it's probably harder. Congradulations on all of your submissions!

I liked this game a lot, probably because I managed to be so good at it. On my first tries, I outranked my high score every single time! What I didn't understand is why it wasn't working on this website. I played it on your own website, but I still wanted to review it. It was cool to see all these interesting looking monsters along the way. I don't even know if those things can kill you.

It was cool to have a game where the enemy was the darkness itself. We can always have fun with an ambiguous enemy. The music was also very suiting. It's great how there are all these things going on. I think the levels are just made up as you go.

Well, this was one heck of a strange game. With that being said, I actually really enjoyed it. At first, I thought the eyes that appeared were just part of the sea. It took me awhile to realize they were actually part of the creature himself. Speaking of creatures, it was interesting to show the perspective from the monster's side of things. I guess it would be insensitive to call it that.

It really makes you realize how well you can develop a character. I thought I had saved that kid, but apparently the shark got him. I could tell it was inspired by Lovecraft. Any sea tentacle being reminds me of Cthluthu. I'm surprised I never heard about him much in literature classes.

Well, what can I say? I really have to praise this game for being quite innovative and I love how there's so much stuff going on. My major complaint is that this thing is too dang hard! I only quit playing because I was able to get at least one medal! People who are even better at games than I am should have more fun, I suppose. I-12 is completely unbeatable for me! You know how to make people work for their medals.

The graphics in this are really well done. I especially liked how the photon looked like a cat but then looked like an actual photon when it jumped. There should have been a medal for going through the credits. Anyway, I'm just being too nitpicky. This is a really cool game.

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