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What is this game?

I never played this game as a kid so obviously I am not at all familiar with it. The best thing about this was probably how fun it was to just watch the boxes make themselves up. Granted, I assume that is a bad thing because of those red "x"s I kept seeing. It was good fun for you to make a tribute to an old fashioned game. The biggest weakness, however, was easily the fact that there was no sound at all. I would have liked it if you had just searched for some music online and inserted it in.

Look at all those guns

I am not much of a gun expert myself, so this was not one of my favorites. It could have also been presented in a better way, as it seemed to be lacking in background. I still think that this should please any gun lover. I was even able to answer a few off the top of my head, because I read so much information on the Internet, like how the AK-47 was the most popular assault rifle. I thought it was weird how I was getting everything right. I then realized that the quiz simply did not tell me the answers until I was done with it.

What a robot

This was fairly fun to look at, although it was a bit hard to understand exactly what I was a game or not. It was more of a display of all the things you had done in FlashPlayer. It looks like you definitley did something right, because these drawings are pretty creative. It seems like the robot mascot is not used enough on Newgrounds. Have a Happy Halloween, although that doesn't mean much on this date. I am glad that you got help from MindChamber, as he is one of the most respected mods here.

Manuel-Dangelo responds:

it IS mostly a displayer, but there is not a tag for thoes, so... game it gone.
I agree that bots should have more spotlight, and yes, MindChamber is realy cool... just don't mess with him... he tends to get pissed of bit easy.

Some adventure

This was a good entry in the series, and I think you are trying to do a good job of making a game interesting by having it be mundane. The graphics are really good in this. I especially like how the grass just glistens on the screen. The character designs are pretty ordinary, but that was most likely what you were aiming for when making this game. The music got a bit annoying as it was a bit repetitive, but not terrible. It seems like you are sticking to what you think is best for you and it works.

Where's the ice cream?

I was not expecting a sequel to the original, but this was good to play. I guess it was a little hard for me because I could not quite understand the limitations of my jumping and everything. The animal that appears does not even look like a cat, but more of a dog. The graphics are still decent in this game because everything flows well. If your game features a robot using a laser gun to fight other robots, it can't be that bad. The music is pretty nice as well and fits the adventuristic (is that even a word?) style of the game.

Not easy to understand

I never thought that a game that could have such a simple premise could be so difficult. The main fault with this is that it needs more going on with the graphics. The second level was especially hard with the darkness everywhere. It was weird to play something that had nothing to do with Halloween and for me to review it as I am actually giving out candy to trick-or-treaters as I write this review. The music was not half bad, I suppose. Next time, work on more detail in the levels and a better quality of graphics.


Christine O'Donnell certainly deserves to be made fun of as much as the next fundamentalist and this was a good game. I like how there were so many fantastical elements in this, which really suits her personality. My biggest complaint is that the game just seems to go on and on and on. It's really the same enemies over and over. Was the machine thing supposed to have the Brain in it? Anyway, the sound effects were awesome too, especially the little clicky noises the money awards made.

How strange indeed

This was a pretty interesting game because the gameplay was just so weird. I was a bit confused at first because I did not understand how I was even supposed to advance to the next level. For all its weirdness, it actually seemed really easy, but maybe I just got lucky or something. Everything was organized in a really clean matter, so I can not complain there. The music was pretty suiting as it was just as "out there" as was the theme. I am glad you managed to get a high score, even if there are so few reviews.

Fairly good game

While it was not submitted around Halloween-time, I can certainly understand why it has a high rating now. The atmosphere was really good, but there were some flaws. I did not like it how the enemies just seemed to be black blobs and it was easy to run out of ammo. Nonetheless, you worked hard to put heart into this as evidenced by the game having basic things to do like go to bed. I have played enough zombie games to get used to how it becomes formulaic as it goes on. I hope you have a happy belated Halloween!

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