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Hmm, pretty good

This was pretty fun to play because it had such a cute atmosphere to it. I really liked how the graphics really matched up with the Mario games and stuff. My biggest complaint is that it did seem like it was too easy to die at times, especially considering you had no means of defense. I would still recommend this movie because at least it is nice to look at. It was a weird system of scoring, but at least it was different than some other stuff I had seen. Merry belated Christmas or rather, happy early Halloween!

Suits zombies

I really like the great and spooky atmosphere created by this awesome game. While I did not get that far, you really put a lot of detail into this as well as having some great voices. I think that if there was a real life zombie apocalypse, it probably would go out something like this. The only thing I did not like was how the humans were dead. It was weird to shoot a zombie at first and then go into a really peaceful state (at least as peaceful as you can be in a zombie environement like this). I also liked reading the journal.

MichaelJ responds:

Thanks for the review Ericho!

Could use some more action

This was a good game, but the main fault was that I wish there was some more action and not just puzzles to figure out, as I am too dumb to do puzzle games (lol). Here's how far I got. Go down the hole at the beginning (like you have a choice...) and then pick the door on the far left. Then take the door in the middle. To get the "Piece Of Cake" medal, go to the door on the far right and die. Then go back to the door in the middle, but then again the doors that lead you to that apparently kill you no matter what you try.

Great work!

I was very delighted to see another defense game, and how they will simply never stop coming up with new material for defense games! Combining ghosts and computers was pretty random, but it really works. It is dramatically different than a lot of other defense games. I can only put the things as attached to the more expensive towers. It is funny when I have to go to the next level and everything just speeds up. The atmosphere was nice and the music was pretty spooky; oh that reminds me, Happy Halloween!

Fairly good

This was pretty good to play because it had most of the basic stuff you could want in a game like this. I am surprised you were rejected from having points on medals seeing as how this has a lot of views and you are fairly popular here! At least you managed to get this popular and have it win an award. The sound effects were really nice. The biggest flaw is that this could have used more detail, because most of the gameplay was pretty formulaic. It is good to see you are still around doing stuff. It was interesting to have different techniques, if not the most effective thing.


I found out that the reason some games have 0 points is that they were apparently rejected from getting them. It is kind of sad when you keep submitting these things over and over and they are rejected. I suggest that you work a lot on Flash Player and the animation you are using. The backgrounds seem too sloppy and they could use work with more symmetrical lines. The game itself was actually pretty hard. I really had no clue what was going on or how far I was getting, even for a game made by you.

BanglaBoy96 responds:

I don't think it's sad at all!
I like having 0point Medals on my Games
as I am the biggest Producer of them!
Also this game was made almost a year ago so It was
a very early Project of mine! :D
I'm Improving and the Next Button Game will be better than ever

That dinosaur!

This is a great game to play because it is just so creative. I have no idea what is going on or what is the purpose for any of this but it is so random it's awesome! Randomness is even the point of the game when you consider you get so much from the spinning wheels. I was a bit worried my medals were not showing up on the screen, but apparently I got them anyway. Dinosaurs were one of my favorite things to learn about when I was a kid. It is just fascinating how silly the game can get.

Looks good

This should be sure to please any fan of the RPG genre, or this specific kind. While I am personally not really a fan, it is still fun to go around and do this sort of thing. It is good to see the latest stuff you have and I am glad you are trying to appeal to your fans the same way. I am not used to seeing furries (lol) in your stuff, but that is being too nitpicky. As usual, there's a lot of complicated stuff going on, so you really have to read through everything. There was definitley a lot of detail in this, too.

It's so good!

The original game was addicting and so was this one obviously! It was hard to get any of the medals (in the game I mean, I am not refering to the medals that you get, um...outside of the game). Still, it had all the destruction and neverending bliss you could want in any kind of game! It was interesting to have a backstory when I never even thought something as mindless as this could have a plot. Thank you for giving us players hours of fun! It actually was a pretty unique idea even though it seemed easy to come up with.

Not that far again

Here you go with another great entry into this series! It figures you would do something special for the anniversary, especially something that involved Halloween! This was great fun to play, again because the purple demon is such a great character. I love his little snarks he always makes. I am normally not a fan of point-and-click stuff, but this was some of the best the genre has to offer. It also seems as though the graphics are getting better with more detail being put into the characters. Happy Halloween!

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