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Just in time for Halloween!

This was an awesome game to play simply because it had such a great innocence to it! I never thought that a ghost scaring people and eventually causing people to commit suicide would be so adorable. I really liked how it was just so easy to fly and float around everywhere. There was definitley some creativity put into this, with all the different ways you could scare people with the furniture and stuff. I also love how the ghost sounds. You also threw in some references to your other stuff by having James the Zebra appear in paintings.

Harder than you'd think

I have to admit that "Gravity Duck" is a pretty funny name for a game, even though the end result was anything but funny. It definitley got harder as it went along, but any problem I had was mostly because it was just hard to get a sense of control. The graphics were pretty simplistic, but that worked well for the theme. Ditto the music. You would be surprised as to how well you have to really be kept on your toes for something like this. You have to plan strategy and make sure everything is timed just right.

I like turtles

This game had some of the sweetest graphics and I loved how easy it was to get upgrades and stuff! However, it really annoyed me with how it took so long to power up to hit a turtle. I do not like it how I have to wait so long for the hammer to hit the turtle either. Still, the music in this was great and it was such an original idea you could not help but like it. Everything is just so subtle, or at least as subtle as something with a guy hitting a bunch of turtles can be. That reminds me, Super Mario Bros. wasn't that subtle.

Lives up to its description

I must have a glitch on my computer or something, because on the first level I could not hear any sound. Oh well, what matters is that this is a truly sweet game to play! I loved all the unique designs of all the monsters and the backgrounds and protagonists. I guess this year I am going to be thinking of "Inception" everytime I think about lucid dreams or any work of fiction involving dreams. The best advice is to simply keep on shooting because there are always going to be guys coming up. It seemed like a perfect illustration of how dreams tap into our fantasy.

I can see why it's popular

It was just great to play a game that has been viewed so many times. This is going to be the next game that puts this website on the map! It is a perfect example of everything people appreciate on the Internet, violence, violence, and blood. I kind of wish there were more people to select at first and it was hard to get ahead when you really just wanted to get all bloodied up. If it isn't working out for you, just immediately go to that detenator on the left side of the screen. It is also great to hear these moronic characters yelp while they are being mutilated. Oh, and nice graphics.

Those walkthroughs

This was good fun, although I will say that it was not as good as the first one. What's good is that you can simply play this all the time and keep getting medals by at least dying. Then when you play again you know exactly what to avoid so you won't have to worry about repeating a medal. The artwork in this is just gorgeous and the dark side of it all really beckons back to the classic days of the Brothers Grimm. You have no idea what is going to pop up next in the game. There are so many things going on, you just have to keep on playing to fill your curiousity. I'm glad I got to play this before Halloween came.

All the grace of Madness Combat!

I was thinking this was going to be made by none other than Krinkels himself, because the animation just looked so authentic. It was great to just go around and shoot person after person, which is what the genre is all about. I love it how you also get to have your guys revived by the end of a massacre. While it is a little slow moving, the authenticity certainly makes up for it. The graphics are very well done and everything has the most detail and took great skill to create. The music is also pretty haunting.

Only 3.65?

I am surprised this does not have a higher rating, but at least it managed to win Daily 3rd Place. This was fun because you just keep coming up with creative new ways and locations to express yourself! This is a great environment to just look around because everything is detailed so well. The graphics are some of the best a stick game has to offer, and I would certainly recommend this to any fan of point-and-click adventures! My favorite character would probably be Kiro, as old-fashioned sword stuff will never die out. Even people who do not like to play games can appreciate the cinematic cutscenes.

Hmm, not bad

This was fairly fun to play, but it did have its flaws. I guess it was just a pretty different game than the usual stuff I am used to playing, but pretty innovative for its time. I always had trouble with these Snake games because you just had to press the key at the exact right time! Anyway, I like the Breakout games a lot more, so it was good to include elements from that. It was weird how you grew a tail of a different color. The music and sound were alright and I felt they could have used more style.

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Joined on 9/21/08

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