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I can see why this won Daily Feature. I was truly surprised at how much mobility you had in this game. You were really able to jump wonderfully here. While I didn't understand it that much, it didn't really matter. This is just such a unique game! I'm always looking for that in games.

The music was about as good as you said it would be. It's truly creative and sets the atmosphere up quite well. I loved looking at all the little details in everything. It's pretty memorable. Not one of my favorites, but still great.

I thought that as far as racing games go, this wasn't that bad. It seems like I've been playing a lot of them recently. I think the graphics are mediocre. It's not really that good or bad. Then again, you could say that about the whole game. I think it looks a bit too childish.

I don't know why this was released in August. I mean, I know you said it's an old game, but you could have waited. Ah, schedules are dumb anyway. I managed to do a fairly good job at it even though it wasn't that well detailed.

It was kind of interesting to see how this game would play it, but I did not quite understand it. I fired and killed the germs, but I still lost the level. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. They all die upon spawning on the screen, but I still lost. It might be a glitch in the system. I mean, this hasn't been played in a long, long time.

I still found it to be unique. It was interesting to play the game so easily at first. I guess I got what I wanted when I kept losing it. I probably wouldn't recommend it. It wasn't terrible at all, though.

I had some fun playing this. I thought it was going to be too difficult. Well, I did in fact eventually lose, but that's not the point. The point is that this really was pretty well designed. I thought the music was great too. The sounds were nicely done.

I don't really see why they were cans of all things. I guess it works as well as anything else. I was expecting it to be like a mouse world with the cans. It's still a good game. I'm generally not into racing games, but this was decent.

Well, what can I say? I was thinking that this wasn't a very impressive Ludum Dare and that this wouldn't be one I would give a perfect score to, but it was! I just loved this game! I am usually not eager to play games without medals. This was a true exception! The atmosphere was fantastic.

The character in this looked like Apple Bloom. Yes, there was a certain point I could not get across, but that isn't the point (a bit redundant). I was really interested as to all the new things this game had. While there were no enemies, it was still quite difficult. It could be described as a puzzle game too.

I think this was a pretty good game for Pico Day. Not one of the best, but not bad. I am glad I was able to figure out you just had to throw drop bombs to get down somewhere. It was also interesting to see this layout. It seems like this is more Tankmen Day than anything else.

Or rather, it was just Newgrounds Day. Whatever the notion, it's nice to celebrate ourselves. I was a bit confused as to how you got on top of the buildings. It was fun to figure that stuff out. The graphics could have been better, but still good.

I did not care much for this. It seemed like it was building towards something that was going to be much better. It didn't help that the graphics were way too simplistic. It also came off as too cute. Cute stuff can be, well, cute, but not this time. I think it should have had more going on.

Then again, the foxes were pretty hard to outwit. I will give you credit for making it unexpected to have them be so difficult to get away from. Then again, the difficulty also made it a little less enjoyable. It's not bad, just not for me.

I can see why this has the lowest score of anything on the Dare 29 thing. I still didn't hate this, because it really is an interesting looking game. I mean, it's easy to understand. I say that waaaaaay too much in my reviews. What really killed it was how there was no sound. That's always something to put in anything.

I didn't know how I was losing points. As you might have guessed, it's not a game that I would be too eager to look back at. It isn't really horrible. I get the sense that you at least tried. Obviously, it could have been more detailed.

Well, this makes no sense. I have reached a point where I simply can not progress. I go across this one place that has this area I can't cross. I have no choice but to stay behind and die. I have tried outrunning it, but I can not do it. There must be something I am missing.

I can tell this didn't take too long to make. That's not a criticism, just an observation. What detail it does have is pretty nice. Is there some hidden switch I'm missing? I guess it's fine for something really quick.

Zanzlanz responds:

Of course it didn't take too long to make; it was made in less than 48 hours for the Ludum Dare competition. It says it right on the title ;)

Anyway, it's completely possible! I've beat it a handful of times (albeit it was challenging), as has 80 people on Newgrounds and several of my friends in person. Hope you'll return to conquer the game!

BeminFire suggests telling you that you can wall jump. I didn't realize if that was what troubled you? Hope that helps!

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