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I did not like this game. I think its biggest fault was how difficult it was. Well, the graphics were pretty bad too. I am glad to have played this Pico game. The artwork seems even older than a lot of the stuff made back in those days. I guess this was intentional.

It doesn't rank high with Pico games. I just had to keep on firing at the nerds and their shields almost never turned off. Is this supposed to be an actual nightmare? It sure was one for me. The music isn't bad, though.

Lenke responds:

you just have to wait to some bomb explode close to they, then you can shoot ...
most of people get it ... (? or not (?

I'm sorry, but I really thought the graphics were subpar in this one. It was weird how this came from this year, but looks so old. I was also confused as to why the Slender Man was there. It was cool to play a game featuring Jeff The Killer. He should be used more here. The music is truly haunting in this!

I don't know why this was frontpaged for Pico Day, but at least it's a cool game. He does look pretty scary. I remember how shocked I was when I first saw that face. This is a fairly good game.

Lenke responds:

is weird, I had a pico game and they front paged this old game(3 months), at last they frontpaged my pico's game, so I have two games in the frontpage at the same time XD!!!

I was really interested into how fun this game got to be. I was a bit confused to the layout. I'm glad I was able to kill a good number of bosses. I do think that the cutscenes went on a bit too long. Then again, that could have been the joke. I'm surprised this didn't get an award for Pico Day. It really is a fun game.

It was cool how I didn't even use the flying until later. Of course, I still died in the level I was on (fourth). These are the kinds of spam flashes we have to deal with. Of course, there will always be those who vote on it highly. It was good fun and Happy Pico Day!

I honestly myself had no idea how to beat this game at first. Well, I knew how, it's just that it was impossible to play. I don't see what this even has to do with Pico. This was still a good game. I like standard platformers. I'm glad you got upgrades as the game went on. Skipping ahead to levels was a terrible idea.

I didn't even know they were in any random order. That doesn't matter, because I got that freaking medal! I think the design is good. Happy Pico Day 2014 with this great game! It's good enough to want to know what's in the next level.

While the animation isn't that good, I still really enjoyed this. I find it to be better than the original, because it seems to be easier. The lines do seem to fade more. I just always did it at the wrong time here. I like how nice the music is. It's very calming.

I really liked killing those guys. Yeah, I know that sounds mean, but it's interesting how it is laid out. It really does seem like their own fault here. You do need to work on the animation. It's still a great game!

I was pretty impressed by this game. My only complaint was that it was a bit hard to control. You mostly just did the same thing over and over. I was quite impressed at how well this game moved. I thought it would be easy to just destroy all the cars. It really is a lot harder than that.

The protagonist of this is also pretty cool looking. He looks like some giant punk rocker. It seems like you tried to look cool by putting the two words in the title together. It is fun to see all that destruction. I even like how everything fades away or something when you lose the game.

I really don't know that much about culture, because I kept thinking of baseball. Wait, this is a lot like baseball, isn't it? I appreciated how it was fairly unique. It's always nice to hear about sports popular in other countries. It seems I learned a little here. Of course, I don't know much about baseball either.

For a sports game, I thought this wasn't bad. I don't understand was the whole "being on fire" thing meant. It didn't really injure me. I guess you just had to throw in some magic there. It's hard to see any popular thing that doesn't have at least one thing that can't happen in real life. The sounds are okay.

I admit that it does look very nice, but that was pretty much it. If I touched anything at ALL, I died. I'm pretty sure if I just grazed the side of something on my motorcycle, that wouldn't be too bad. I will admit that the graphics aren't too bad. There is just so little going for this. I thought maybe you were supposed to kill people. I mean, India does have the most deaths by car accidents.

That's what I get for knowing about statistics. I couldn't get any points at all. Good design doesn't matter if you can't play a game. I guess the music isn't too bad. I can see why this never got too popular.

This really is quite an impressive game. I think it does have the problem of not having good graphics. I still found this to be very enjoyable. It didn't get hard too quickly. You just had to get a good look at everything in order to advance. I appreciate the originality of this.

I'm surprised this didn't win an award of some kind. I wasn't even sure how to play it at first. It was pretty fun figuring it out. I recommend this to more people. It's laid out in a very nice manner.

I liked this game, but it did not make sense at all. I don't know what's really going on. It said I had to hit the ball to knock my opponent out. I did that, and it said I lost! When I fell off it myself, I won! There must be something wrong here. Anyway, it really is a pretty creative game.

I wish I knew how to control that eagle. It was a pretty well paced game. I could recognize your animation. I'm glad it wasn't just a standard baseball game. We don't have that many popular sports games here.

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