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I was not that entertained by this game. It seemed like an awful lot of work just to get some medals. I couldn't really understand what the point of cheering or booing was. It seemed too complicated for itself. I would have preferred a more standard fighting game. There isn't much motivation to go on.

I do think that the designs are fairly good and it does seem like you were trying something different. I always appreciate that. It could just be more enjoyable. It seems like most people think this is okay, too. Those are my thoughts.

DarkTimmy responds:

Totally agree. I think the only thing pushing a lot of people through are the medals. Overall the game is a nice idea with some flaw that hold it way back. The game just doesn't seem to engage too hard with the variety. I am thinking about a sequel with some tweaks and new modes. Maybe that will do it! Thanks for the comment too! Best, -Tim (check out my Boss 101 sequel if you want to see the latest - my Newgrounds blog has the deets)

I was truly impressed by this! I can see why it won Daily 2ndPlace. Oh come on, that's not so bad! I thought the graphics were quite good. It was refreshing to have a game that was so easy to understand. I thought a game about a boat would be more difficult. It even seemed to be rewarding.

I think I've gotten used to the controls with this laptop. The sounds and everything else seemed good. I knew enemies would appear. I don't know why there are giant floating coins. Of course, it probably makes more sense than other games anyway.

I am surprised this does not have a higher rating. I actually really could get into this. I think it's mostly because of how realistic it is. In many games, that's not a good thing. Here, you guys really seemed like you wanted to make an art game. I am glad you did that. The music is quite soothing too.

It's nice to find interesting ways to do basic things like open locks. It's not stupid, it would be hard in real life. It's interesting how you want to tell a story like this. I hope this at least gets frontpaged. It's nice to have an intellectual game.

It was interesting, because I didn't even know the computer was playing at first! I thought it was just me playing against myself! I know I at least clicked the screen when the computer started. I admit that is kind of an original idea. I haven't played one of those games like this. It does make it less fun when there are no obstacles or anything.

Wait, I'm thinking of the wrong kind of game. I thought it was fun to get close to hitting your opponent. While not that creative, still good. You could probably brush up on the graphics, too. You bet I recognize that music.

I went over to the walkthrough and all it did was show me another link to the game. I managed to find the walkthrough and am so glad I did. I honestly had no clue what was going on with this game. I'm worse at point and click adventures than I thought I was! I did manage to get into it a little when I finally understood it. The drawings were fairly nice.

It was so satisfying to finally get that sword and kill people. I liked how it was so short. Medals for being killed are always a plus. Even the name is kind of cool. It was fun to see what would happen next. While not that great, it is worth looking at.

Okay, I'm not someone who's into point and click adventure games. That's not why I didn't like this. It's because the details were pretty bad in this. I guess it was easy to look at, at least? There needs to be more going on. It just came off as too bland to me.

Everything just looked too old. I know there were better drawings in 2007. Dang, has it been seven years already? Everything looks so old. There could have also been better sounds.

I didn't like this game because I think there was something wrong with the frame. It went off base for some reason. I tend to think this wasn't just my computer because it has a fairly low rating. I actually did like what little gameplay I was able to get into. It is really weighed down by how bad the graphics are. I guess we're not yet ready for mainstream CGI.

It was almost funny to see these weird looking figures touch each other. I'm not much into sports games, in real life or in video games. I guess it made a realistic interpretation of the game. I've never really played it. It seems like you have the right idea for a sports game at least.

I thought this was a pretty good game. I thought it was interesting how you set everything up. I did not know what kind of powerups were going to show up next. That was pretty interesting. It did get pretty hard and unwinnable at times. It was hard to tell when you were just going to lose.

You thought you could do better with it, but it was just hopeless. I don't recall the original one. It may not have been that well detailed, but it was still pretty cool. I don't know what the spikes do. Oh, I guess they break up other things.

I really was pretty impressed by this. I didn't think it would be that good at first. I think the best thing is how it isn't too frustrating. A lot of puzzle games can be like that. I think it's because you give it the feeling of a platformer. Maybe I'm thinking more of an RPG.

I think the music's really cool too. There was definitely work put into making all of these different puzzles. It really is fun to work your way around this. You can always try again. It's all around a very fun game.

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