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I love it when we make topical stuff. The animation was great! It seemed like there were so many different styles in this. My big complaint was that I didn't know how to play this! I mean, I got to the first level. It said I needed to wake Terri up.

I tried using the arrow keys and mouse and nothing worked! Wait, maybe that was the intention. It was just a game like that. I do appreciate the great visuals beforehand. Wow, what a gag.

Wow, I was really impressed at how hard this game was! I mean, there were so many things going on. I am mad the medals were so hard. Couldn't I just get one for getting past the first five levels? The music is great at least. I like the idea of a bear on a jet.

It reminds me of Stephen Colbert. Dang, I miss that show. The sprite work is so nice. It's just a very fun game. Yeah, I got that freezing problem on my laptop too. I'm glad it wasn't just me.

I feel bad about liking this game because of how easy it is at first. I mean, surely other people are like that too? The designs were really nice too. The music was amazing! It did seem to lag with my laptop. Well, that’s not your fault.

I’m glad I learned how to use the well, use button. It was pretty fun once that happened. The enemies are pretty well designed. I’m glad you have different weapons. I guess the detail could have been better, but it’s still good.

I am pretty impressed at how creative this game is. I was in no way expecting that. You literally beat your score. Then again, it did get monotonous. I can at least appreciate the creativity. The animation is quite nice.

The sound effects are good. There just isn't that much variety. Still, it's fine for a quick play. The medals are harder than I thought. Well, I need to learn more combos. It reminded me of animation from SuperNews.

elpepiii responds:

Thank you very much for the review!

I'm sorry, but I couldn't like this. It was just you breaking hearts over and over. That was it. I was thinking there'd be something bigger going on. It amounted to very little. Well, at least it's Valentine's Day time now.

The music wasn't bad. I like the literal metaphor. It was just way too short. Well, I guess some people liked it. Happy Valentine's Day?

Wow, that was quite bad. All I could do was just jump up and down. I'm not at all familiar with Ragnarok. The actual game must be better than this. I guess the music was okay. I don't think I could ever really fall.

I just moved from one platform to the other. They weren't even really platforms. They were just lines. It made little sense to me. You needed instructions too.

Yeah, I found this game to be mostly boring. I mean, it was just you walking around. There was so little depth to it. The details were quite bad. I wish the directions could have been clearer. At least it was harmless.

Well, how could it really be harmful? The music was so-so. Was that guy a zombie? It seemed like you were just walking in a straight line. I'm not a fan of these games to begin with.

tigerrenko responds:

Thank you for your time. Game is experimental and attempts to be philosophical. It was also made in under 6 hours with cross-world collab (Joanito from Mexico and me from Europe)

I was very confused by this game. I had no clue what was going on. I didn't even know what I was supposed to be doing. I mostly just explored and climbed up stuff. It was hard to even do that. Well, it was an experience.

I guess it was pretty creative. I probably could get into this game more. I guess this guy was supposed to be a superhero. Whatever, it made little sense. I wish I could have interacted with these people.

Yeah, I can see why this is the lowest rated thing here. It lacks sound for one thing. It also doesn't tell you how to even play the game. Even the title is bland. The graphics aren't good at all. I didn't even know it was a defense game at first.

Okay, I guess it does tell you how to play. I just didn't care for this. It is far too bland. I at least like the idea of it, I suppose. Uh, Happy Pixel Day!

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