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I admit that I was pretty annoyed at how hard this game was. I mean, the enemies had regenerating health. That was easily the worst part. Still, it wasn't that hard. I loved finally getting those medals. The music was really nice.

The graphics could have been better. I just wanted more details. The colors were pretty good. You could always go back and get more coins. It's mostly fun.

I admit this game is fairly playable. It actually has a pretty interesting concept. The details were good. I believe this is in fact how atoms work. Well, it's been awhile since I've studied them. I really like the music.

I'm glad you guys won some award. It's a pretty classy game. It isn't great, but nice. It isn't too hard or anything. I guess a science game would have you think hard.

The rating should be higher! This is really a fun game! It's just so much fun to be a giant monster that's destroying everything. It's just a really carefree game. I don't even care when I die. I can just go on like this forever.

I was very impressed by the graphics. Everything looks high tech. Was this made in response to the new "King Kong" movie coming up? I just know a lot about movies. The squares are cool looking.

Wow, I'm impressed at how good the animation is. I appreciate the first easy medal. I didn't know that I had to just put that hat on. I really like the fine details. Everything is laid out so nicely. These zombies seem pretty friendly.

Well, they've already killed the humans, so I guess they are pretty bad. The colors are so nice and bright. I like the more mundane environment. Uh, Happy Valentine's Day? This was more like something for Halloween.

Muja responds:

Lol, that's what my girlfriend told me, too: "it's Valentine's day, and you're thinking about zombies" :D

The truth is, I had been working on this game for some time, now, so it's not like I was planning to publish this on Valentine's day. It just sort of happened.

I'm glad you could enjoy it anyway :)

Wow, I was quite impressed by this game! I just had no idea where it would take me! You really do have some great puzzles in this. I had no idea what would happen next. There are just so many ways you can put a puzzle piece in. Yeah, it's the most literal puzzle game I've played in a long time.

I admit I wasn't getting much of a Valentine's Day vibe from this, but I don't care. I'm glad there's people who make so much stuff about it. The music is nice and gentle. Happy Valentine's Day! I like the colors too.

Rarykos responds:

Thank you very much! :) I'm really happy you like it, I spent a good amount of time coming up with different puzzles and trying to make them as simple as possible!

I'm glad I took you for a trip and you enjoyed it!

Well, it's just nothing but Darth Maul crapping over and over. I guess the crap has some variety. It just doesn't do much for me. Half the time he seems constipated. What did this have to do with "Revenge Of The Sith"? Darth Maul wasn't in that.

This had revenge in its title. I assume it had something to do with that movie. This was just pointless. I guess the animation wasn't bad. It's crappy.

I don't really care for strategy games like that. I've seen nearly all the "Star Trek" movies. You'd think I would be more familiar with this! Instead, it was mostly alien. Hee hee, pun. I do appreciate the game's atmosphere.

It was just a bit too complicated for me. Yeah, I'm too lazy to look into games like this. The sounds were nice. It could have used more music. It should please bigger fans.

Uh wow, that game was quite awkward. I couldn't hear anything. Why do I keep getting that with games here? Anyway, it was just too simple to really care about. I didn't know how to advance past the fourth level. It was just a really weird game.

I guess the design isn't bad. It's weird to have an only medal that isn't in completing the game. The colors were kind of distracting. I guess fans of this stuff should like it. I'm not used to pipe games without Mario.

Yeah, I’m just not good at this game at all. It was the second level that really threw me off. I really do like the setup of this game. My laptop is probably just slow. The animation is pretty unique. It just isn’t for me.

The music isn’t bad. I just didn’t know where to really jump. It made little sense to me. You should have had more control over your character. It looked good at least.

Yeah, I found this to be as awesome as it was sad to be. I am just so glad at how clear the gameplay is. You basically just go anywhere you want. I love games that have mobility like this. I thought it would be more about running a business. Well, sometimes it was like that.

I love how you fall off the edge and die. It's just a cute little thing. Wow, that's dark. I always appreciate how you create a big world. It's still sticks, but it's done well.

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