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I didn't find this game to be that enjoyable, mostly because I'm no good at it. At least you had an interesting and fairly original premise. I liked how there were a lot of different objects and how they all seemed to affect you differently. It was nice to have such a challenging game. The worst part is probably not knowing when you have even won the level. The graphics, while not that detailed, are still nice.

It's just fun to try to control something that you have such limited control over. I had no idea the platforms themselves were going to help me like that. The sounds are pretty cool too. At least this managed to achieve some popularity. It's fairly unique for what it is.

I thought this was a fairly good game. I can't believe I got secret medals without even trying to! Anyway, this was pretty cool to play because it actually was kind of a unique game. What I didn't like about it is that it was a bit too easy. It was mostly just you clicking on blocks and they fell down. There's just not much else.

I did like this because it's completely harmless. It's just an attempt to make a fun, easy little game. It's just that most of us expect more. I suggest you make it a lot harder and put a lot more detail into it. It was nice to be able to breeze past these levels.

It's funny, because at first I thought it was just supposed to be me defending my castle or whatever that is. I am soo glad there were other people (or rabbit things or whatever) to help me along the way. You didn't make it that clear in the tutorial. It's still a great game and it is easy to figure out when you see the "Q" sign on board. There's some kind of glitch where I die and can't move on.

It's weird because I can still send troops. I don't know how far they are to attacking the enemy, unfortunately. There were just a lot of cool things going on here. The sounds are also nice and I like how the Moon is evil. Watch out, Princess Luna!

Asvegren responds:

I'm glad you seemed to like it! If you die in-game, a red cross icon will be unlocked (hotkey: 2). This costs 40 resource units and will revive Morax.

I thought this was great because it had so much going on! I liked how the stakes for raised for each level by having more pits of the pot to collect. It's just a very well collected game. Everything is extremely well organized and while there isn't a lot of movement, the graphics are still great. Of course, this might all be because I'm good at this.

It's so satisfying when everything just comes together in the end. It probably could have used music. It's great to have such a nice and calm game. It makes me realize how big a fan I am of games like these. You don't seem to see them that much anymore.

At first, I didn't care for it that much because I felt it was too easy. It seemed to be a lot more challenging for me when I realized you only had on life. While it isn't great, this is actually fairly decent. I guess it might just be because I'm a big fan of these kinds of games. I wish there could have been some more detail put into this. At least the overall design was pretty original.

The sounds are nice and they all seem to sync pretty well. It's pretty fun to just watch the ball (or whatever that thing is) to go around and touch everything. It could have used some music, probably. It works for what it is. Just try next time to put some more detail in it with maybe some different colors.

I thought this was a really cool game! It's great that you have no idea what crazy background is going to pop up next in this. I appreciate all the unique designs. I thought I was supposed to be against the pirates, but I was actually helping them out. I love how there's so much room for you to experiment and so many different ways to play. It works so well as a puzzle game.

It's easy to see why this won Daily Feature. Its only downside is that it is perhaps a bit too simple in design. What works is that everything else about this is so freaking adorable. I love the little sounds and the way the pirates are happy when they have water. I wouldn't have expected flooding to be good for anyone.

I really liked this game, probably because I just found it to be so unique. It's a short game in itself and it doesn't really take a lot of thought. I am still very impressed at people who manage to get far in this game. I assume it's mostly luck. The graphics were freaking gorgeous in this and so were the sounds. I just loved the little pitter patter of the light stuff bouncing off the fish.

It may not have much detail, but it doesn't need to have it. It's just a nice, simple game that is wonderfully designed. Everything about its design was fantastic. My only complaint is that it did get a tad boring at times. Of course, with practice, everything becomes easier!

Almakos responds:

Thank you for the review.
You described exactly what I was trying to achieve with it =)

P.S. I have no idea myself how one can score those millions, that seemed impossible to me...

I thought this was a very cool game, mostly because of how nice the colors were. It's just cool to see all these interesting things going on. What I didn't like was how it was too difficult! I am sooo glad that the enemy couldn't lay out any bombs, at least not at first. It was also nice how you could lay numerous bombs at once. It's sad when you're so much better at destroying yourself than your enemy.

I was also surprised to find such a wide variety of players to choose from. Their designs were all unique and although it didn't make sense, it was still great to look at. It's amazing how complicated this game can be. Well, I guess it's not really that complicated, just very hard. You are quite popular in score with this!

kor6k responds:

Thanks for the feedback! You should try "explose'em all"; it's the new version of this game I made and iI think it is better ;-)

Well, I had no idea this game was going to be that complicated. It really took off when you got to the third level which is the one that I'm just stuck on. Even the instructions didn't seem to help me at all! At least you worked on an original game. I find it amazing that I am still able to find so many original concepts in the games I've been reviewing lately. I think the graphics are fairly decent too.

The music isn't too bad, but could probably use some work. I like how there's a lot of detail put into everything, like how there's always people moving around. Oh wait, those aren't people, those are chickens. I thought they looked weird. I guess learning about electricity is important.

I thought this was actually a good game, just not one of my favorites. At least I have to give you credit for having such a highly rated flash! This is in the freaking Top Ten! For whatever reason it's popular, it's certainly creative. It seems like you really did a lot of work to put all these different designs. I couldn't help but think some of these designs were inspired by Naruto.

I guess you can come through any design with the randomizer. That's easily the most fun part of the entire game. The music was fairly nice too. It seems like only one person being listed under credits & info is becoming more and more rare nowadays. Congradulations on your success!

rhys510 responds:

This isnt as popular as you think - i only make these games to entertain people and to have fun in the process, this was just a side project whilst i was working on a bigger game but for some reason this game got abit more views than expected :)

- Thanks for the comment :P

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