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Very hard to get medals

Well, this the next installment and is easily the biggest in the entire series! To be honest, I am not a fan of RPGs like that and wish the entire thing would have been about battle after battle. Still, the animation is as good as ever. It is also really interesting to see some character development to see how these characters interact with each other and other people. I like the little details everywhere. For example, the NPC who wants stuff for a computer is Konata from "Lucky Star".

It did get annoying having to talk to so many people and carry on so many missions. I would think I could get a medal every minute given how this seems to have more medals than any other game I have played! Here are some tips. Look for the logs behind the scene before you get to the beginning of the forest and go through them to get some treasures. It still managers to be extremely addictive as are the other games in this series. I monitored and looked through the designs of this game ever since it started and I am glad to see the finished product.

Now this is difficult

The weirdest thing was that the secret medal was actually the easiest one to get. I had no idea how I am supposed to do 70,000 points in only ten seconds not to mention avoiding delays! I was simply looking for an easy way to get medals and boy was I wrong! As for the game itself, I felt it was pretty well designed, at least as good as any other Clock Day game. At least you made the gameplay very simple. It seems weird you would have medals that have descriptions not related to the real modes.

It got hard

If this game had any weakness, it would be that it could have used a background. I had trouble figuring out exactly what I had to do in beating this. I touched the blue things but I kept dying anyway, so I then figured out I had to touch every single blue thing. It is a good way to get people motivated to play by unlocking the next mode like that. This seems like it could have been made by someone like Danny Miller (KiggD). It is always funny to see the smallest fractions of the seconds on the clock go up like crazy.

I have Flash Player 10

This was fun to play because it was a truly original idea. I always had to look out for everything on both sides and it was so easy to forget the lower half. The graphics themselves are really good, especially with how the ninja gets set on fire and everything. I had some trouble climbing and everything and the arrow keys work a lot better for me. The background is good and gives a nice futuristic feeling. The hazards are everything are pretty standard and I do not even know how the upgrades work.

AethosGames responds:

The upgrades increase the amount of time you can stay invisible or climb the walls.

It never happened

I am proud to say that this never happened and that guy simply cut it off. He should have known the minute he heard that Fred Phelps was going to help him it was a bad idea. As for this game itself, it was far too short and far too simple to really enjoy. I can learn to take a joke, but this was just low quality. I do have to give you some credit for being able to submit it at exactly 9:11 PM. The design is just far too simple and burning things and encouraging violence is not going to honor the people who have died.

NhollowWearthO responds:

Well I do know he cut it off for good reason more than said even. This is no joke and the quality is also part of it, thanks for your opinionssss.....

Easy level is easy

This was a very fun game to play if only because the "easy" mode was just so easy to do! It really makes me wish this had medals because I could get them so easily! I have no clue why those glue bars make it so that you get so many hits, but it helps my game at least! While the design was not the best, it was just so playable. The best thing to do is to have a bunch of trampolines at one point. That is really all you need to have in the "Easy" mode to last the entire 300 seconds (5 minutes) it takes to play.


It was amazing how fun this turned out to be, given that it really had no point at all and just went on forever! There could have been some more backgrounds, but still fantastic to play. It may be the most energetic game that I have ever played! I love all the funny sounds like the laugh when the fire gets new fuel. I can not imagine how many people I have killed by setting so many buildings on fire. This just has so much energy, it is the perfect way to get engaged into an addictive game!


What really won me over was just how hard this was in comparison to what it looked like. While the graphics were not much, it was still a very impressive and realistic game. I thought it would be a breeze because I would not have to worry about losing when the cars crashed. Apparently, they can not do that but you still have to keep note of how many cars there are! Anyone is a frequent driver can relate themselves to this. It was just amazing how something that seemed so plain could get harder.

First amendment indeed!

I knew someone was going to do some 911 things on this day. You certainly know how to motivate someone to play, even if all you had to do was put medals on. The weird thing is that it is so easy at first! I could literally go for 5,000 miles and did not have to worry about even pressing a single button! The graphics were alright and the main point was that they were a little bland, but not terrible. I doubt I will ever be able to fly that place into the World Trade Center, but then again, why would I ever want to?

Kevin responds:


Good game, I guess

This is why I doubt I am going to get a good grade in my economics class this year. It was pretty hard to get that absorbed because the setting was so mundane. While I love things being realistic, if I wanted to see things like that, I would go out in real life. The music was still really cute and the graphics were truly impressive. I would know from experience that it takes a lot of work to make money and how it must be spent wisely. I like the aerial view because it really lets you see all that you need.

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