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Why so low?!

This is one of the most utterly addictive games I have ever played here! This should have won every award out there! It was fantastic to see something so different than what you usually do, yet it still managed to work so well! The groundskeeper looks a lot like Albert Einstein. Everything was just so fast paced, you were jumping around everywhere with all this crazy stuff flying around and it was all about mowing lawns! If it was this fun in real life, I would be sad that fall is coming and we will not need to mow the lawn.

As great as ever!

It is so cool to see another thing added in to the Fragger series, as it is just so much fun. It was really cool to throw in some objects around that could help you. I always kind of think the enemies look like burglars with stereotypical masks. It is probably for the best that the grenades do not explode at a certain time and just after they stop moving. This also works beause it is really easy to retry. Just look over the flaws you did when you previously tried to beat the level and improve on them specifically.

This is weird

I definitley have to give you credit for creating one of the strangest games here with medals. I have no idea what this giant girl is doing around with these magic legs. It was hard to really advance anywhere because you had no idea what to do. I even managed to get a medal without even trying to! It definitley fits the theme of the bizarreness of Ozzy Osbourne and the songs being played. Nothing here makes any sense, but it is wonderfull animated with the perfect atmosphere to fit the tone.

Merol responds:

Well, glad you liked it! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

You did it again!

This was really cool to play because you managed to put some new innovations to the series. I was a tiny bit disappointing that there was still no music. It is still as addictive as any real game of minature golf. Minature golf in real life would probably be easier than this anyway due to the fact that you do not have to deal with grass that pulls you away like that. I wonder if that could even be done in the real world? Anyway, the graphics are improving (not that they really needed much anyway).

Good for a classic game

The only complaint I have with this game is pretty basic and it is that you should simply put some music in. I just think that any kind of music would be suitable for something like this. What really strengthened the enjoyment for this game was how it was just so simple. You even managed to put some variety in it with the different ways you could try to kill people. This game has always been a worldwide classic because it works so well in its simplicity. Any fan of hang-man should play this.

Tons of fun!

Puzzle games are a great way to exercise your brain on this website. I especially like how great the graphics are and how everything flows so well. The most fun part might be when you reach the level where you get to just spin around on the curved areas. Even the design of the box you are controlling is good. A lot of times I simply found out the best way to work this out when I was experimenting with moves. You have a ton of ways to just move around and freely come up with a solution.

Wonderful atmosphere!

I am so glad that everybody came together to make something as great as this. I would have loved it if the entire thing was just those cut scenes. This would certainly make a better story for a darker and more serious "Alice In Wonderland" than that Tim Burton movie. The graphics are spectualar, although it is annoying how I am not really able to follow through or get ahead in this game. Still, you have great music and a great way of everything working together. Enjoy having the highest spot on Newgrounds at this time probably!

ImpendingRiot responds:

We're toying around with the idea of some kind of animated comic. Thanks for the kind words they mean a lot

Very cool

I think this might be the best in the "Kees' Adventure" series. The main thing is that you seemed to try really hard not to have any really crazy or flashy stuff but make it realistic. It was so much fun to just go around and talk to all the people. I think this is some of the best use of pixellation I have seen in an RPG as it really reminded me of the older Game Boy games. It seems to create a world of its own, but still knows its limitations. There is just the right amount of space to move around, too.

Quite cool

The graphics in this game are really good and the music has lots of variety and still fits the themes it is set to. The hardest level was of course when the robots started becoming smarter and followed you. You think you would see this more in games, especially with ones you can kill. There is really a complicated system to every level. It can even be considered a puzzle game with how much you have to manuever everywhere. I do wish he could jump higher, but that's what those green platforms are for.

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