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Some teaser!

I did not have high hopes when watching this because I thought it was just going to be a short movie. I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was a game in itself! It is hard to call this a short game, as the game never ends, at least in theory. I have no idea what awesome things are going to be in the actual game. I found it funny how the female enemies took more than one hit to kill. I could just use that guy all day to randomly click and release things whenever I wanted, and I could play until I finally lost.

Another great game from AdultSwim

While I do not really watch Cartoon Network anymore, it is great to know you guys are still around with these games! It is especially fun as the game is so simplistic. You guys still managed to have some great animation and funny sound effects. The controls may not be the best, but this is also a game that really knows how to take its time. I loved all the little effects, like the lock literally being taken off on the next level. It was also great to include all of the instructions right there in the author comments.

Loads of fun

While it was not one of my favorite games, I am really glad to see a follow up to this! The best thing is that you can really take your time with how many obstacles and enemies there are. The controls are a bit hard for me, but that is just with the mouse. I am glad to use my brand new keyboard to type this review! The graphics were good and I really liked the uniqueness that the protagonist had in addition to the designs of the enemies and everything else. The music was really cool and knew how to get you motivated.

SiJaf responds:

Thanks! You may want to try the Rock N Risk games, because they have a similar Risk activation mechanic

Very fun

The best thing about this submission is that it introduced me to a whole new style of gameplay. It was fun to just memorize what had happened and then try to replicate it. It is pretty funny how you can still change where the things go even after you are beaten at a certain level. This also manages to have a really good design despite looking a little simplistic. You are courageous for submitting something on Christmas having nothing to do with it. I guess this game makes you appreciate our train workers.

Good in its simplicity

The most impressive thing is that you managed to create something that was good but being so amazingly basic. On the last part of the level, it was hard for me to tell where to go. It is especially fun with how you can just breeze past most of this stuff. I also like it how it makes the same noise when you collect the coins as in the Mario games. I really did not do all that bouncing, just more jumping, I think. While not a masterpiece, it is a geniunely good game that should entertain most people.

It is fun!

While this game is fairly frustrating as it goes on, it still manages to have a great amount of fun to it. I think the main factor is how good the sound is. I just love hearing the turtle jump around with that silly jumping sound all the time. It was also great to see it slowly speed up and it was interesting to see how fast paced it got to be. You truly have to keep up with this game at least after awhile. Sometimes it becomes so absorbing, it is actually hard to tell what side the brick wall is on!

Tons of fun!

It was so much fun to play this because the graphics were just amazing! I was a bit confused because when I saw "-4" on the enemies, I thought that meant I was losing points. Thank you for having all these medals that people can work hard to get. It was just hard to pick up with the theme so I am glad you included that cut scene. It shows you are great at making games and the designs seemed to be both complicated and simple at the same time! It was fun to just blast these giant pixels apart!

Very fun game

While not the most original of games, it certainly has a good enough premise to really like. There were just so many objects around that at first it was hard to tell which ball was supposed to go into the basket. I admired the really good graphics as well. The music really fits the theme and you can just play it again and again. Here is a hint; dropping things from a distance really makes it become more powerful. All of the tools used in this design were so simple, yet worked so effectively.

Pretty fun

I liked playing this even though it was probably the most peaceful zombie game I have ever played. What works is that it is an interesting puzzle game that makes you think about what to do in certain scenarios. It is certainly unique, even if it is far from the ideal zombie game. I also liked the music which seemed to fit the more light hearted theme. I am impressed by how you were willing to not make money on this with no ads. The graphics are decent as they have mostly good features.

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