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Here's another unappreciated game! It's nice this managed to win some sort of positive award. I think the music is quite good. What I really like about this is how well it works in its simplicity. It's nice to have such an easygoing game. At the same time, it's not too difficult.

I really did like how it was unpredictable. It doesn't have to be too elaborate to be good. I just think it's the kind of game that gives off a positive vibe. It's more memorable than you would think. I hope more people play this.

I have to admit that this was pretty impressive. Its biggest fault was probably how it wasn't well detailed. It really does get harder as it goes on. I know I can never count as something being too easy. If anything really is that easy, it will be easy to get it over with. The gameplay is quite original.

I'm always amazed at how I can find uniqueness in the thousands of games I have seen. It's something that I'm always looking for. While not well known, I did like this. It was nice to have to go faster. It creeps on you.

I enjoyed this game. My biggest criticism was that it was too simplistic. There really wasn't much detail put into it. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it didn't do much for me here. I can't complain about it being too hard or anything. The name's pretty nice too.

I appreciate how it really is an original idea. I like this take off of Tetris. I don't mean to offend you by mentioning Tetris, if this was not based on it. This was a cool game. While not that elaborate, I still liked this.

I found this to be pretty good! While the design is a bit too simple, it's still quite playable. I don't understand what the point of those red minus things are. Maybe you have to directly have the box touch them. It does get more enjoyable when you look into it. I didn't quite understand the title.

The sounds seem to do well in sync. It's not that great, but I would recommend it. It doesn't have anything too bad about it. It's fun to wonder what will happen next. Of course, it's more fun to actually deal with it.

Like most people, I thought this was a bit too hard. I don't want to sound whiney, I just agree with what other people say. I will admit that it really is a pretty smooth game in itself. The designs are quite good. I really do have a lot of good mobility. I have to give you credit for that.

I appreciate all the little details going on. I guess you can always train at it. I appreciate how easy it is to understand. I say that too much in game reviews. I thought I was smarter than that.

It's interesting to play games like this, because the first couple of levels are so freaking easy. You know you're going to reach a level you will have to work really hard to get past. I couldn't help but think these guys reminded me of Mario and Luigi. You know, the red and green ones. This game is like a Rubik's cube in that if you advance one way, the rest of it is ruined. I'm surprised I've never used that analogy before.

I still found it cool how the levels were so uniquely designed. There are always new strategies to think of. Only one really works. The music is fairly good too. Maybe it isn't like Mario in that there was no blue guy.

This was a pretty good game. I couldn't understand what the title meant. Why would a pigeon want revenge? Shouldn't it be a human who would want revenge on a pigeon for crapping on him? It's not like people eat pigeons or anything. They're quite abundant!

This was still a good game. I was able to play it pretty well. Bird poop doesn't look as disgusting as human poop. I guess that's a good thing in the real world. The design was pretty good.

That was one really messed up game. I guess I can't really say it was bad, just too difficult. You were in this weird place, where you had to rotate everything. I had no idea that was even what the game was about at first. You shouldn't have had the instructions in such tiny writing. I guess the graphics aren't bad.

This is really just too strange to truly understand. I had tons of time to get nothing done. I wish I could go back on my moves, but I couldn't. It seems like it's too complicated of a game. The sounds are fine, I guess.

I found this game to just be okay. It was interesting to see how the graphics were put together. Putting the author comments in all capitals was really interested. I admit it is pretty cliché. That is why I don't care for this that much. For the most part, it's pretty standard stuff.

It's pretty easy to die. Of course, I can just get better. You could use a lot of work with the graphics and design. Weird, you didn't capitalize the title. You need to have more uniqueness to this.

While not as detailed as a lot of your other games, this was still good. I especially like how creative it can get. It's been awhile since I've seen those orange knights. Being orange and round, wouldn't they be, uh, oranges? Anyway, this was pretty fun to play. It isn't very unique, but still good.

It's always nice to throw in a couple of explosions. You get the sense of more danger. I always reset before I can start again. It still has that same cute appeal. It's not too memorable, but I enjoyed it.

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