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I really could get into this game. I knew I would eventually reach a point I could not advance. Dying from the obstacles are really the least of your problems. This really does work as a puzzle game. I found the graphics to be quite good too. Level 4 is That One Level for me.

I also found the music to be really good. It really is a good atmosphere. I wish I could lift up the blocks. You really have no clue what it going to show up next in the game. Better yet, you don't know how to BEAT it.

I keep thinking this drop reminds me of Baby Earth from the Shut Up Cartoons "Planets" or whatever it's called. I think this was a bit too cute. I still liked it, as it did have pretty interesting gameplay. It's one of those games where you can't really die. Not even going over (uh...) par hurt you. Of course, you're always motivated to do it right.

In that way, it was difficult. I think it's a pretty good layout. This music really is quite soothing. You are given a lot of oppurtunties to go with this. I was too curious as to what that purple cloud was for. I foolishly thought it was a power-up.

This is yet another game that confused me. It struck me as odd how complicated the instructions seemed to be. I mean, I managed to beat some levels, but without extra stars, it wasn't worth much. I think the music is quite good. It's probably my own fault it isn't more detailed. I don't even know how to make a more complicated pattern.

I have even tried pressing random buttons on the keyboard! It isn't that worthwhile of a game. I do, however, admire it for it's uniqueness. Is "uniqueness" even a word? It was a fairly good game.

I'm not much into sports games, but I found this to be quite enjoyable. I think the best part was how good the graphics are. I always like to see good CGI in games here. I'm glad I was able to figure out how to move the bat around. I just wish it was a bit more realistic. I used to play on a teeball team myself.

It was basically the same as baseball. Okay, enough of my life. I think this could have been more like a standard baseball game. You know, with running around the bases and stuff. Then again, maybe I'm just not good enough to get that far.

At first, this game didn't seem like any fun. I didn't think the graphics were that good. I really did get better with this as I watched more of it. I appreciated all the submissions. I'm normally not into that sort of thing, but it was easy to understand at first. I even like the little jumping sound that appeared.

I appreciate how you really did make a nice land to explore. I thought the hearts represented your health. You really just die in one hit. It reminded me of the Donkey Kong games. In fact, a lot of the games I've been playing lately remind me of that.

Munguia responds:

Im glad you liked the game Ericho, thanks for your words i love Donkey Kong Too

I know this is going to sound gauche, but I really did like this game! I think it's so good because of how good the graphics are. You rarely see CGI being used in games on this website. It does look kind of weird, with how it always appears in console games. I was really quite eager to play this. I guess it's just because of how easy it was.

Yeah, that's pretty shallow, but it's true. I liked how I could move so fast and collect everything. The music was pretty good too. I knew there had to be enemies of some kind in there. It seems like jumping on them is the standard thing nowadays. It was done in Mario and everyone just followed.

For all the complaints I might have about this game, I still liked it. I think it might be because of that awesome title. I was thinking the car would actually fly. With all that being said, I still would recommend this. I really thought it was a very organized game. You really could get a clear look at how to win at it.

I didn't get very fun, but I think it is quite well detailed. There really are a lot of things to look out for. It also seems to be portrayed in a fairly realistic way. It's nice to get a good look at everything. While not a masterpiece, it isn't bad.

This had a pretty original concept to it. I wish I understood the title. The best thing about this was probably how creative it was. You rarely get a moving game where you have to shoot your enemies. I like how your health regenerates. It seems like you were really trying to make it fair.

Granted, I died in this, but still. I thought the thing at the bottom was about how close you were to beating the level. It would have been nice to have that too. I like the music as well. Those enemies look like Cyclops clones.

Glad to know I'm running into the good rhythm games! I thought this was really good because of how original it was! I really have not seen anything like this before. I'm generally not into these kinds of games, but this is really cool. I like how you are able to have so many moves. The graphics are also very good.

Even if it doesn't have much action, it's still very cool to look at. I'm always interested in trying new moves. You don't even get the same ones each time. I guess if you win, you get more areas. It's just very creative.

This is one of the best rhythm games I've ever played! There had to have been a contest or something with all of these around at this time. I thought it was really interesting to see all these different environments. You truly got the feeling of being in a lot of crazy places! I appreciate games that are creative like this. I think I am starting to understand the title.

It was weird how sometimes the firings were automatic. I still don't quite know how that works out. I just thought there was so much going on. It did come off as a bit too easy at times. I recognize the music now.

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