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Dang, there were a lot of these kinds of games around! While I'm not a fan of the music genre, I do love zombie games! I thought it was really cool how this game was designed. Granted, I'm not that good at it, but still. It's interesting to see how everything comes together. The music is also pretty awesome by itself.

I found it weird how there was such a long prologue. Even the title is cool. Explosions are always good. I am really starting to recognize your animation. This is just a very fun game.

This was a game I was truly impressed by! As I'm the most prolific reviewer here, that really is saying something! I was intrigued at how unique it was. I thought you just had to gather everything together, but it was more complicated than that. It wasn't until the fourth level that I realized it was really complicated. I guess there could have been music.

While not too well detailed, I did not care. I am surprised this does not have a higher rating. It's just neat to experiment with everything. I am also amazed at the sheer number of levels you have. This took a lot of work!

I admit that it was kind of interesting to see a variant of this being done. The variant was that you had to let people come onto the plane. Then again, I didn't really know how to find any. I guess it was harder than I thought. It took me awhile to understand how to land. I do enjoy air shooting games.

While not that good, it was still pretty enjoyable. I do wish I had more comprehension of it. It still comes off as at least decent. There is a fair amount of action going on. The title was also kind of cool.

I'm going to say that I found this to be a good game. I am going to sound so freaking whiney with this, but I have to say it anyway. I thought it was a bad idea to have just two medals for everything. I thought the levels themselves would give you one. It just isn't that good to go through all that effort to finish it. Okay, I'm going stop complaining.

I actually really liked the layout of this game. I thought they were going to go on top of the things. I didn't even know they were walls. I thought it was like a deck. Blobs are just funny.

All I can say is that this was really cool to look at. I think the best thing about it is how good the atmosphere is. You really have to make that good with a game like this. I also thought the music was pretty creepy. I shouldn't expect all scary games to be submitted around October. I could get into how scary it was.

I could tell I was going to be eaten. Too bad I couldn't figure out how to advance. I'm never that motivated in these games anyway. There really are a lot of nice little details everywhere. While I'm no good at these games, I understand their appeal.

I was shocked to see why this had such a low rating. Okay, it's not that low, it's just low compared to what your other games have made. I was disappointed this was not a standard game. At least you don't have to worry about PETA. This is just a video ga...oh wait. I still found this enjoyable. It seemed like you were trying something new.

It may not be one of your best, but still decent. I guess you could have more detail. I do think the shark in the pool of blood is probably enough for the action in the game. I like the bull sounds he makes. While short, still good.

This is going to sound nuts, but I really liked this game! I was kind of confused as to why he looked so different on the menu. It was interesting to discover the different kinds of rocks you could bounce on. I was wondering why I couldn't seem to get them all at first. It really is pretty well detailed. I like the music too.

I think a lot more people should play this. I was glad to be able to unearth this. I liked how you didn't have to recollect everything after dying. It is also simple to understand. It's just an overall good game.

Well, I really can't say this is too bad or good. It is quite easy to understand. The problem is that it comes off as too cutesy. There should probably be more detail in it. I guess I was just looking for some enemies in this. It seemed a bit too pleasant. Well, I haven't seen how gruesome it is when I'm killed by spikes.

You don't get a medal for going past the opening part. I guess there's nothing too bad about it. It doesn't really have bad game mechanics or anything. It is just quite mediocre. There are more unique games to look at.

SirNightOwl responds:

I think I acheived the look I was going for, might not be everyone's taste :) This was my first game and in a way a 'prototype' for how to do quest type objectives in a platformer, which isn't too common imo, but my next game will be much more elaborate. Thanks for the review! :D

Well, I did not like this at all. I went into the Sun at the end because I was just glad to end the game. I managed to beat the game without even knowing how to! No, I didn't look at the author comments. I don't think there was a theme with this jam. It probably is the weakest in the collection.

I didn't like this because it was way too short. Even the design was too simplistic. You need to have a much better concept of going on an adventure. If you had made it a lot bigger, I would have liked it more. You could have included the other planet's moons or asteroids, I guess.

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