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I guess I'm not much into this genre either. It was kind of like a text game. I just like games that have more action. I still can't fault you for having an easy to understand game. I guess fans should like this. It's just okay.

It was unpredictable, I suppose. I guess the details are fine enough. I just kept clicking on things. I didn't even know how I could lose. I just wasn't motivated to get ahead.

I feel bad for not being a fan of text games. It's just that I find them boring. There isn't much going on. Then again, I guess there wasn't anything bad about this. It gave the fans what they wanted. I guess the music's nice.

Now that I think about it, there's few text games here. Maybe I'm just not used to the gameplay. It just isn't my thing. At least I can get the medals. That's really all I care about.

Well, that was odd. It was hard to really understand this game. I mean, it was basically just this same room. Well, I could probably do more with more interaction. It was kind of mysterious that way. I was able to get the beer medal.

It's forty beers that kills him BTW. I have no idea how much you'd need in real life. The atmosphere was fine. I guess it was quite realistic. It just didn't add up to much.

Okay, I admit this game suffered from being too short. But you know what? It was still fun! I really enjoyed the simple gameplay. It's just that once again, it should have been more detailed. I kind of liked the silly designs. Not much, but it's something.

I'm so pathetic. I just want to get medals. Well, a medal in this case. It was pretty unpredictable. Crocodiles are pretty cool. It's fun for a brief play.

I ended up really enjoying this game and honestly, I'm not quite sure why. I mean, it's basically just the same thing over and over. It's still pretty cool. I mean, I just love how fast it is. You have some interesting looking enemies here too. I just love the music.

Everything just goes a mile a minute. There's so much adventure in this. I wish this had medals! I really got a lot better with it after awhile. It's such a fun game.

Miroko responds:

Yeah I'm not sure how this game is fun but we made it anyway. Sometimes the simplest of ideas could be the finest. We were thinking about medals but never got to it, I admit it would've been better. Thank you.

Hey, Bill Cipher! I was wondering when that guy would appear again! Anyway, I was glad I managed to beat this. I was afraid it would be too hard at first. I thought you'd go on the sides. Well, I only played large mode.

This was a nice quick little game. I really didn't know how to beat this guy. I just kept firing at him and it worked, so I'm not complaining. It could have been a bit longer. It's still nice. Happy Pixel Day!

BoMToons responds:

Happy Pixel Day and thanks for playing!

I found this to be a pretty fun game. The worst thing was how you had to get the medals in a certain order. I wish it just would have all been at once. Still, it was at least challenging like that. The design was pretty basic. It was as detailed as it needed to be.

The music was fairly nice. I like how fast paced it is. There's some good variety there. The spikes were probably the worst part. I liked the different levels.

Yeah, this wasn't too memorable for me. I guess my problem was that the design was too simple. It actually had a good level of difficulty. It just had little else going for it. You need to have better detail. I can still appreciate the music.

I like the setup. You really do have good mobility. It's not as hard as you might think. It is the weakest entry for this pixel jam. I don't even remember it from last year.

I admire how challenging this game is. At first, I thought it would be a game where you fought enemies in an arena. Enemies did in fact appear. You just couldn't fight them! It was interesting anticipating the next danger. There was certainly a lot of variety.

I knew this wouldn't be easy. A minute might not seem like much, but there's always more obstacles. The disappearing platforms were probably the worst for me. Well, it was a tossup really. A lot of these obstacles are hard.

Wolod responds:

Thanks for playing! I'm glad that you liked it.

Well, this was a pretty good game but it had one main problem. I couldn't hear anything! I don't know what went wrong. Well, I still have to give it credit for being mostly good. It was a pretty original idea. I just like the graphics as well.

You really had to work hard to get to that butthole. That sounds dirty. That was most likely the intention. It was fine for a goofy little game. I'm sorry I couldn't hear it.

SiredSpace responds:

Oh man, sorry about the sound issues, that's a bummer. I don't know why that would be happening [ perhaps try a different browser? ]

Either way, thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

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