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I could have sworn I saw some stuff with your name, but I never played it. This was actually fairly decent because of how original it was. I think my main beef with it is that I'm just not good at this. It's kind of like Sudoku, where you have to think everything through to get ahead. I did appreciate this was what it was. I liked how it didn't try to be too fancy or anything.

Seeing as how it's so much harder than it looks, you wouldn't even need to have anything fancy. It's amazing how many ways you can use the items. What's even more amazing is that there's still probably only one way to win. The music was nice and seemed to fit the mood. Congrats to you for making such a difficult game!

I thought this was a really cool game. I knew it was way too easy at first. The part that I found to be unforgiveable was when you got to Level 6. There was only one gear that was moving, so how could you connect all those gears?! I am surprised at how original this was. Normally, it would take awhile for something like this to be a game you would get used to it.

It still seemed to really get good right away. I also thought the music was really cool and quite unique. It seemed to fit the overall mechanized tone of the game. It didn't have a lot going on, but it was actually well detailed! It was just fun to watch everything move.

I thought this was really cool, mostly because of how good I was at it. Then again, I only got to Level 9. Still, a score of 40,000 is nothing to be ashamed of, I think. The best part was probably how there was such a wide variety of enemies. You really had no idea who was going to show up next. It mostly works to just shoot continuously after awhile, as in hold the button down.

I was expecting more of that woman. In fact, I thought I was supposed to be her. Guess not all space people can be like Samus Aran. The music was pretty good too. I liked how there was so much going on and you got so caught up in it.

I found this game to be just okay. What I really didn't understand about it was how there just wasn't a decent arrangement of gameplay. I think the colors were actually really good. I do wish that it could have been easier to reform as you go to the beginning of every level. The music was fairly decent. The graphics weren't too bad either.

It's just that it was all too easy for you to bump into things. It was kind of funny when you blew up after awhile. All in all, the designs were nice, but it was lacking in terms of gameplay. It's not that much of an original idea either. I appreciate you making something at least.

Dude, I am surprised that this does not have a higher score! This is one of the most awesome games I've played in a long time! I think the main reason it works so well is because there's so many different ways to play! It's just a very pleasant family friendly game too. There's no enemies (so far) for you to stomp on and kill. Even the music is delightful.

This is one of those rare games that's just fun for everyone! I liked how you worked so hard in creating this awesome world. There's even a wonderful way of collecting medals. It's just a wonderful game from beginning to end! I guess you're British or something. The graphics are also wonderfully detailed.

You would think more games would be 3D. I did like how this wasn't 3D in that other sense of the word. CGI games are something most people take for granted nowadays, so it's nice to see high quality stuff like this. I couldn't help but be reminded of the "Doom" games. This wasn't as good as them (including the popular flash "Doom" game here), but good. I especially thought the aliens had good designs.

My only complaint is that it took awhile to mow these guys down! At least you got a really nice collection of cool weapons to use. Even the name is fairly cool, if a bit cliched. It really seems like something you see in a game from the 90's. Not that that's an insult, most games are worse.

While not a great game, I was still fairly impressed by this. I think the coolest thing about it was how you had two different ways of shooting. I wasn't even able to understand that at first. I thought that the little thing on your ship that fired WAS the ship itself. It would have implied a lot more mobility. I really liked the graphics, particularly with how technological it looked.

The gameplay could have been a bit smoother. I think the ship itself was a bit too bulky. Of course, I'm dealing with a fictional object, not something real. I think the sounds were pretty nice and kept your interest. Those are some annoying respawning enemies.

I thought this was just a mediocre game. What I didn't like about it was that the designs were just too simplistic. I was hoping for better lighting and shadow effects. Instead, everything just seemed to be the same shade. I'm not saying that can't be done well, it's just not impressive here. I didn't even realize the agents were things I was supposed to do at first.

I'm surprised this isn't under ArmorGames' profile. Well, I guess be credited like that for every game they're a part of. Even the title is fairly bland. It does have some interesting designs with how the balls move around the ship. Picking up the igloos doesn't do much.

I did not care for this game, mostly because it was too hard to use. I think it would have been better if you had allowed a feature where you could change the controls. It just didn't fit in to have the spacebar be jump while the other ones were letters. I would have preferred if the jump button was "W". I do appreciate the decent graphics. I just wish there was more going on.

I just can not get past the part where you have to jump over your head to the next platform...thing. Anyway, I guess I'm still being reminded of Robot Day. It's too late for that, I was just thinking about it earlier. I think the best part is the music. It seems to really set the style.

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