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I thought this game was just okay and most people seem to agree with me. I guess I'm just not into these kinds of shooting games. I didn't understand how many shots it took to kill one guy. At least a headshot did the whole thing at once. I thought the music wasn't bad. The graphics were fairly nice too.

It's just that this didn't give me anything too new. The most annoying thing was reloading. I kept forgetting how to do that. It's not that good of a game for me to try to get used to it. Is that war over by now?

I don't think this game shows up on this website. Well, I remember it at least. I thought the music in this was pretty good. I do not recall the original game. I probably did play it at some point. You actually do have pretty good designs here. The colors are especially good.

It actually turned out to be a pretty complicated game. This was pretty cool for a point and click adventure one. Everything looked nice and cartoonish. Just look at the walkthrough for more info! You were in a lot of cool locations.

This was a rather strange game, but I did enjoy it. I was surprised at how hard it was. It was really unlike any defense game I had played before! The music is nice and futuristic sounding. The enemies were pretty well designed too. I only wish there was more way to understand what was going on.

There just seemed to be too many rooms to go to. I guess that was still the original part. I still get into how difficult it was. Those guys had pretty long health bars. Wait, isn't that a kind of food?

rottenmage responds:

Thanks for the feedback, Ericho! I don't know what kind of food green balls of slime are, but I don't think I want to find out XD

I have probably just played too many of these games. I wasn't impressed by this at all. I'm surprised it has so many views. Well, it's popular at least. It just seemed like the graphics were pretty cheesy. There wasn't anything unique. You should have put more detail into the environment.

There should have been better coloring. I don't know what the "Z" means. The music is fairly good. It's nothing to recommend. I'm STILL the first person in five years to review this!

While the game wasn't that well detailed, I did like parts of it. It was pretty cool how you had so much mobility. At first, I thought the game would end when you got enough of them. There was instead a timer. That didn't work out well, as you could then lose. I guess you could have made it so that you didn't die until you, well died.

The sound effects were pretty good. There are a lot of Snake games out there. I couldn't get any of the shining orbs. It was even kind of cool when you died. This was quite good.

I was quite impressed at how difficult this game turned out to be. The hardest part was probably knowing where to start. It was certainly a great challenge for me. The music was fairly nice too. Never have viruses looked so cute! I guess it deserved its Daily 3rd (!) place.

It was surprisingly upbeat for a virus game. It was more like a standard kid's game. It's fun just to see these little guys show up one after another. I failed on the second level. You really have to look closely with this game.

This game was just okay. I really didn't care for how difficult it was. I guess it was pretty well designed. I don't think I had much control in this. At least the music was nice. Damn, it's been awhile since I've skied.

There was just nothing special about this. If I was better at it, I probably would have enjoyed it more. It didn't do much for me. It lived up to its title pretty well. There are much better games out there.

I guess my computer just must be slow. I can't really get far in this. Yeah, it's mostly because I don't hide. I could also aim for the head more. I guess it is pretty original. I really had no idea what that mine thing was about at first.

When I understood it, I realized it was a nice touch. The graphics are fairly good. It does get pretty repetitive after awhile. I really think my computer is slow, as I kept having to press "Play" different times. Maybe those with better computers like this more.

This wasn't a bad game. I wouldn't recommend it, because it wasn't that well detailed. It was just the same image of you shooting guys over and over. This HAD to have been inspired by Madness Combat. These games have the same faces! I know Hitman was more realistic than this.

Well, it looks like you certainly get better. At least it's easy to understand. You get different points for headshots of course. I'm glad I was able to get that one guy on the bus in the back. I don't even know if he was a threat.

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