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Honestly, I didn't think this was that bad. The graphics look nice. The main problem was that I didn't understand it. I lowered the platform down on the first level. I thought that would do it. Instead, he still got through.

I'm using a laptop and don't have a mouse. I'm just not interested in it. The hints weren't any good. It reminded me of Weebl's "Inverse Shoot Em Up". A ripoff, maybe?

It's always great to play the highest ranked submission for a jam! I still admit it got hard to understand. I'm fairly certain I touched "B" to get the mast up. It takes awhile to get used to the location. I couldn't even find his boots. Did you mean the boots he was wearing?

That didn't work. The animation is very nice. It's very well organized. I can always appreciate that. Music's fine too.

CrounchyBrothers responds:

Thanks :)... The boots aren't the ones he is wearing, it's located in the basement of the boat all the way to the right.

I have to admit that I was really impressed by how it looked! I was at least able to get inside. If you go towards the big building, look on the right for a skull. There will be the silver key behind it. Use it to open the door on the left side of the screen. Wait, I got outside, but I got no medal!

What do you mean by "inside"? Is there more stuff coming? The music was pretty good. I can always appreciate Lego art. The movie was awesome.

Not a fan of dating sims, but this wasn't bad. I felt there could have been more music. This was still quite an innovative game. I especially loved the animation. It's like anime, but still kind of distinct. You really do understand the character well.

There's porn of everything of course. Of course, this would be the most viewed Pico game. Well, one of the most, at least. There's still a lot of stuff besides the sex. I wish real life relationships were this easy.

It was great how you combined a learning experience with action! Well, the enemies do reform. I loved the music. It's always great to learn about what this website has done for the world. I guess you just have to watch the flashes to answer the quizzes. Little Mikey's catch phrase is about his girlfriend.

It's great to look at all these great characters. They really have shaped our website. I even love how the background looks. I need to go to more art museums. Pico always looks awesome with guns.

I didn't care much for this. I mean, it was just the same thing. It was Pico punching the same Uberkids. I couldn't get into it. It needed a lot more. I guess it's nice to honor Pico Day.

A pity there'd never be another Pico Day as big as 2006. The game's pretty kind to you. It's just not entertaining. You should have made a fighting game. I'd like to see more combatants.

Was this something submitted in 1999? Well, something made in 1999. It sure looks old. It doesn't hold up well. Then again, I do suck at this game. That's probably some bias there.

Well, no one seems to like it either. The animation is too cheap. At least the music was nice. I recognize it! There's just no motivation to keep on trying.

It's amazing how well this holds up. Well, I guess nostalgia filter is in effect. The music was great. I love how it all leads up to such a great boss fight. I'm not going to write a strategy guide here. I assume everyone can figure this out.

Okay, the artwork doesn't hold up. I wish the portal had existed before 2000. There's history of this website going back to 1999. It was still founded back then. Glad to see something still popular. Well, games are always more popular than movies here anyway.

The animation doesn't hold up. Honestly, this was just fine. I really liked the way the blood flowed. That's kind of morbid. Well, you're much more morbid for making this. My favorite was probably the prayer one.

I don't know why you can start at the very beginning. That looks more like acne. Well, teenagers would probably kill themselves over that too. There is some depth in this. I wish the music had more variety.

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