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I was wondering why the rating was so low. It seems to have a good premise. Well, the execution is pretty poor. I didn't know this was a game at first, given the title. It's the only game with "All Stars" in the name. I guess the animation is pretty good.

It's just not rewarding. Dang, it's so sad seeing as how popular Pico was back in the day. It's practically nothing now. At least it was fun while it went on. The music was pretty decent.

I admit that it is quite difficult as a maze. It certainly lives up to that description. Here's how you do it at first. Go right and then down and then right. Click the stone thing. Make the red thing point to the middle of the left.

Make the blue thing go to the downer right corner. Make the green thing go to the upper right corner. Make the yellow thing go to the downer left corner and get the key. Get the blue gem on the stone block in the middle right hand part. It's so complicated I'm done here.

I thought this was just okay. It's mostly because there's so little detail. It's just an aerial shot with you shooting goth kids. I guess it was at least unpredictable. It was fairly easy to understand. It just amounted to little.

There were a lot of songs in this. It didn't seem that epic. Well, I didn't get very far in the game itself. He didn't seem to be rising much. Happy Pico Day 2018.

I found this game to be just weird. I mean, I don't even know how to beat it. It's just me automatically firing at enemies over and over. They have no health bars or anything. I have no health bar either. I just have no idea if I'm advancing in any way.

Still, at least it has an interesting premise. Uh, Happy Pico Day? Dang, this holiday has declined. At least I'm still on this website! Hard to recommend.

I was quite impressed by this game. It's mostly because of how great it looks. I still think one of those zombies looks like Edward Cullen. I don't want to be reminded of him. The graphics look great. I'm glad the first medal wasn't that easy.

Well, you did mostly just have to click a few obvious things. It's just a great setup. It helps that we love zombies so much. The music's great too. Congrats on such a high score and Daily Feature!

Muja responds:

Thank you a lot for your nice review!

I admit I didn't like this as much as most people here. It's probably because it was too redundant. I mean, it was just the same stuff over and over. You need more variety. At least the sprite work was good. The music was nice too.

You'd think there'd be a medal for beating the game. Wait, can this game be beat? Is it just neverending? I got three medals and that's enough. Woah, I just saw the review below change its minute, that's a first!

I couldn't really understand this game at all. I mean, it was just you going around kissing random people. It made little sense to me. I guess the graphics were at least nice. It was kind of unique. I always thank people for easy medals!

Then again, I didn't notice it at first. She was a goblin all right. I don't know the exact definition of those guys. Are they always green? I guess it was okay for an easy medal.

I admit that I'm not one for point and click adventures. This was still great! It's mostly because it's great to see the characters in this surrounding. It's exactly like the series. Well, you did also make the series. Blockhead seems to get anxious if I ignore him long enough.

I just love this big world you have. You can get a great clear shot of everything. It's great to learn more about their environments. Dang, Blockhead really can be annoying. No wonder his conscience is so grumpy.

I'm way more used to your art submissions. This at least wasn't that bad. I couldn't get past it much. I was at least able to get the medal where you push the statue over. You then jump on the red button. Three blocks explode, revealing a diamond beneath.

I thought you were supposed to jump on top of the columns at the beginning. I do not know how to advance. These graphics just don't look very slick. The title's kind of cute though. At least you tried something new.

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