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I was quite entertained by this. It mostly works because it's so great to see these interesting graphics. It's not so much that they're detailed, but that it fits in with the theme well. It gives an overall good cartoonish feel. The only reason I stopped playing it is because something went wrong with my computer and the website froze. Don't worry, I didn't have to start my computer all over again.

I think the sounds are cool and it's nice to have a game that does some of the work for you. It could be thought of as a hybrid game like that. I can understand why this won Daily Feature. It's great how you can get an upgrade after every level. Of course, with that many upgrades, that's to be expected.

It was somewhat hard for me to understand this game. I found it weird how the graphics seemed so off. I thought at first, I only had to succeed in one out of three games. I will at least admit that this game was creative. You truly have no idea what wacky challenge is going to come up next. The animation seemed to have things moving all over the place.

I don't know much about getting wax anywhere. That's probably why I'll never do it myself. Everything was in fact represented in a pretty clear cut manner. I appreciate you trying to make something unique. It's not really the kind of game for me, though.

I was pretty confused by this game. It was mostly just you going around asking random questions. I'm sorry, but I'm just not the kind of gamer who's into that sort of thing. I will say that it did have a pretty creative premise. I do have no idea what's going on. I know I've played a game like this before, but this isn't a sequel to that, at least given the title.

None of the medals showed up on screen, but I guess they didn't need to. There are definitley many things going on that leave you guessing. Shouldn't there be a question mark in the name? Eh, that's the least confusing of these games. The graphics are pretty good and remind me of "Earthbound".

I can't recommend this, simply because I found it so hard on the fifth level. I even went through the walkthrough and I STILL couldn't make any sense of it! I mean, it's just so close with that ledge! Then again, I guess I'm just being too whiny. This is still a creative game and I really like how there are different ways to beat every level. It's one of those games that makes you think outside the box.

I also love the music and how soothing it is. As I have previously stated how the game can be frustrating, you can understand why I would want to hear that. Is Chu a real word? That sounds kind of racist. Anyway, this game did have some creativity in it if it was impossible to beat.

I found this to be a fairly enjoyable game. The only thing I did not like about it was how it just seemed to go on forever. I thought maybe the entire game was just that one level! The designs and graphics were pretty nicely done. I did like how there was so much going on. It wasn't too difficult to dodge the incoming fire. It's mostly when you become arrogant and try to beat them all at once that you lose.

The sounds were also pretty in sync here. It seems like you aren't really playing up the "Notebook" thing. Of course, you still keep it with the literal sketches. I appreciate you continuing to make stuff. It is a tad difficult to tell how it's different than the other ones.

This reminded me of a game where you just went and made your own cartoon. I was thinking this would be the same thing, but it wasn't. It did manage to be unique in that aspect. Anyway, I was impressed at how you did manage to put some good material in, specifically, with how the blocks themselves were enemies. They looked so much like regular platforms! This was certainly made with good intentions.

I can't believe how hard it managed to be from just the second level! It seems strange there'd be a medal for completing the game in less than a day. I understand what you mean now! It was pretty interesting to see how the game got more advanced. With the level with the enemies, it was hard enough.

I remember this series. These are some of the hardest games I've ever come aross on this website. Even on the tutorial, it doesn't give you much direction on how to aim your sword or anything. There's simply two many enemies on any stage! Anyway, I appreciated this for at least being unique. It's so hard to tell how those things are going to move next. If I didn't stop playing until I won a medal, I'd do nuts.

The sound effects seem to be in order. I like how the main character is just shown in that box during the gameplay. People who are a LOT more skilled at these kinds of games should enjoy it. I would need a walkthrough to get through anything here. The details of the background could be a bit better, though.

This game turned out to be a lot harder than I thought at first. Originally, it was fairly easy, but it got next to impossible by the fourth level! I must be missing an upgrade or something. Anyway, I liked how you could go back to a level whenever you had beaten the previous ones and how that continued after you got a Game Over. I thought the music was pretty cool too. I appreciate all the details in the enemies.

I know for a fact that I'm being shot at from outside the screen but I can't hurt the unseen person shooting at me. You have to pick your blocks fast or they'll go away! Or maybe that was a glitch on my computer or something? People with more patience should enjoy this a lot. It has a funny title too.

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