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I enjoyed this game, but I think it was a bit too much. There shouldn't have been so much things to do on each turn. It seemed easy to have to choose the direction you were going. It's still a decent game. The strongest points are probably the graphics. It really does come to life here.

I appreciate how there are such fine details. It can just take too long. I had no idea these guys would be that strong. You have good variety with the enemies and environment. I can at least see why this is popular.

This wasn't bad, but I couldn't quite understand the gameplay. I uncovered the mines and then what? It seems like the monkeys just stood there. I really want to watch that Monkey Kingdom movie. The graphics are great. It just doesn't seem very rewarding.

I got all the remaining mines, but I didn't advance. I thought you were supposed to move the monkeys. There must have been SOMETHING you could do with them. The music and sound effects are pretty good. The monkeys are still cute.

This game came off as decent to me. It didn't take me long to realize that the polar bear was too much. It took awhile for the fish to show up. I was a little confused about what to do at first. The graphics are pretty cute. It is just a nice cute little game.

Not too memorable, but good. It was fun to just eat those fish. I couldn't really fight the other penguins. The music was fairly nice. It looks cute when he slides.

Umm...wouldn't this be called a demo? I know, because I used to play those as a kid. I'm glad I learned how to jump. It really sucked when I didn't realize I could. The music is quite nice. I don't want to compare it to "Abobo's Big Adventure".

I like the enemies from various games. Well, it was only like that at first. The graphics are quite nice. I like blasting away the blocks to get the coins. It certainly looks like it could be something good.

Hey, I could get pretty far with this game! It still isn't great, though. The enemies look like the Slender Man here. As expected, a headshot does the job well. The sound effects were quite nice. I got a little lost in everything I was doing.

It was still nice to just explore. I really had to be prepared for those first guys. The rest of the mission was really easy! Well, at least in terms of shooting the enemies. I can't believe it's been more than a year since someone made a review!

I am sorry, but I could just not get into this. I guess the design's pretty good. The cannons didn't work too well for me. I could only fire in the air when I knew it would go. Maybe there's something I'm missing. It was just the same enemies over and over.

The sound effects weren't bad. It just isn't a rewarding game. At least you were able to block. In the long run, that's still not that useful. I don't care for this.

This game was very enjoyable! I think my favorite part was probably how well it flowed. It really was unlike any other Arkanoid game I have ever played before! I have played so many variants of them. It's just a classic game for me. Those are the first kinds of games I played on the Internet.

While the design was simple, it still worked wonderfully. It helps that I'm quite good at this. The levels had such nice variety. This really should have become more popular. I'm glad the reviews are at least good. The sound's decent as well.

This game was pretty good. I admit that it was hard for me to understand it at first. I really should just read the directions from now on. It just seemed like such a simple game that I wouldn't need to. I appreciate the little details. The music is quite nice as well.

I like how it has such a happy tone to it. It's still really hard. I guess the bright colors helped me get along with the game. I managed to get to Level 4 with a score of 235. I thought you were supposed to group the same colors together at first.

This reminds me of Weebl's Inverse Shoot Em Up. It's still a great game by its own right. I was amazed at how good the artwork was. I can recognize your style. The sounds are wonderful too. Everyone's done a variant of Mario.

It really was creative. You had a lot of different characters to play. I guess that makes sense within the context of the game. I can see why it's so popular. It's simply a smart, charming game.

This game wasn't bad. I think its biggest flaw was how bad the CGI looked. It just seemed so weird, especially with the main character. I appreciated how the game flowed together quite well. It was just nice to have it be so easy at first. As with any other game, its difficulty catches you by surprise.

The music is fairly good. You have a good understanding of what is going on in the game. The sound effects are pretty nice. It just isn't anything THAT unique. Still not bad.

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