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This game got more interesting the longer I played it. I think the best part is probably how there was always something new. A lot of times, it just fell into place. The graphics are cute enough. It might seem silly liking something so cute. I just thought it was fell done.

It wasn't too difficult. You could really experiment on how to beat the level. I liked the mad scientist bit. It's interesting to add more guys to get in there. This was quite fun.

I found this game to be adequate. I admit that it's a little too cutesy, but that can't really be helped. I thought the music was quite good. I didn't understand what happened when one of those guys just wouldn't go in. Anyway, the graphics work fine for what they are. It's a pretty joyous game.

I'm glad you don't have to get everything done by the end of the level. You just need to survive. I didn't even realize I could rotate them at first. You seem to have a lot of power with them in that sense. This was fairly enjoyable.

Wow, I was quite impressed by this. I was thinking that there were going to be spikes or something to pop the balloon. I've only gotten to the second level and it's harder than that. It can be a pretty aggravating game. At least it has a good design. I praise you for the interesting ideas.

It's interesting to learn how to even play it. I appreciated that aspect. I appreciate the little details, like the background. It's just well put together. Again, not for those who aren't that good at games.

I admit that I was disappointed by the title of this. I thought it would be about creating cats! Anyway, this is still a great game! It's mostly because it's unlike anything I've played before. I didn't even know how to avoid the other ships. I think it was mostly luck.

It was nice to be able to move around like that. The idea of collecting planets is awesome. It's a pity this isn't popular. It's certainly different than a lot of stuff I've played. The music is fine too.

I have yet to see "Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels". It's weird how this guy got his name. He doesn't hit people with a hatchet, he hits them with a dildo! After I got every award, I couldn't do anything more. It was just fun to use that dildo. This is the best in the Ludum Dare 32 series.

I admit to not knowing why it always seemed to be the same dildo. Wasn't I getting upgrades? It was still really fun. I guess it just has a lot of factors going on with this. It was very enjoyable.

JokerDenFromMR responds:

Wow, you must watch whole Guy Ritchie. Thanks for review.

This game wasn't bad. I admit that I was turned off by how it was just one level. It was still interesting to see how it would turn out. I admit that 48 hours is a pretty short time to make a game. For the time being, it wasn't half bad. The music was great.

It was a bit hard to understand everything. I really should read the author's comments first. You had pretty good mobility. I kept making the mistake of throwing my pillow. Then again, that did cause more damage.

This wasn't that bad of a game. Yes, it was extremely simple. I did however, like how easy it was. Yeah, that's a pretty shallow thing to say. It still isn't good. You really need to improve on graphics.

It was just some bland lines. At least the damage was permanent. I was afraid I'd have to go back to stuff I hadn't already taken care of. The text was also too simple. At least this was made in good spirit!

danidre14 responds:

Thank you. I only got 30 hours to do it, and this is all I could get to in time.
Thank you for playing.

I am so glad you admitted how hard it was. It was certainly difficult for me to get through. It just didn't seem that rewarding. I guess this is a pretty original concept. I could never go for it, though. The sounds and music are fairly nice. You just have so little mobility.

That's always something that I look for in a game. I guess more talented gamers will like this. Thanks again for the warning. The colors are fairly good. It just isn't for me.

I'm so proud of myself for continuing to play until I got a medal! I was amazed at how hard this was. It just seemed like this would be some really silly game. Well, I guess it still technically was. It's just that I didn't know it would be that hard! The sound effects were nice and cartoonish.

The music was great too. You'd be surprised at how stressful this can be. Luckily, the cute demeanor really does help. Everything looks so bright and colorful. The fact that it made me work so hard is probably why I like it so much.

CTincknell responds:

Hey thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the challenge.

I did think this was a little too easy, but it's still a good game! It's mostly because, well, you can easily get medals. I still appreciate the drawings. It was just a cute game. It was fun to see all these different pictures. Your other games are better, though.

The music was quite nice too. It was a little something different from you. It did get more complicated with that bomb stuff. Not too memorable, but still good. I could figure out most of them at least.

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