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I found this to be a lot more enjoyable than "Madness interactive". I guess it's mostly because that game was just too complicated. I kept having to get new ammo all the time unless I used the cheat codes. Or maybe it's just that the story itself has improved over the years. Either way, this is freaking fantastic and I loved every mintute of this masterpiece! The graphics are wonderful and I can tell that Krinkels worked on this.

This really does have some of the website's best designers behind it. I love all you guys and am so glad I am now strong on the same level that these characters are. I always wondered why it was so hard for Hank to get hit, but you made a justification for it. I appreciate you adding new twists to the series. The music is great and fits the Madness theme perfectly.

Hard to hate, I mean it's not well detailed, but it certainly makes for an easy play. I guess I might be growing too soft if that's the kind of thing that I look for in flash games. This game did seem to have some pretty high spirit. I think this is the first game made by you guys that had medals. Congradulations on that, of course. I like how the music is so jolly and cheery. You get a great sense that this was created just for people to have fun with.

Of course, most games on this website are like that anyway. The colors are big and vibrant. I wouldn't recommend this to people who are more, uh, hardcore gamers. I guess it doesn't really matter. It's interesting to take note of all the little items made.

It never ceases to amaze me what truly unique games we have on this website. The coolest thing about this was probably how everything was done in that Excel format. Everyone knows what it's like to work with those things. Well, at least anyone who would play this game. While it wasn't well detailed, it was still really cool with the detail it did have. The little icon that signified the end of the level was pretty cool, too.

It's harder than it looks and you have to experiment with it. I like how you really created a large environment to move around. Granted, you don't have much mobility, but it's still interesting to explore. It's difficult to keep track of where everything is. It's mostly because everything just looks so similar in this.

This wasn't terrible, it just had so little that was that good for it. What I thought was cool was how you did have a lot of room to move around. I wish there could have been better ways to move around, though. I am just not used to these kinds of controls that much, because I don't know how to back up well. At least this was a pretty innovative game. More training will probably make me more used to it.

The music is also pretty good. I never would have guessed that a game about beetles would be so complicated. I really should have gone through the tutorial to find out how to shoot. I just assumed it would be in the author comments. I suggest more mobility with the main beetle character (or ladybug, whatever she/he is).

I love this! At first, Ithought this was just going to be a game that wasn't well detailed, but you really surprised me with a unique experience! What's so cool about this place is how fast paced it is! I don't even know what the weak point in any of these weird things are! The coolest bit was how you had so much control and you could go as far away as you wanted and the fireballs would just follow you. The music is also great and gives off a flawless sense of action.

You know how to make a fast paced game. I can see why this won Daily Feature. There could probably be a little more detail, but that's about it in terms of improvement. I don't even know how much damage I have to take before I die. It's fun the whole way through!

Okay, I can't recommend this because it has such simplistic gameplay. It's basically nothing but clicking the same thing over and over. I do, however, have to give this a lot of credit, because it's great to be able to get so many medals so easily. Yes, I am that kind of player. I guess I just haven't been hitting the jackpot lately for games I either like or are good at. If you just want some easy medals, this is your game!

I wish you would improve on the graphics. Everything just seems of such low class in this. There doesn't appear to be any good shading or shadows or anything. I am still glad this was made, only because of the easy medals. It just seems like something too simple for a game.

This was a really strange game, and it was hard to enjoy. I didn't even understand what was the point of being able to go from one player to another. There seemed to be certain occasions where I wasn't able to advance at all. It's weird, because I went to this place where there's an enemy and I die immediately no matter who I play as. Some glitch in the system? I mean, I will give this game credit for having some cool ideas.

The sprites and images are actually pretty well drawn. It's just hard to get control over these characters. Half the time the jumps are too complicated and you just keep flying around everywhere. At least the music is decent. So, at its best, this game is okay. It just doesn't seem to make much sense to me.

Kwing responds:

Funny, I thought I cleared up the tutorial a lot. You should have really experimented with the characters' abilities, which played a major role.

This was too difficult to understand. It just seemed like I was in this weird world where I just shot people over and over. It got annoying when the dialogue boxes kept showing up. It's not terrible, at least. I am quite surprised that so many people seem to like this, but I guess to each his own, I suppose. What I think is good is that it is a pretty clear cut game in terms of gameplay and you are motivated to beat it if only to get those medals.

The best thing about it is probably how the ships are actually fairly well detailed. I was just waiting for there to be an upgrade for the firing power you had. I think the ships are pretty well designed, they're just not used very well. Everyone has their own opinion and it's too bad I don't have the same as many people here. The dialogue boxes really can fool you.

This was a decent game. It was a good idea to submit a sequel to a popular game you guys already have on this website. I had no idea IriySoft was the person who made this, or possibly the other one. It's neat how we are now crediting everyone with what they deserve. My only complaints are that the drawings were a bit bland. The towers could have been more detailed, but it's still a nicely done game.

I love the little sounds the guns make when they hit the enemy. It sounds like paintball or something. I appreciate the speed up factor, especially if you're in a scenario where you want to get the game done quickly. It's actually detailed pretty well, but could use more. The music was fairly nice and set the mood well.

The main character in this reminded me of Majin Buu from "Dragonball Z". I just think it's funny how he has that wavy thing on his head. This was a pretty typical game of its kind, but I really enjoyed it because it just seemed so full of joy. I love how there's so much movement with all of the characters in this. It gives you a great sense of being in a colorful world. It's most satisfying when you beat an enemy when you think you won't.

That guy kind of reminds me of the Alien Hominid alien. I thought the music was also nice. It was nice to see a game that's really cartoonish and makes you realize the silliness of the website you're in. That is of course intended to be a compliment. The more of you guys' games on this website, the merrier!

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