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This was a decent game, but I found it flawed. It was kind of hard to tell where your people were aiming at. It didn't seem like you had good range. I couldn't tell what was going on. I still think it's a well done game. It's mostly because of how good the design is.

You really do have interesting details in this. The sounds are quite nice too. It may not be that rewarding, but it can be quite fun. It was cool to see all the individual shots. The mages look like clergymen.

While not great, I did enjoy this game. I love the comment about who put those seeds there. I do appreciate how inventive it is. I will say that the graphics could have been better. The sounds were quite nice. It was weird to see him turned into a chicken.

I thought he'd be normal most of the game! Chickens are simply funny. I like the colors too. It's great how Cyberdevil helped you! Don't worry, he'll certainly review this.

DIWAKAR responds:


I really enjoy this game! I think it's because it has a very good tone to it. Vampire and ghoul stuff can be all around the year, not just Halloween. I love how you have a lot of mobility. I was wondering when you'd be able to fly at first. The music creates a great atmosphere, too.

It's even funny sounding when he falls to his death. Or he's a vampire, so...? The graphics were really quite good in this. I appreciated the little things going on. It did get annoying when I kept having to transform just to jump.

I was quite impressed by this! It was weird because I did it with no sounds at first. When I did use sounds, it got even better! That's probably the main reason why I like this so much. It's just great to have all this action. A lot of times you just have to be lucky.

I don't quite get the title, but it is really cool! I also like how you show all the little things going on. I still have no idea how to get powerups. It's still nice to look at. This should be more popular.

I really did like this game, but it was really lacking something. That was sound. Seeing as how the rating isn't too high, I don't think that's just something with my computer. I really do like how much mobility you have. The enemies seem to actively hunt you down. I thought they were just randomly moving at first.

The visuals are quite nice. It's just that, well, I needed to be able to hear this! You did make something good. I always look at the positives. You had to look out because sometimes they reformed when they hit you and you died on the spot.

I liked this game, but why is it in the Top 10? I'm so lucky to be reviewing it, I suppose! I thought the design was pretty good. You even had a pretty original setup. I like to see you control different balls. If you were fast, you could control both at the same time.

The sound effects were quite nice. It probably could have been more detailed. Congratulations on getting such a high score! It was certainly unpredictable. People should check this out, if only because of its score.

I actually really do like the layout of this game. It is pretty nice to see the monkeys blow up like that. What I didn't like was how it was too hard. I couldn't even see the turrets fire any projectile! I always missed when I launched the bombs. It didn't even hit any monkeys close by!

The sound and music were pretty nice. It just didn't do much for me. I was hoping for a more playable game. I can see why this never got that popular. At least it's well animated.

I found this game to just be mediocre. I couldn't see a lot of design with it. I was hoping it would be more detailed. A lot of times, I went up against myself. I'm not even sure how that works in the game. At least the controls were easy to understand.

It certainly got harder faster. No, I'm not referencing that Daft Punk song. I thought this at least had its good points. It wasn't too crudely done or anything. It was just nothing out of the ordinary.

I feel like this should have a higher score. It isn't a classic, but I enjoyed it. What was really great was how it was easy to understand. I just like the hotel location. I managed to understand it on my own after awhile. That was pretty satisfying.

It was quite nice to have these things to do. I didn't notice the vacuum cleaner at first. I thought the graphics were quite good. It was nice to just click on stuff. It was a pretty satisfying game.

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