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I didn't care that much for this game, and it seems like most people felt the same. I guess it was just kind of hard to understand. You had to get a lot of ingredients. You should have just been able to get everything at once. Well, I guess you technically can. The design wasn't too good.

I guess it had some creativity. It's just weird to play a game about being a tycoon on cookies. I didn't get in the spirit for them. The music wasn't bad. I guess I just don't like cooking games like this.

The witch with boobs reminded me of Epic Battle Fantasy. I'd love to see her and Natz duke it out! I was impressed by how good the animation was. It has a wonderful cartoonish feel to it. I am also surprised at how bad I was at this. I completely lost it at the second level!

The music was great too. I loved the little sounds the goblins made. It's simply a very stylistic game. I hope to see more. This definitely has potential.

Here's another great game! I loved it because of the great sound effects. It was just so pleasant to hear that noise when you got everything right. I didn't quite understand it at first. It was weird to rotate and launch with the same button. It can be quite fast paced.

It really is a matter of how much you're willing to race yourself. I love games like that. I guess it could have been a bit more creative with the bees. It just seemed like a weird combination. I still had lots of fun playing it!

I ended up liking this game, even if it wasn't all that great. The gameplay really did appeal to me. It's mostly because it's easy for me to understand. I still enjoy figuring everything out. The music is quite good too. For a game about dung, it's actually not that crude.

A lot of times, you just have to experiment with it. It's a great game to play as you go along. I don't think there's any difference between the stumps and mushrooms. It's pretty nice to have an easy going game like this. I quite enjoyed it.

I really did find this to be a great game! It's mostly because this is a truly original idea! I can't think of any other game that has done this. It's great that you show off such creativity. The best thing is probably how you can just create as many obstacles as you want. While the graphics aren't that good, the gameplay more than makes up for it.

It's great to see how far away you can get your opponent. I was confused as to why you couldn't place some down. That's because they completely blocked the enemy's path! It's nice to just see them scurry around. This was great, IMHO.

This game didn't have that many explosions or anything. I do still appreciate how it's pretty unique. It's quite satisfying to have cargo that can go away. You didn't even lose when you lost some of it! The sounds were pretty good. I guess it was just a game about patience and pacing.

It did get redundant in design. Well, I guess that was trying to make it realistic. The hills were kind of designed well. They were as well as hills should be, I guess. I've never driven a truck in real life before.

This game seemed to have really loose controls. I couldn't get a good grip. I didn't really like how it was so easy to get off course. Then again, maybe I'm just bad at this. It's nice that you know where you are with the flames. I knew it would be too easy to cheat.

That was a pretty creative system. This is why I'll never speedrace in real life. It would be too dangerous for me. The sounds were pretty nice. I wouldn't quite recommend this, though.

This game ended up being better than I thought, because I got the hang of it! I really did like waiting for the enemies. I think it is a bit too loud, though. You can basically just wait and aim in the same place. It's nice to know where they are. I guess I'm not that much into Old West games.

I prefer shooting zombies. Still, it's quite a stylized game. There are some pretty good details to it, even though they're not great. I was surprised at how good I got at it. You just have to keep trying with this game.

I liked this game because of how meta it was. It was also great to be able to play as the Glowmonkey in this. It seemed like it got too complicated with his tail and everything. I don't like jumps like that. I will give you credit for being creative. There was a wide open space to explore.

I understand why there are different weapons. I didn't even know why some guys were immune to fire. Well, I guess they did have helmets or something? The music was nice and anticipative.

I ended up enjoying this game, even though it was pretty frustrating. I couldn't quite understand how to get out of some situations. It really is quite a complicated game. It's all the more satisfying when you succeed in it. I think the graphics could be a tad better, though. It's a nice, big game.

I managed to get one secret medal. Well, it wasn't that difficult. It is fun when you get to kill those cockroaches. I'm glad they don't all respawn at once. It's nice to see the little things going on.

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