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Hmmm, I don't know what happened to my original review of it. I'm fairly certain I made it. Anyway, it's not a very good game. I guess it is playable by most standards. I kind of think you guys made too many games like this. I appreciate how it is kind of unique.

The music is pretty good. Aww, a Clock Day submission! There just should have been more detail. Then again, I guess that would have simply made it harder than it already was. It's passable.

This game wasn't bad. I think its main fault was that it wasn't that unique. The graphics didn't do much for me. It reminded me vaguely of the greatest game ever. This wasn't it, either. I guess the sound effects were quite nice.

I was afraid it would be too easy at first. I liked that it did get more challenging. It's a pretty cool theme. You have pretty good mobility with your character. It's not that memorable, but not bad either.

I found this to be mediocre, as most people did. I think my biggest problem was how it wasn't very well drawn. Everything really looked cheap. You guys used to have a good website. Sadly, it doesn't really exist anymore. The music is pretty good.

I do like how there are different challenges for every level. I still don't even really understand how to select levels. It seems too complicated. I'm just too good at dying. Well, I've played worse at least.

I was pretty impressed by this game! The more I look at it, the more I realize it really is unlike anything I've seen before. I certainly had no idea what to expect. The music was great too. It has a nice wonderous tone to it. Of course, the whole game it wonderous.

I like the pleasant tone of the game. It simply gets to what it is. I hope we can have more creative games like this. It can certainly get hard. It never hurts to just try anything.

I admit that I thought this game would be more interesting when I first came across it. The design of the main character was pretty cool. I just don't think it amounted to much. I liked how you could jetpack. I guess he was a mutant, not a zombie. I just like zombies more.

The music was really good. You had good mobility with the green ooze jetpack. Ninja Turtles? It just seemed too easy for the enemies to kill you. They could attack when you couldn't even see them!

It's actually kind of sad playing this game. I used to play the piano and it was lots of fun. Now, I can't tell the difference between ascending and descending notes. That's too bad. Well, this game itself wasn't that good either. The animation just seemed too cheap.

I wanted something more detailed. I thought the notes appeared in a certain way to show what they were. I didn't even understand how you had to click to listen to them! I just can't get into this. I don't know the difference between the X and dying on the front things.

I found this game to be pretty good. I don't think I would quite recommend it. First of all, the graphics aren't that good. It looks a bit too cartoonish for itself. Second, it is pretty difficult. Well, maybe I just need to go to Easy Mode.

No, that's too easy! The music was of a pretty good beat. I really do like how big it is. I was wondering why the enemies weren't causing me any damage at first. It was because they had yet to reach the end!

I ended up liking this game a lot! At first, I was afraid it would be too simple. Then I was afraid it would be too hard! It turned out to be neither of those things! I just appreciate how I could easily follow it. You do have to use strategy with this.

I even find it to be a fairly original concept. It's at least been awhile since I've played a game like this. The music is quite good as well. I thought it would be a defense game at first. Well, in a way it was.

This game was decent. While it didn't really have that much uniqueness, it didn't matter. The graphics were freaking amazing in this! I am so glad to have seen them! It wasn't just that, it was how easy it was to understand. I just knew the guy with the colored tie was my victim.

Like most shooting games, I learned how to reload as it went along. The sound effects were quite good, to say nothing of the appropriate music. I didn't understand why a headshot only got you half the points. I would think you'd get more for that. I guess you just want us to shoot more.

Yikes, I was impressed at how big this was! I was a bit irritated by how you didn't know what was coming up. You just had to draw immediately. I am still impressed by how original of a design this was. I don't think you've done a game like this before. I realize he does have fancy pants.

Reminds me of the pony. The music and sounds are quite good. It's fun to knock into snowmen. It's still pretty hard to get medals. I had fun anyway.

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Joined on 9/21/08

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