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I thought this was a pretty decent game. What I especially liked about it was how goofy it could be. The character just looked kind of silly going through those scenarios. What I didn't like was that there didn't seem to be a lot of variety. Then again, it seems like skiing with razor saws going around is hard enough. It was weird, because everything seemed so normal and then those razor saws showed up!

The music is pretty good. It's stuff like this that makes me wish I could go skiing. I used to do it, but I'm digressing, back to the review. I was surprised at how easy it was for me to do a frontflip. You really have to pay attention to those signs.

That was an awesome game! I am surprised that it is not more popular. I guess its biggest downsides are that it's mostly just the same enemies over and over. That still doesn't stop it from being tons of fun as you get to ravage your way through an army of colorful enemies! The blue bombs being dropped were kind of cool, I liked how you didn't have to worry about attacking the people on the ground as much. The music is also great.

I've actually somewhat followed the Apache series throughout the years. It truly is underrated. I really like how you just keep your finger on the button to keep it going, because you're going to need it. In fact, all games like this should have that feature. The sounds are quite authentic, especially with the helicopter blades.

Well, I certainly had fun with this, what little gameplay I could have. First, I had to go over and log in which took awhile and then I managed to get it started, but there was something wrong with the Internet and it wouldn't let me advance! Then I FINALLY got to be in the actual game itself, only to find out there was some glitch that kept me walking left the whole time! At one point, I pretty much gave up and played it like that. I was indeed entertained with what I was able to get. The zombies themselves look great.

It's nice that you have this big world out there with all these guys. It's not that creative, but the graphics are what really makes it memorable. They are as good as ever and do a great job of showing these guys plop done. That aerial view is really the best way to play games like these. Happy season finale of "The Walking Dead" in case anyone's interested.

I think it's great to play a game with medals where the medals are actually working! My only complaint is that you have to start all the way from the beginning to beat the game if you die once! Granted, it's an easy game, but that can still get frustrating. There could have been a lot more work on the graphics, because they weren't that good. At least everyone was presented in a fairly clear cut manner. It's probably the first game I've played with medals that had points and ones that didn't.

The ones without them didn't have descriptions. Whatever weird scenario caused this to happen, it all adds up to a pretty good game. It could have used more detail and shading would make it a lot better, too. It has a fairly cool title at least. It's a very standard stick game that doesn't stand out that much, but still playable.

This reminded me of Minesweeper. And, like Minesweeper, I am fairly bad at it. I guess it's just that it's hard to like a game that depends so much on luck. I imagine someone good at Minesweeper does the same thing, but it's even harder to beat. At least this gave me a much better understanding of that game. The music was alright, it didn't really seem that fitting.

There wasn't that much detail, but there certainly didn't need to be. It is pretty satisfying when you finally manage to beat the level. It looks like you guys are putting a lot of medals on your old games. I don't think I've ever gotten on one of the rope ends of a bomb before. Bigger fans of Minesweeper would like this more.

simplegoogly responds:

I agree. Thanks for the review :)

I thought this was a really cool game. I can't believe there are so many people playing it with all the high scores. It really makes me wonder what I have to do to get a higher score! The sound effects are good, too. This works great as being a spinoff of "Commando 2". I love that game so much, I really wish that the full version was on this website. Well, at least we can enjoy this. What really makes it work are how good the sound effects are.

You get a good sense of being in a war zone fighting people. It's great to know Miniclip is back and putting up new games here! Gee, they're actually selling Yu-Gi-Oh cards in the ads? I guess card games really are serious business. But I'm getting off topic, the graphics are very nice in this one and I like the way the new towers appear on screen.

Well, it's hard not to love this, because it has everything you could want in something like this. I don't go on websites like these often, but it's fun when I do. I even asked how to get medals, but I didn't understand the response. Not much to do now, as I've gotten so far past, it's too much effor to go back. You could have probably put some music in this. It seems silly to make a review at all, because I could just express my thoughts in the game itself. Do you look at all the comments?

It's funny how you get ahead in this game by being a troll. I think, I haven't gotten very far myself. These people really are becoming more active as they go along. I guess I can't ask for a website version of something like this here, because we already have it. There could have been more detail, too.

This was good enough to recommend. I think the strongest point was probably how it was a pretty easy going game. It's a bit too easy, but also too hard at times. It is simply killer to make it over that one jump where you have to go past a wide area and over a small spike area. It would have been better if you could kill the clocks by jumping on them. Of course, we here on Newgrounds have a wide appreciation of clocks, I guess.

The voice seemed to be the same whenever he said, "Ouch". There could have probalby been more detail. I would have liked it more if you had some easier jumps to make. You would be surprised at how frustrating this game can get as there are in fact a fair number of obstacles. It's not that special, but still decent.

Well, I have to give this credit for being extremely complicated! I wish I had a bigger understanding of how to get through everything. It didn't help that you only had a certain number of lives. Trust me, if you had infinite lives, that would still make a very hard game! The best part is probably how everything is so subtle. There isn't much music, simply because you don't need to have music.

I guess the title refers to the player altering reality in some way. Then again, it's hard to understand much of what's in this game. This is one of the few games I've played where you can die from a fall in a place that's visible in the screen. It's a very straightforward game. The "Easy" thing starts you off with different levels.

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