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I guess the title is simply a variant of the word "swing". I wasn't that impressed by this at first. It just seemed like a game where you randomly hit black balls to get ahead. I was pleasantly surprised, however, to find out that it really was a very nicely done game. I get the most pleasure from when I'm able to have so much freedom to hit the black balls. I like the little ping noises they make.

In a game where there isn't a lot of detail, it's the minor stuff that makes it. I thought the music was decent and set the tone pretty well. It's great to see how something so simple can make you have so much fun. It's fun to watch the white ball as it flies around even if you can't control it well. A very nice game.

I thought this was an enjoyable game. What I didn't like was how the graphics weren't that much to be impressed by. Still, it seemed like you were trying to work with an original concept and I appreciate that. I do wish it was more detailed. It's really a lot harder than you think. Seeing as how the design is fairly simplistic, you wouldn't think it would be so hard to do, but it really is. You have to experiment with it a little.

I thought the music was pretty good. What was also cool were the sounds. It was neat how it also flashed different colors. I know that doesn't sound like much, but I think it's the little things that make this game good. It would be nice if the time meter filled up the entire way.

I thought this was a very cute game. It mostly helps that the layout is so adorable. I like the notion that you can summon things simply by typing them. I didn't read the instructions at first, so I didn't have much luck with it. I would recommend putting more detail in the game, because there wasn't that much. It's still very enjoyable, because of how well it works with its simplicity. I think the graphics are good too.

The music is also nice. The dots you send look like cookies somewhat. I am such a good typist, I am very good at this game. Normally, you wouldn't really like a game that's so easy, but for someone who's good at somethings specific like typing, it is. It's funny how the enemy fortress explodes. This is a fairly unique game too.

Wow, I am normally not a fan of point and click adventure games, and I'm sad to say I didn't really enjoy this. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was great to get easy medals. It's just that I'm so used to playing games like this that are much harder and longer. I miss it when the games were harder, believe it or not. I'm not going to say the instructions because you should be able to figure them out yourself. You didn't even lose the game if you made a wrong turn.

The game just wouldn't let you advance until you did the right thing. I suggest you also make the animation better. It just seems like some cheesy cartoon. If you want to get some easy medals, then by all means, play this game. Just try to make it a little more complicated next time, okay?

I wasn't that impressed by this. It's mostly because it just isn't well detailed and you're going through the same area over and over. That being said, I did appreciate it for its simplicity. You didn't seem to want to make anything flashy. The sound effects are pretty good too. I thought it would be impossible for me to pick up one of those green things, but it wasn't that hard. It just gets redundant after awhile.

There could just be better colors used. It's harmless for what it is, just not something that I would really recommend. It is kind of unique in its execution. I have played games like this before, but not ones like this recently. I also wish that you could get rid of the penalty for pausing.

Wow, I had no idea that this game was going to take such a dark turn. He seemed like he was really going to have sex with her, but he ended up killing her. It's even hard to classify this as a game, but you do cover that in the author comments. I'm surprised this doesn't have a higher rating. I guess it doesn't have much to offer in terms of gameplay, but it doesn't need to. Many games are mostly cutscenes anyway.

I liked how the pixellation was used. The atmosphere was so good, with everything being dark and in the rain. If I ever went insane like this, I think something similar would probably happen to me, in terms of emotion. I like how the color struts out when you click things. I guess love makes you do crazy things.

I thought this was a pretty good game. I guess I really shouldn't have skipped past a bunch of the instructions, because I didn't do well with this at all. It was funny, because from the distance it really looked like the zombies were monkeys or dressed up like monkeys or something. I didn't like it how you had trouble aiming at the right target. It did seem like it was just the same enemies over and over. I guess it's a game where you really have to keep fighting from the start.

I guess I would recommend this to bigger fans of zombie games. Of course, I myself am as big a fan of zombie games as I can think of. I did like the music and thought it did a good job of setting the atmosphere. I also liked the way the enemies fell on the ground. Just put more detail and better gameplay into it.

I thought this was a decent game. It makes me think about that new Snow White movie coming out. I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to get the first medal, but I did eventually. What really strikes me as good about this was that you were able to do a lot of stuff by moving around. It did get redundant when you were just defeating the same enemies over and over. The graphics are still very nice.

I could have sworn that I reviewed this before, but I guess I didn't. I am glad the screen gets all dark and stuff when you are losing, because it really shows you have to keep up. I appreciate all the designs of the enemies as they were pretty good. Kicks are generally more effective than punches, BTW. The music was pretty nice, too.

I didn't really care for this game. While it wasn't terrible, there was a big feeling that it appeared to be lacking something. It's just that the graphics did not seem to be well made. Everything was just made of simple lines and stuff. I will say that I like the sound effects. What I also don't like is why you even have those little blue bullets when they never destroy an enemy.

I guess it just comes off as a bit bland that way. I think the bombs are pretty cool weapons, but why not make them the primary weapon? The music isn't bad, it seems to give off a nice technical sense of the game. I just suggest that you put more detail and more creative gameplay into this. At least it's already quite popular.

Well, it looks like this has gotten some popuarlity, but I can't really recommend it. It was mostly just the same thing over and over. It was this guy on his skateboard going around avoiding things. There are just so many games out there, it's hard to view this as being unique. I will admit that the graphics are done pretty well. I would have had more action going on, like being able to do tricks or something.

When it's just one guy doing the same thing, it gets monotonous. I like the way the cones are approaching. This would have been more enjoyable if it was taken from a different perspective. He would be shown from the side, instead of the front. I can always try new things, but this just didn't do it for me.

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