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Wow, I was impressed with how well detailed this game turned out to be. I'm generally not a fan of point and click stuff, but this was really cool. It was mostly because I was able to get a lot further in it than I did in other games. Again, including a walkthrough always helps. It's the kind of game where you just have to click on everything in sight, as anything can help you. The best example of this is the painting room with the robot.

There are four things to gather there. Now if only I knew how to combine and use any of this stuff. I had no idea we were going to actually travel into my subconscious. It's the kind of thing anyone who has gone through psychologial pain (like me) can enjoy. The designs of everything are good.

Wow, I was impressed at how fast paced this game turned out to be! Granted, it's because I didn't understand the powerups I was getting at first. It's still a very addictive game, because you really have no idea how long it's going to go on. You would think that when more dirt was adding to the pile, it would have more health. I looked through the instructions and I couldn't find anything about a shop. I think the most awesome thing about this is how the corpses of the old enemies still remain on the field.

It can be confusing, because I'm not sure if they are active enemies or not. The best way to tell is simply by looking at the red health bars they have. Well, it is a game where you don't have to worry about weakened yourself. I had no idea that I had such a high score of over 300,000! The graphics aren't great, but it's still enjoyable.

I like this game because it's so fun to play. I was at first surprised that this had such a high rating, but was pleasantly surprised to find out it really was great. The best part is probably how the graphics are so good. You would be surprised at how much variety each level has. While it could have been a little more detailed, it's still great to look at. The sounds are nice and authentic too.

There's not much else to say, because it works so well in its simplicity. It's nice to know that people don't need to make stuff that's really flashy to make it enjoyable. It's so satisfying when you get through the rings. It's even funny when the plane crashes into the road! You have a lot of control over everything.

Strange, I could have sworn that I played this game before and I knew how to. I try to do exactly what the instructions tell me to do, but trying to move the bombs with the mouse. Nothing seems to work. The hands on icon appears when I hover over the bombs, but it never allows me to do anything. Is this some glitch in the system? The only thing I can do is click the bombs where they are and they explode.

Other people seem to be having trouble with this too. I can't advance past the original level, so I'm just going to go on a neutral position for this. The artwork could be more detailed. At least you use something cool like bombs. Just try to work on making the gameplay more comprehensible.

Well, this was definitley a fun game if only because of how you were motivated to go on. I'm surprised it wasn't easier, because it was hard! The fifth level is absolute murder for me! The worst part is the big guy at the end as he takes so long to kill. The only thing that kept me going was getting the money to get the upgrades. In fact, the only thing that stopped me was me going a turn without being ABLE to get any upgrades.

The animation/graphics are very nicely done in this. The music is also wonderfully done. I appreciate all the fine details even if the game is uber frustrating. I noticed some of the inmates looked like they had nerd glasses or something. You wouldn't expect them to be that tough.

I thought this was interesting because the graphics were really good. It really looks like a lot of effort was put into making the characters and backgrounds and everything. There's so much stuff to explore. You have to wait for the screen to shine with the parts that you can take pictures of. Thank you of course for including the walkthrough as I am not good at this. I am not good at most point and click games.

Let me help you people here to talk about it as far as I got. Click on the door at the left side. Click on the most downward part of the filing cabinet to get your camera. I'm sad to say I'm pretty much lost after that. Really, all you can do from there is take random pointless pictures, although I guess taking them helps.

Wow, I should have seen that coming with April Fool's Day. I guess everyone really did celebrate it! Now, as for the game itself, it's nice that this is a game where the graphics are good. In case anyone's wondering, you can't move at all until before the timer has gone out or the platform below you will explode. It's great how you took a popular movie and turned it into an April Fool's Day prank. The way I die is also a kunai.

Oh, you know I'm a fan of "Naruto". It kind of makes me wish a legitimate version of this would come out. At least you can still grab that orange bag before you die yet again. I don't know if you even can use any weapons. Well, I guess this was more realistic, as a kunai to the head (new meme?) might instantly kill you.

For a cheesy game, it's really not that bad. I hope you had a great April Fool's Day as this is the first AF related submission I have played here. I don't even remember the original one as being from that time. It's hard to say anything good or bad about this, because it's just intended to be a joke. You did that job pretty well. I do kind of wish there were some jetpacks or something in this like the last day.

I like how you have a lot of control over the dinosaur. He can go from one place to another so easily. Any lesser animator would have been criticized for having everything be capitalized. That reminds me, I didn't go to a single beach during Spring Break. Well, there's plenty of time in the summer!

Wow, I was really impressed at how complicated such a simple looking game could be. It was cool how there really was nice detail in a game with not much on it. I do wish that you could have probably made it more detailed. All in all, it's a game worth playing. I also love the music in this, simply because I think it's so ambitious. It makes you think about the subject material, about looking up at the stars.

It's great to see such creativity. I am probably going to need a walkthrough if I intend to get through this entire game. At least it gives you a lot of time and room to experiment. That's something all good games should have. I'm surprised this isn't more popular as I've seen it other places.

I thought this was a pretty good game, but I had some problems with it. The main problem was that you died immediately if you jumped on one of the blue clouds. I find that annoying. The animation could have been better too. I still have to admit that this is a pretty playable game if only because it has a really cute appeal to it. I like the notion of a sheep jumping through the clouds.

Besides the blue clouds, it's actually fairly easy. My favorite powerup is easily the yellow balloon. You'd be surprised how far you can go with that. The sounds are pretty nice too. It's not a great game, but it's worth checking out.

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