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Wow, I didn't even know how to play this game at first, but I'm sure glad I got to enjoy it more! I liked how all of the environments had a very distinct appearance to them. My only complaint is that the medals are too hard to get. Of course, this game is definitley fun enough to ignore that and have fun with! The music is very atmospheric and gives off a great sense of being in a calm, world. It can certainly soothe you as you go through this hard game.

I find myself becoming better at this game everytime I play it. I could swear that my score goes down a little when I progress in some areas. I've played games like this before, but this one really got me motivated to try harder. I'm not even sure what some of these symbols are supposed to represent anyway. I understand that you get a new element when you eliminate a pair of the older element. Or maybe not, whatever.

Wow, I am glad I was able to get far enough to recieve a medal. I am so glad that I am good at remembering those kinds of games where you memorize which cup the marble went under. What I also found funny was that the girl was just so charming in this. I appreciate you trying to have a nice environment to interact with. You wouldn't normally think someplace with vikings would be like that. It also helps that the graphics are so good.

Everything just looks wonderfully detailed in this. I was so surprised at the sheer number of materials I was able to gather. It's even cute how she yawns if you don't do anything for awhile. The music is also good and sets up a pleasant atmosphere. It's simply a good game every stretch of the way.

Wow, what was weird was that the overall gameplay seemed so simple, but dang, was I wrong! It was extremely difficult to be able to go through everything. In case you're wondering, you have to go high up on the brown thing, so you can immediately press space again when you fall down. Then it came to this weird ball thing. And I thought the time limit was going to be the biggest problem I had! The artwork could have been better.

It would have also been nice if there had been music on the menu. There were so many songs, it seems like there should have been. The instructions were pretty clear. I guess I would recommend this to more competant gamers than me. I did not play the original and this guy looks nothing like a ninja.

Woah, it's been awhile since I've played a game that made it front page from you guys. This is stuff that makes me realize how much I love you guys. It's great to see this big, wide open space where you can destroy everything you want. If there's anything wrong with it, it's that it is difficult to move around. Would it really take more than one shot from a tank to take a guy down? At least the tanks are all wonderfully designed.

It just seems to really create the sensation of being able to go out and destroy everything. I especially love how the sounds are so big and loud. That may seem like an annoyance, but I think it's a great way of showing where you are. It can be difficult with all those guys blasting off at you. The graphics are great too.

Well, I have to appreciate you for having some good old fashioned kill em zombie game here. What I didn't like was that it wasn't that well detailed, and I didn't have much control. Maybe my computer was just lagging or something. The zombies themselves could be better detailed. At least it was fairly easy to understand. There could have also been some more detail with the environment.

I liked how you were in the same location when you advanced to the next level. Those blue zombies were pretty annoying. The sounds were fairly decent, especially with how they really set up the atmosphere. I thought the designs on the menu screen were the best in the whole game. Just brush up on your stuff and you'll go places.

Wow, I really like this game because of the awesome atmosphere. You really get the notion that you're in a truly, strange, dark world. I love how the animation makes it look like it takes place in some olden time with how it looks to be created from an old film. It's kind of annoying how there's only one medal which happens to be a secret one. Still, this is about having fun with the game of course. While not a fan of point 'n click adventure games, this is still quite appealing.

It mostly works because the music is so good contributing to the atmosphere. This makes you appreciate the uniqueness of this world. The colors are very nicely done in this too. All of the little objects are so nicely organized. It's the kind of game you can spend a lot of time on and have fun.

Hyptosis responds:

Thanks for taking the time for the thoughtful feedback. Stay cool man.

This game isn't that good or bad. For the most part, I would probably say it's a good game. The parts where it loses points are how it really doesn't have good graphics. Still, at least the gameplay is decent. You kind of have to click over the animal twice if you want to get it in the thing's grip. I was thinking you did kill those animals when you brought them to your ship, but I didn't get the medal.

The music is fairly decent and gives off a good tone of mysteriousness. Why do aliens like cows so much anyway? Well, milk is so delicious, they probably want to steal our goods that way. It reminded me of the graphics by Armegalo, like his older stuff. Happy animal hunting with your probes!

simplegoogly responds:

Thanks for the review. Bringing the animals to ship doesn't kill them. ;)

Wow, I didn't know this game was going to be so high paced! Congradulations on having so many songs being used, some of the most I've seen in a submission! The graphics and designs are great. What I also love is how there are so many things going on and the characters look silly when they're doing the signs. I never thought it would be that easy to get a secret medal! Here's a way to get far in this game.

You can just press all the arrow keys at once on your keyboard using both hands. You're not going to get good combos with that, but for those of you who aren't good at music, give this a try. It's great that there are so many medals and so many scenarios. The music, is of course, wonderful. The discs representing the songs look smaller now.

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