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I do like the appeal of this game. Happy Pico Day! What I didn't like is that there has to be a glitch. It won't let me go into the rest of the party room without getting a drink, but I got one! It even shows up right there on the top of the screen! I remember games like this.

The music was really good. None of the lockers have anything in them except the green one that's locked. Figures. While not that well detailed, it still worked fine for what it had. I was able to at least look at most of the available rooms.

14hourlunchbreak responds:

You have to drink the drink by clicking on it...

I admit to being quite confused by this. It was just me voting on one thing. I guess there was nothing wrong with that. Hey, I got an easy medal for it! I just thought it would be more complicated. I appreciate the different choices.

I would personally say Hank. I accidentally picked P-Bot, because I didn't understand this at first. I did what I was supposed to at least! Happy Pico Day! Well, I guess I can't really say that because this was actually made a long time before it.

This game was surprisingly decent. Uh, happy Pico Day or early Pico Day? I think the graphics could have been better. I was a bit confused as to what the things all did. Overall, most didn't help. I still praise this game for being inventive. I'm still confused as to how this is spelled.

The sound effects were nice. This was on my mom's birthday! That's coming up really soon now. It was nice to see the little arrows fly around. It just showed organization.

There wasn't that much difficulty in the game, but it's still good. It's mostly because everything is done really nicely with detail. It's so much fun to get new weapons and achievements and stuff. I guess the true challenge was the time limit. It reminds me of a game Tom Fulp made when Harold Camping said the world would end in 2011. And it's 2015 now!

Don't worry, nothing bad really happened because people believed in it. How could it? The sound effects were great. It was fun to see these iconic buildings in one spot. It was even more to take them down!

I didn't care that it was hard to understand. Well, it wasn't, it was just too boring. I wish there could have been more detail. I will still give it credit for being creative. I mean, it's quite an original idea. The music was fairly good.

You needed more than just some gray spots. It didn't add up to much. At least it wasn't too difficult. There are so many better games out there. This is quite forgettable.

This game was pretty intriguing. The best part about it was probably the music. The thing is, it was pretty hard for me to figure it out. Then again, it was just fun in its own right. You had a lot of freedom to do a lot of stuff. It was a really easy going game.

There's just so much space it's hard to get frustrated with it. You can really just play around with it. I didn't advance much, but it was fun. It's more complicated than you would think. It's just a nice little game.

I had no idea this would be a defense game. It was quite good! The best part is how it's so easy to understand. I like the squeals of the rats as I kill them. Dang, that sounds sadistic. It's just really fun to play.

I'm glad there's the "speed up" option. It seems to go pretty slowly on its own. It was interesting to have more complicated enemies. It was also cool to show the enemies health on top. I wasn't expecting only the mages to hit flying enemies.

This game was nice and challenging! I really wasn't expecting it to be so good. Then again, I had no idea what it would be about. I assumed it would just be a game where you dodged stuff. Well, it technically was, but there was so much variety! That's always good in everything.

The music was quite good. In fact, it seemed like this could have been a rhythm game. I guess there are a lot of dodging games. This was just fun. I really did not know what kind of obstacle would show up next.

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