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This was a pretty interesting game. For some reason, I couldn't load the other games. That would have been the best part! It's still a good place to show off your creativity. I was surprised at all the songs used for this. You really didn't need to use that many!

It looked cheap, but that's to be expected here. You really do have a lot of variety of things. It's amazing how complicated it can get. You really just need to let everything be. This can certainly be fun.

I'm sorry, but I could not get into this. I didn't understand its purpose. There are so many Tetris like games that are better. This seemed like you just put them together. It was mostly a game of chance. You couldn't really develop strategy.

You had a bunch of shapes and made them disappear. That's about all there was to this game. I admit it looks kind of nice. I appreciate you using those different symbols. The music wasn't bad.

I was more impressed by this game than I thought. I really had no idea what to expect. I will say that I didn't think it was too well detailed. There could have been better visuals. It's still quite playable. It's mostly because I think this is an original idea.

It's neat to see those little guys go around. It takes awhile to beat. You really have to go fast. It doesn't get too hard too quickly. I think the soft music is quite nice.

I'm sorry, but there was some glitch with this. I reloaded the page, but it never got back to where it was. Still, I could play a little bit of this. I was surprised at how hard this was. I guess it's been awhile since I've played a game like this. The artwork is quite good.

I just thought it would be so easy at first. It seemed like the computer always won. I will at least admit that it's a challenging game. We always need some of those. It isn't something I would recommend, but it isn't terrible either.

I found this game to just be okay. I admit that it wasn't very challenging. Then again, I would have probably hated it if it really was hard. I appreciate all the fine details. I thought this would be a game about Henry VIII's eight wives. You know, like you were a wife trying to kill him.

He only beheaded two of his wives, though. Enough history, back to the game. The graphics and sounds are pretty good. It just doesn't seem like anything that unique. At least you include some information about an important historical figure.

I admit that this was pretty weird. I didn't even realize that I was controlling the other thing at first. I still thought it was playable. It could have been a bit more detailed. I guess a Tetris-like game doesn't need to be like that. The music is pretty good.

I wasn't even sure how I lost at first. I guess I just wasn't paying attention to both sides. It has pretty good colors and it is pretty original. I wouldn't recommend it, but it's a nice try. A pity this hasn't been reviewed in such a long time.

Okay, this really is probably the best dating sim I've ever played. I'm just not into the whole porn thing. I do appreciate how kickass the graphics are! You really know how to create a great atmosphere. It was wonderful to see all these female versions of the characters. It has been awhile since the last game.

It also helps that the music is fantastic. You deserve your Daily Feature. There really are a lot of things to do in this game. I'm glad you have so many options. It was very satisfying.

Moosh responds:

Thank you very much :)

I kinda wish I could make a Sim Date without porn but... expectations, you know?

I thought this game was okay. I really didn't think it was that special. It annoyed me how easy it was for me to die. I still I'm probably being too whiny. I actually do like the graphics. They are fairly creative and I like the design.

It just seemed like a vicious cycle. The more I hit the enemies, the more I took damage. The more I didn't, the more damage the core took. I guess it just isn't for me. I can understand how other people might like it.

Dude, this was freaking amazing! It was just unbelievable how we got to see everyone here! It is the biggest collab I have ever seen in my whole life! Well, at least in terms of the billings on the side. I didn't think it was SamBakZa or Egoraptor who made those. I wish those guys would still make stuff here.

It's impossible to pick a favorite one. Everything is just so gorgeous. You have made me realize the true meaning of Newgrounds. It's about people working together. It really IS everything, by everyone. Thank you wonderful people!

I was very impressed by this game! I know most people didn't like it much, but I did. I just thought it was an original idea. This does seem like the kind of thing that would appear in a Shakespeare video game. At first, I thought this would be a dating sim. I'm glad it wasn't, because I'm not into those kinds of things.

You had fairly good graphics and unique enemies. I'm glad the roses weren't too hidden. It was really the hearts that were the most hidden. It's a nice casual little game. It's certainly the first Shakespeare-themed one I've ever played!

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